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블루스택 튕김현상
제가 블루스택으로 마블 퓨쳐파이트 라는 게임을 하고 있습니다.
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잠깐 찾아보기엔 렉 유발 되는거처럼 성능을 좀 요구하는 게임이 그럴 수 있다고 하는 거 같긴합니다.
Why Itunes Backup Files Deleting?
Interfearing with VPN
Whenever my VPN connects to the internet, the Auslogics Bootspeed notifies, an attempt to change the DNS was diplayed. Well if I connect via VPN it will change the DNS. My question is does your softwere blocks the attempted change of DNS or it's only a notification. If it blocks then how do I dissable it as I want my VPN more than your software.
Thank you,
програма блокируется антивирусом
BoostSpeed 12 програма блокируется антивирусом McAfee life Safe
Прорамиа Auslogics BoostSpeed 11 Pro работает.
ОС: Windows 10 . Версия 1703 Сблорка ОС 15063.1382
Using Dedicated Graphics Card
I've got a problem with switching to my dedicated graphics card. For some reason games like CS:GO tend to run on integrated graphics. I've tried everything such as going to Nvidia Contol Panel and choosing cs:go, and setting it on my Nvidia card. When I go to Graphics settings and choose CS:GO it says Intel(R) HD Graphics 3000 for Power Saving and High Performance (which it shouldn't be like this) . I've installed the latest version of my Nvidia Card ( which is 391.35). The only way I can use my Nvidia Graphics for CS:GO is that I have to disable Intel(R) HD Graphics 3000 in Device Manager (which then I'm limited to 60HZ and can't change color settings)
I'm using an Asus Laptop( Asus K53SV)
Here is some information about the hardware that I'm using:
Geforce GT 540M
Intel(R) HD Graphics 3000
I hope you guys can help me with this and have a good day :)
Pro Version
Registry Cleaner 9 ¿Es similar al antiguo Pc Tools Registry Mechanic?
Mi pregunta es ¿Qué diferencia hay con Registry Cleaner 9 a lado del antiguo Pc Tools Registry Mechanic? Comprendo que la aplicación Registry Mechanic tiene seis años que se descontinuó, pero me gustaría saber si Registry Cleaner 9 tiene algoritmos parecidos o diferentes a los que usaba el Registry Mechanic al momento de escanear y de limpiar el registro, o si Registry Cleaner 9 fue creado desde cero. Simplemente para resolver esta duda que tengo.
Agradezco de su tiempo y saludos.
Spam website on startup
I am having catastrophic failure 0x8000ffff and error 0x0000022
I changed my account type from administrator to standard and i couldnt access most of my subscritions like Microsoft packages
game crash
Discord failed installation
hello there, im facing a problem with installing discord, says something about checking the setup logs or something to contact author. i watched your video on how to fix that problem and tried both methods but they dont work. Is there anyway i can get help? Thank you. Btw i just put access because there was no discord subcategory, the problem isnt with access its with discord.
Fences Requires Reentry of Product Code Everytime BoostSpeed Runs
I have had Fences for many years. When BoostSpeed runs its weekly maintenance, I must re-enter the Fences Product Key to re-register the product. I do this and Fences works fine again.
This problem occurred several years ago and you provided a fix where BoostSpeed does not delete/address a file required for Fences related to the product key.
Would you please re-send those instructions if that would resolve the issue or advise other solutions to resolve?
Thank you,
Rich Sullivan
que es lo que se deve hacer.
All my products are not working
I have been getting eroor message of a catastrific failure on all of my products, this not good.
Morris Brown
How to 100% Improve This Software
These are the feutures i would like you guys to add to your'e program to make it 100x usefull and better
add settings for auto ram cleaner (Can adjust when to clean ram automatically)
add HyperBoost which 'Avira System Speedup' Uses To Extend System startup
Add Best antivirus Engine
Add Anti Fragmentation And Cpu Cores Unlocker And More like (system mechanic)
Add 1 Click Maximum Pc Boosting Like (Pgware Game Boost)
Add turbo booster and game booster for pc's with High cpu usage or high ram usage.
add Performance Monitor,
please add Password generator for the software that generates random password for people who is tryna create password
There Are Optimizations That can Happen Using Commands or Registry for Computer Which optimizes windows registry by changing it's settings and optimizes hard drive responsiveness could you guys add those in your software? make a category called (Optimize Settings) for Full system scan and add those optimizations to them
Thank you.
Auslogics Scheduler erroring out.
Errors out with the attatched error message System error occured in task scheduler error 0x80070002
The system could not find file specified.
Disabled antivirus to no avail. Please advise
Is there something stopping me from changing Windows Installer from manual?
HP Smart will not install correctly and HP Support says an antivirus or other control program has changed the settings and locked it so outside individuals can not install software on my system?
I need this issue resolved or I will be requesting a refund.
itunes library
product key
also Malwarebytes does not allow me in some inches to run the program
Why Itunes Backup Files Deleting?
Activating Software Problem
I have now come to the end of my tether with this piece of software. I have been sent a Registration Code because the software I purchased on the 14 Dec 2021 keeps on asking me to Activate Pro Version. I removed the programme from my computer and started afresh. The programme dowloaded and the after putting in my Licence Key it advised me that the programme was registered. However, there is white writing on a green backgroumd in the bottom right hand corner stating: Activate Pro Version (when pressed advises what you get with the Pro version - which I have already purchased!) I have added this as an attachement on an MS Word doc.
Carl Bruce
Integrator.Exe wird von Windows geblockt
"auf einmal" ist BoostSpeed nicht mehr registriert (keine Pro-Version mehr).
Wenn ich den Registrieren-Dialog ausfülle mit meinem Linzenzschlüssel, erscheint zwar die Meldung das BoostSpeed registriert wäre, der Button unten rechts verschwindet nicht.
Daraufhin dachte ich, ein Neustart von BS würde das schon beheben, allerdings erscheint dann die Meldung, dass die App aus Sicherheitsgründen blockiert wurde (siehe Anhang).
Wie bekomme ich mein Boostspeed wieder voll registriert?
P. Kaatz
ярлык гугл профиля
Как можно этим управлять? Сколько можно создать таких профилей и как можно создать такой профиль осознано если мне это нужно?
С уважением к Вам,
Алексей Соломкин.
Hello. I don't know how it happened, but when creating a new profile in Google Chrome, the program, as I understand it, fixed its anonymity and security system in this profile, because the shortcut of the Google profile on the taskbar was the same as the shortcut of the program itself.
How can this be managed? How many such profiles can be created and how can I create such a profile consciously if I need it?
Best regards to you,
Alexey Solomkin.
problem with auslogics
Предпросмотр вложенных в сообщение файлов Excel и Word
Добрый день!
Скажите, пожалуйста, что нужно сделать, чтобы в окне сообщения отображался предпросмотр вложенного в сообщение файла программ MS Office в форматах Excel и Word (в то же время предпросмотр вложенных в сообщения файлов в формате .pdf отображается нормально)? Я пробовал разные варианты, которые рекомендуются в интернет - ничего не помогает.
Похожая проблема с невозможностью отображения предпросмотра файлов Excwl в проводнике, в то время как файлы других форматов (кроме Excel) отображаются.
Смотри приложенные скриншоты.
Это взаимосвязанные проблемы (отображение предпросмотра файлов в Outlook и проводнике)?
Что нужно сделать, чтобы решить эти проблемы? Прежде всего нужно решить проблему в Outlook.