944 questions


My phsical memory is 16 GB. I want when I play games program use phsical memory as much as possible. How can I set size of pagefiles just right?
Jan 26, 2025 at 02:12 PM


Windows 11 Home(64ビット版)環境で、バージョン23H2から24H2にアップグレードしましたが、

Jan 26, 2025 at 12:22 AM

Managed by your organization

My location setting has been disabled (turned off) and is greyed out so I cannot turn it back on. I now see a message indicating that my computer is "Managed by your organization" but this is my personal computer. I actually have 2 computers and this message appears on both computers along with the same restrictions to my settings.
Can you advise how I can regain the administrative control of my PCs and eliminate "Managed by your organization"?
Jan 14, 2025 at 05:18 PM

Windows Desktop

After running features in boost speed, I have a flie folder that will not stay deleted from my home screen.

The screen also loses the background image from time to time.

I do nave an Nvidia GEFORCE RTX video card, but that was never an issue prior to running the product. Most of the time video runs off of the motherboard.

Can you help me to correct these issues?
Jan 13, 2025 at 11:00 PM

Changer de DNS

Auslogics m'empêche de changer de DNS, comment donner l'autorisation s'il vous plaît ?
Jan 08, 2025 at 08:47 AM


Buona sera
A cominciare dagli aggiornamenti. Quando è disponibile una nuova versione (attualmente JRIVER33) ricevo un messaggio via e-mail con allegato dal titolo Media Center33 Master-605914.mjr
Ora questo maledetto file mjr non lo conosce e non lo riconosce nessun sito di aiuto all'utente.
Ho scritto vari messaggi al SERVIZIO DI ASSISTENZA di Media Center, negli USA, ma purtroppo la risposta è sempre la stessa: Il nostro sistema utilizza per maggiore protezione solo questo tipo di file mjr."
Ho visitato decine di siti nel web per trovarne almeno uno, in lingua italiana, che documentasse le procedure di installazione e aggiornamento del programma JRIVER. Nessun risultato.
Per questi motivi ho deciso di utilizzare la Vostra potente risorsa. Per risolvere questo piccolo-grande problema.
Ringrazio per l'attenzione e resto in attesa di decisivo riscontro.
Giancarlo Perani
Jan 06, 2025 at 06:45 PM

Нерабочие функции "Увеличить яркость", "Уменьшить яркость" и "Ночной свет",


У меня ноутбук ASUS TUF Gaming F17

После установки Windows 11 были рабочие функции "Увеличить яркость", "Уменьшить яркость" и "Ночной свет", который автоматически уменьшал яркость экрана для комфорта глаз.

1) Через некоторое время функция "Увеличить яркость" и "Уменьшить яркость" просто пропала и её нет в настройках как показано на скриншоте. Она была над функцией "Ночной свет".

2) Функция "Ночной свет" просто не работает, видно на скриншоте, что ползунок в режиме ON, а яркость экрана не меняется

В чём проблема и как вернуть эти функции в рабочее состояние?

Восстановление системы на момент установки Windows невозможно, т.к. нет точки восстановления на тот период.
Jan 06, 2025 at 04:08 PM

Delete all script typed into google search.

When I type something into incognito window,how do remove it so it can never appear again?
Dec 31, 2024 at 04:05 PM


how do i connect to bluetooth unit?
Dec 30, 2024 at 12:03 AM

Edge permissions

I use Windows 11 and Edge is my default browser. I love Microsoft Edge but can't understand why every time I start my computer, Windows asks me twice to give permission for it to use Edge, and then later when I go to use Edge it asks me again.
Given that Microsoft has created both the software that runs my computer and also Microsoft Edge, I speculate it should be possible to avoid such an unecessary procedure. Will you please tell me how to do this? Thanks.
Dec 26, 2024 at 04:54 PM

WinSXS via Auslogics Windows Slimmer

I wanted to know why, when I clean the WinSXS folder via Auslogics Windows Slimmer, I always have "1 ignored item" at the end, for a size exceeding 1.3 GB. In addition, I cannot see the item concerned. This problem occurs both with the PRO version of Windows Slimmer and with the free version.
I also wanted to know how to delete it. I have already tried via CMD DISM, and DISM++, but CMD remains stuck at 70%, and DISM++ only deletes 200 MB.
Thanks in advance for your answer.
Dec 21, 2024 at 01:44 PM

windows 11 24h2

is Windows 11 24H2 compatible to BoostSpeed?
Dec 15, 2024 at 02:24 PM

очистка системы

как очистить место на системном диске
Dec 08, 2024 at 10:47 AM


Hello, my computer is not that powerful, ideapad 3i, sometimes the memory and processing gets saturated, I would like to know if in boostspeed there is a function to press a button and optimize the RAM memory of windows. Thank you
Dec 04, 2024 at 01:40 PM

copy paste stops working in files and docs

copy paste stops working in files and docs.
Dec 03, 2024 at 10:00 AM

Direct X won't install or go away

HI there, would love a solution for this window that keeps popping up and won't stop. I've clicked "Install" , "Cancel", have closed it and it just keep coming back non stop. please help!!!
Nov 28, 2024 at 02:57 PM


подскажите пожалуйста как с помощью вашей программы почистить реестр?
Nov 25, 2024 at 07:11 PM

USB Logitech G213 Keyboard and G203 Mouse will not connect and operate.

Windows 11 will not recognize and allow either of these two really nice, brand new, input devices to operate in the windows environment.

I've used the Auslogics Driver Updated version 2 to make sure all the drivers were current and operational.

I'm running a MSI Rader GE76 12UE 871, with 64 GB Ram, and 3 TB of SSD storage. I've also verified with the MSI Support site that I'm running the latest version of BIOS.

Everything else seems to run just fine.

I can utilize any BT keyboard and mouse without issue.

When I boot the system into BIOS setup, the USB G203 mouse works just fine and allow me to make any selections that I might need. I've also taken both devices to my wife's laptop and they both work just fine there as well so I'm fairly positive there is some setting in the windows environment that has become corrupted and will not allow me to uise these nice devices.
Nov 23, 2024 at 08:45 PM

Velocizzare apertura file cartelle e foto

le cartelle, i file ed in particolare le foto si aprono molto lentamente. come posso velocizzarle ?
Nov 23, 2024 at 03:09 PM

System Events Notification Service

I have been trying to fix an issue for 60 days now and I decided to purchase your software. At this time, I hope that I have purchased the correct program? My issue occurred when I decided to switch from Panda Dome anti-virus to Bitdefender (BD). During the installation, I got a prompt that stated for me to remove my Malwarebytes AV, which I did. However, BD gave me no notice about my Hitman Pro.Alert AV program. After I had installed BD, a few day later, (SEP 24), I ran a Hitman Pro.Alert scan. It found one item, a suspicous ".dll file" and asked if I wanted to quarantine or delete? To keep this short, I used the quarantine option, because if there were any issues, I could just remove the quarantine. Well, yes, there were immediate problems. My tool bar display changed and I found out quickly that I could not move pictures or files from (for example) Downloads to My Documents. It also affected my ability to use my graphic art software, such as COREL. There's a lot more to this and I am very disappointed with Sophos, who bought the rights to Hitman Pro and Hitman Pro.Alert. Bottom line, I was not able to restore this "quarantined .dll file."

After realizing this, I went to my system restore, to restore my computer, but I was stunned to see that there was only one option, and that was for the SEP 24 date. I had no idea if this date (and time) was before or after the incident. When I tried to restore, I ended up getting a prompt stating that the restore failed. When I went back to the system restore page, the SEP 24 date was gone. So at this point, I knew I was in trouble. I know more that the average person about Windows Operating Systems and I did a lot of research trying to fix this problem which I feel is in the System Events Notification Service. At one point. I had gone into the HKEY system for the System Events Notification Service and changed a "2" to a "1" so as to enable the service. When I restarted, my tool bar was restored and I could move files again, but my tool bar had went to a default icon setting and my speaker volume icon was now hidden. Later, I restarted my WIN 7 Pro HP tower and all the former issues reappeared. What upsets me is that I normally would have taken a screenshot of the file name, but in this case I didn't, because I thought that I would be able to restore the file.

So I just ran your Registry Cleaner and I do not think that I have the correct software that you offer? Is RC10, just a cleaner? Your ad made it seem like it fixed corrupt OS files. Please let me know if RC10 is capable of finding and restoring dll files in my WIN 7 OS. If not, then I am going to contact PayPal and request a refund. If Auslogics has a different software for recovering/repairing dll files, then I will purchase it. About two weeks ago, I purchased a software program due to how it was advertised, only to find out that it only restored "non OS" files and documents. That is not what I was wanting. I need a software program for restoring/repairing OS files.
Nov 16, 2024 at 09:06 PM
Page loader