display driver
Architecture X64 Auslogiscs
Best regards,
Doniel H.
letters are very thin -hard to read
After optimization the letters on facebook or on internet websites are vey thin and hard to read. How do i return back to previous settings? Its very difficult to read text/comments on web
How do i revert back changes
I have attach a typical page with current letter style. Can it be made more visible ? not bigger just more clear
Thank you
Andreas Y
BoostSpeed wipes out VS2022 install data
Whenever I run the Boostspeed scan it wipes out all indication of my VS2022 installation. After the Boostspped run Visual Stuio VS2022 installer states there is nothing installed. Must restore with backups.
Please advise.
Bonjour , existe-t-il un logiciel (facile) , pour éliminer tous les doublons automatiquement ( sans cocher toutes les cases de tous les doublons ) . Merci , cordialement
suppression des fichiers en double (copies)
Quelle est la marche à suivre ?
merci de votre aide
rendre les textes plus lisibles
Defrag and optomize problems
Fn клавиша на ноутбуке
product key
also Malwarebytes does not allow me in some inches to run the program
optimize put topaz studio into reccle bin
Disk Defrag
è possibile utilizzare Disk Defrag in modo tale che i file di una cartella specifica siano spostati all'inizio del disco? Si tratta di un disco di soli dati VIDEO, senza APP o Sistema operativo.
Vorrei che i nuovi Video scritti fossero sempre copiati nella parte finale del disco mano a mano che questo viene riempito.
Spero di essere stato chiaro e vi ringrazio per la cortesia
Cordiali saluti
Renato Cesaroni
Quick Links in Word and Excel
python .dll error
i am using windows 7 , 64 bit.
SurfShark VPN problem with DNS wire???? with BS and Surfshark .3.0
Not able to install an upgrade for Boostspeed
After completion of the upgrade software, the Help box remains showing my Version as
Application will not recognize Pro version
I have an active license key and discovered today that the app reverted to the free version. I put in my license key and it notes activation to be successful, however still runs as the free version.
To note: I have been unable to access the app itself without having to go into the administrator Windows account, which is a new finding since today as well. Not sure if that's related.
Any help would be great. Thanks.
Green Buttons asking to activate pro version
Making best use of the high system resource usage detected warning
using my shortcut for disk defragmenter pro
windows 10
L Lantveld
it is not possible to activate this application with this key
Gah. Cannot access Report
recovery of duplicate files accidentaly removed
SSD optimization
I am using SSDs optimization for my SSD drive but I found out on the internet and youtube that I should not defragment my SSD, just let window trim does the work. I would like to know if Auslogic do any good for SSD and is it gonna insert extra "write" to my SSD? If it is the case I would rather use Window trim since I saw SSD optimization also do defragment task when I optimize with Auslogic Bootspeed 12
How do I stop getting this particular notification without stopping all notifications?
T. Kinstler
Integrator.exe wird blockiert
"Diese App wurde aus Sicherheitsgründen blockiert.
Ein Administrator hat die Ausführung dieser App blockiert
Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie vom Administrator.
Ich bin selbst der Administrator meines Systems, sehe aber keine Möglichkeit, den Fehler zu beheben.
Bitte helfen Sie mir.
optimize put topaz studio into reccle bin
ripristino funzionamento IRDA
per un breve periodo con windows 10 ha funzionato l'IRDA (infrarosso) che uso per scaricare i dati di un vecchio cardiofrequenzimetro dopo un aggiornamento l'IRDA non ha più funzionato e nonostante le ricerche su internet per la risoluzione del problema e l'applicazione dei parametri consigliati sempre su internet la mia pennetta IRDA non funziona. Sapete, per cortesia, indicarmi un modo per ripristinare il funzionamento dell'IRDA?.
Ringrazio per la gentile attenzione bisegna tonino
Register errors
Boostspeed lost Pro licence
If I close the program completely and try to re-run I get a message saying that the administrator is blocking me via integrator.exe,
however I am the administrator.
Hope you can help.