410 questions

installing on more than one device

Can I uninstall my licence from one desktop and then re-install on a laptop?
Jun 07, 2021 at 08:29 PM

Auslogics BoostSpeed 12 после проверки сисстемы блокирует и выпиливает AdGuard из сисстемы

Доброго времени суток. Уважаемые разработчики, я давно пользуюсь вашими программами, в том числе и Auslogics BoostSpeed. За последнее время я пользовалась Auslogics BoostSpeed 10 и всегда всё было без сбоев. 23 мая 2021 года я решила приобрести Auslogics BoostSpeed 12. С установкой программы не было проблем. Но после сканирования и выполнения оптимизации устройства у меня перестал работать AdGuard и не просто перестал, я его не могу даже переустановить. Пришлось мне переустанавливать всю сисстему заново. До этого проблем с AdGuard не было у Auslogics BoostSpeed 10. Мне бы не хотелось удалять Auslogics BoostSpeed 12 и возвращать свои средства. Помогите разобраться, что нужно сделать, что бы Auslogics BoostSpeed 12 не выпиливал и блокировал AdGuard из моей сисстемы, т.к. я давно пользуюсь этим программным обеспечением и он меня полностью устраивает (лицензия оплачена). Я бы понимала, если бы он выпиливал, но сам заменял функции AdGuard, но после выпиливания данной программы я полностью остаюсь не с защищенным интернетом и с кучей не нужной мне рекламы. Как вы понимаете меня это не устраивает совсем. Очень надеюсь на помощь в отладке вашей программы с программой AdGuard. В противном случае мне придется откатить Auslogics BoostSpeed 12 до Auslogics BoostSpeed 10 и вернуть потраченные средства. Но еще раз повторяю, я не хочу этого делать, а хочу полностью разобраться в данном конфликте программю Так обе эти программы мне нравятся.
May 24, 2021 at 05:57 AM

죄송합니다. 하드웨어 질문 가능할까여?

램 점유율이 너무 높아서 질문 드립니다.
사진에 나온거 해봐야 인터넷 창 3개에 녹스 블루스택 1개씩 만 켜져 있는데

16기가 램이 저렇게 사용량이 나오는데 맞나요?

커밋됨 캐시됨이 높아서 이게 맞나 싶기도 합니다

해결법이나 이유를 알 수 있을까요?

May 23, 2021 at 09:50 AM

블루스택 튕김현상

제가 블루스택으로 마블 퓨쳐파이트 라는 게임을 하고 있습니다.
하지만 자동사냥을 돌리면 중간에 딱 멈추고 화면을 클릭하면 바로 튕기고 게임이 꺼집니다.
해결 방법이 있나요?
잠깐 찾아보기엔 렉 유발 되는거처럼 성능을 좀 요구하는 게임이 그럴 수 있다고 하는 거 같긴합니다.
May 23, 2021 at 09:46 AM

Why Itunes Backup Files Deleting?

I guess Itnues backup file deleted with software traces in protect menu. Please check this problem.
May 05, 2021 at 06:57 PM

not letting me login

"Something went wrong. Your account might not have been added."
Apr 20, 2021 at 10:54 PM


Apr 19, 2021 at 11:52 PM


I received a high-use resource message that one program was using a significant amount of memory resources, and it was identified as TaskManager.exe. Should I and is there a way to shut this down?
Feb 13, 2021 at 08:23 PM

Interfearing with VPN

Whenever my VPN connects to the internet, the Auslogics Bootspeed notifies, an attempt to change the DNS was diplayed. Well if I connect via VPN it will change the DNS. My question is does your softwere blocks the attempted change of DNS or it's only a notification. If it blocks then how do I dissable it as I want my VPN more than your software.

Thank you,
Feb 13, 2021 at 11:11 AM


Добрый день! NOD 32 постоянно принимает вашу программу за вирус. Когда включаешь очистить, то он ее удаляет. Что с этим делать?
Feb 08, 2021 at 12:20 PM


КОД ошибки 0х80070005 - блокирует открытие справки, практически всю настройку компьютера в панели управления,в загрузке. Не знаю как избавиться от этой ошибки.Если возможно,помогите.
Feb 07, 2021 at 08:33 AM

Плохой пинг

Привет, если сможите, помогите пж. Плохой пинг во всех инет играх
Feb 04, 2021 at 06:22 PM

програма блокируется антивирусом

При установке Auslogics
BoostSpeed 12 програма блокируется антивирусом McAfee life Safe
Прорамиа Auslogics BoostSpeed 11 Pro работает.
ОС: Windows 10 . Версия 1703 Сблорка ОС 15063.1382
Jan 20, 2021 at 06:23 PM

Заблокировал утиллиту Disc Doctor

Приветствую! Как мне выйти из положения?
Jan 17, 2021 at 10:10 AM

сбои на ПК

некоторые игры не запускаются или показывают ошибка приложения
Jan 11, 2021 at 10:00 AM

Using Dedicated Graphics Card

Hello there,
I've got a problem with switching to my dedicated graphics card. For some reason games like CS:GO tend to run on integrated graphics. I've tried everything such as going to Nvidia Contol Panel and choosing cs:go, and setting it on my Nvidia card. When I go to Graphics settings and choose CS:GO it says Intel(R) HD Graphics 3000 for Power Saving and High Performance (which it shouldn't be like this) . I've installed the latest version of my Nvidia Card ( which is 391.35). The only way I can use my Nvidia Graphics for CS:GO is that I have to disable Intel(R) HD Graphics 3000 in Device Manager (which then I'm limited to 60HZ and can't change color settings)
I'm using an Asus Laptop( Asus K53SV)
Here is some information about the hardware that I'm using:
Geforce GT 540M
Intel(R) HD Graphics 3000

I hope you guys can help me with this and have a good day :)

Dec 28, 2020 at 11:45 AM

Pro Version

Considering the trial version does the job of speeding up my computer, what is the cost of the Pro Version?
Dec 22, 2020 at 02:05 AM

Registry Cleaner 9 ¿Es similar al antiguo Pc Tools Registry Mechanic?

Adquirí su producto hace poco y me ha agradado en la forma que funciona y los resultados que me ha brindado al limpiar el registro.

Mi pregunta es ¿Qué diferencia hay con Registry Cleaner 9 a lado del antiguo Pc Tools Registry Mechanic? Comprendo que la aplicación Registry Mechanic tiene seis años que se descontinuó, pero me gustaría saber si Registry Cleaner 9 tiene algoritmos parecidos o diferentes a los que usaba el Registry Mechanic al momento de escanear y de limpiar el registro, o si Registry Cleaner 9 fue creado desde cero. Simplemente para resolver esta duda que tengo.

Agradezco de su tiempo y saludos.
Dec 17, 2020 at 03:00 AM

Spam website on startup

when ever I reboot or power on my laptop, my google chrome(default brower) just pops up automatically showing me random websites advertisement.
Oct 01, 2020 at 11:51 AM

I am having catastrophic failure 0x8000ffff and error 0x0000022

I changed my account type from administrator to standard and i couldnt access most of my subscritions like Microsoft packages

Sep 22, 2020 at 09:33 PM


Aug 29, 2023 at 01:52 PM

installation logiciel

Bonjour, je n'arrive pas à installer un Logiciel , j'ai une erreur 1720 de windows installer
Oct 07, 2023 at 07:43 AM

Auslogics Driver Updater should I cancel or wait for installation to finish?

I am trying to update my Nvidia GeForce GTX 960 driver via Auslogics Driver Updater and it's taking a very long time to install. I began the process yesterday (29/03/24) at around 7pm and expected it to take a long time to back-up the old driver setting and then download the new driver. I've come back to my computer at 30/03/24 at 1pm and it is still installing.

Should I continue to wait (and if so, for how long) or should I cancel the installation and rollback to the older driver?

I have changed my power setting to High without any permission to go to sleep so the PC has not gone into sleep mode mid-process. I have also shut down most non-critical background processes (Steam, OneDrive, etc) to let Auslogics Driver Updater have as much CPU / RAM as needed.

Thank you
Mar 30, 2024 at 12:04 PM

How to avoid file delete problems in Lightroom Classic

Lightroom creates catalog images and movg es file around as you manage the catalog and/or import files from various devices or drives. How can I avoid LR catalog issues when using Aslogics software?
Sep 29, 2023 at 07:42 PM

Clean Mail Junk Folder

Can you automatically clean junk folder within a day of junk mail receipt
Nov 17, 2023 at 06:49 AM

Saved on PC Email

A long time ago I had AOL (not Gold) & I couldn't transfer the Saved on PC mail to Gold. My Question is: Can your File Recovery Software recover that mail from my hard drive?
Oct 04, 2023 at 05:55 PM


Bonjour !!

J'ai installé CCLEANER mais crains qu'il détruise des fichiers considérés comme étant des virus mais qui n'en sont pas comme par exemple "setup.exe". Windows Defender a complètement détruits des fichiers qui n'étaient en aucun cas des virus. Je n'ai pas réussi à les récupérer.

Dois-je craindre la même chose avec CCLEANER ?

Je vous remercie d'avance pour la réponse que vous voudrez bien me donner ...


Sep 02, 2023 at 07:49 AM

Drivers update

The drivers updater is included in Auslogics Boostspeed or is a sparately software?
Nov 22, 2023 at 07:56 PM

Не работает веб-камера

После последней настройки, с помощью вашей программы у меня перестала работать веб-камера и микрофон в программе Zoom. Микрофон удалось включить путем рекомендации от Zoom разрешения доступа приложениям к микрофону. Но решения с включением веб-камеры нету. Как решить проблему?
Oct 15, 2023 at 07:22 AM


Sep 27, 2023 at 11:29 AM


Hi, sorry for my poor Englsh... I started reg clean in auslogic but it made some changes in my pc that I did not like. How can I make a recovery?
Jan 08, 2024 at 10:40 PM


i have updated the first driver in the list of drivers to be updated many times, why does it continue to on the list.
i update drivers 2 or 3 times a day but the list doesn't get any shorter,why.
Dec 27, 2023 at 12:18 PM

credit cards

how do i safely remove any credit card details on my PC using auslogics
Jan 05, 2024 at 03:58 PM

The version of AMD software is no compatible with your current installed AMD graphics driver.

I have downloaded and installed the latest version of AMD Software Adrenaline Edition 24.1.1 and it worked just fine.

But after the first reboot, all games stopped working and, when I tried to check AMD Software Adrenalin Edition, it says the software is not compatible with the driver.

Then, I have tried the AMD Software Compatibility Tool, that says everything is OK.

After a few uninstalls - with Revo Uninstaller total cleaning - and reinstalls, I'm still trapped in this loop.

So I'm contacting you guys to see if you can help me in this quest.

Thanks in advance.
Feb 06, 2024 at 04:06 PM

Maintaining Boostspeed

The latest version appears to be Do you intend to maintain this product? as rapidly as things are changing it appears this product is not going to keep up.
Feb 20, 2024 at 08:38 PM

Change DNS

I am getting the message: 'Attempt to change DNS detected' Adapter: 'Wintun userspace tunnel #223'
How do I deal with this? There is a 'settings' bar but it does nothing when I click on it.
Thank you,
Geoff Parsons
Dec 28, 2023 at 02:24 AM

Auslogics BoostSpeed が上手く使えません


Cubase and low DSP, ISR latency

I would like to choose best performance and kick off unnecessary apps and perform tweaks
to have best available DPC latency on my computer in order to make music production.
I have applied BootSpeed tweaks, also affinity for my NVidia GPU, uninstall unneeded apps, disable my intel speedstep, choose power plan to make high performance (disable sleeping for devices), I have updated win11, I disabled unused features such as bluetooth, fax and unneeded devices, disabled HPET etc., hw connected as possible - ports verified, more in detail, sfc and dism- processed, ok results, I provide also those steps and my configuration for your opinion on this in order to recommend me additional steps, or what to do more for best possible result in my configuration
I understand, that its a lot of information at once, I just spent time to get this information and collect and I can send my current configuration in order too.

In general, I have question related to DPC latency once I am able to go around 100 microsecs., but not less - the way is, that I have 20-50 microsecs and after some time I go to around 100 (highest dpc exec.time)
I also monitored performance and got ntoskrnl and dxgkrnl/nvlddmkm and ndis with a bit higher numbers caused this.
Focused on drivers, updated and measured, not sure, how to process with better configuration still - I have disabled sleep modes and disable ipv6 etc.
I use 128/256 samples with 24bit/48000Hz for my audio configuration, the same in audio card, same in my Cubase projects and I disabled internal audio card onboarded.

Any your suggestions, where to focus, those are very appreciated to get best performance possibilities for my music production mode.

Thank you in advance
Kind Regards,
Feb 04, 2024 at 04:54 PM

enregistrement de la clé

Bonjour, je n'arrive pas à enregistrer la clé, à chaque fois et tant de fois le logiciel me demande enregistrer la clé activer la version pro.
Dec 08, 2023 at 12:54 AM

Recovering Deleted Files

How do I recover my delted One Drive files that were deleted when I upograded to Pro Vestion 13
Dec 18, 2023 at 10:08 PM