10 questions
How to uninstall and reinstall Edge
Edge is not working. Tried to repair it through Settings but still won't work. How do I uninstall it and then re-install?
Windows News Widget in the Taskbar
I have recently removed MS Edge from my PC because I have found it so intrusive, changing settings and software useage etc. But now my Taskbar MS news widget displays headlines and pix but will not show the news in detail when clicked on. Previouslt it complained it couldn't find Edge, now it just does nothing. How do I set the widget to use my current browser. I am proficient in tweaking the registry but have resisted that so far. Thanks.
Pourquoi chaque fois que j'ouvre edge le language est le thai au lieu du francais. pourtant mes options de language pour edge sont le francais. ?
Pourquoi chaque fois que j'ouvre edge le language est le thai au lieu du francais. pourtant mes options de language pour edge sont le francais. ?
keep losing saved tabs
Hi. For both Microsoft Edge and Google browsers whenever I run Boostspeed after that the tabs i spent hours setting up all disappera and its like the first time running the browser. That used to happen with Firefox browser but not anymore and I have no idea why that one works ok. Is there a way to set up Boostspeed so it NEVER deletes exsiting tabs. I run multiple businesses and have tabs for all suppliers opened and easy to access. I like Auslogics products but why are they set by default to wipe our existing saved tabs and how do I prevent that? Version of browser does not seem to matter. Is there a way I can save tab structure on a browser in case this happens and recover it? Thanks - Brad Fry
Protect Doesn't Recognise MS Edge
It was working for a while on Bostspeed 10, but then it stopped working. I upgraded to Boostspeed 11 because there was no support for BS10 after BS11 came out.
BoostSpeed 11 still doesn't appear to recognise Microsoft Edge
How can I get rid of the edge browser starting up every time I click on Auslogics programs. I use google chrome and I will prefer that one in the future..?
Edge Chromium
I have the new Microsoft Edge Chromium browser. Boostspeed does not recognize this browser. It will only clean Internet Explorer and the original Microsoft Edge browser. Is there an update coming with Boostspeed that will include this new browser? If so, when?