35 questions

Managed by your organization

My location setting has been disabled (turned off) and is greyed out so I cannot turn it back on. I now see a message indicating that my computer is "Managed by your organization" but this is my personal computer. I actually have 2 computers and this message appears on both computers along with the same restrictions to my settings.
Can you advise how I can regain the administrative control of my PCs and eliminate "Managed by your organization"?
Jan 14, 2025 at 05:18 PM


Can this tool set "Windows taskbar weather/news/interests"? Visible or invisible
Oct 12, 2024 at 08:39 AM


I am having issues with windows 11 pro not going to sleep (even with settings for it set), it takes me 2 times selecting the sleep button for it to enter sleep mode. I have it set to sleep after 20 minutes of inactivity but with no avail.
Jan 08, 2024 at 05:55 PM


Smart Card Device Enumeration Serviceが「停止中…」と表示され、ICカードリーダー使用できない。ICカードリーダー自体はデバイスマネージャーで「CIR215 PICC」と表示され、「正常に動作しています」の状態です。コマンドラインからtaskkillで強制終了して再実行をしても、すぐに停止中でフリーズしてしまいます。
Dec 23, 2023 at 06:51 AM

Auligistics Boost Seem to Be Deleting Windows Files

Auligistics Boost Seem to Be Deleting Windows Files, For Example my Searchhost DLL got deleted, stopping aall my searches
Jun 09, 2023 at 10:03 AM

Moving the $HOME$ Folder to amother drive

1. I regularily reinstall my system and need to move the system directories to another location.
2. I have an application that is looking to install a directory on the $HOME$ directory - currently this is on my C Drive and I need to move it to the D Drive.

I am looking for a script that will change the $HOME$ folder to the D Drive.

Please an you help I currently use windows 10 but will eventually be upgrading to windows 11
Jan 30, 2023 at 10:38 AM

установка более поздней виндоуз

Можно ли безболезненно, т.е. сохраняя все имеющиеся файлы документов, установить вместо 7-й версии более позднюю? Если да, то какая наиболее надежная?
Jan 09, 2023 at 05:23 PM

Windows 11, PC Sleeps when it shouldn't

My W11 (Home edition) desktop PC has the following settings

'Power mode' set to 'Best performance' and

'When plugged in, put my device to sleep after' set to 'Never'.

Despite this, the PC goes to sleep after a few minutes of being idle, which in turn kills RDP sessions which I do not want to happen.

There must be other settings somewhere which are overriding the 'Never' setting. Please help me understand what they are and how to change them.

Thank you and best regards
Phil Parkin
Dec 17, 2022 at 12:02 PM

Re-enable the Windows key on the keyboard

How do I Re-enable the Windows key on the keyboard. Something in Boostspeed disabled it.
Nov 14, 2022 at 05:14 PM

HP x2 210 G2 Detachable PC - Specifications


My other device has ATOM x5 8350 / 2Gb Ram / 32 GB SSD

Running WIndows Home

Is there a list of windows services that I can disable in order to get it as lean and functional as possible?

I bought it used and I cannot believe people find these devices functional at all.

Call it a summer project...
Jun 25, 2022 at 04:27 PM


ihave bought boostspeed pro it seems to be gone . i have only the normal boostspeed. how this is possible you tell me.
the program have trouble with intel smart sound and some issue with outlook, background taskhost exe an wtlibrary exe.
Jan 24, 2022 at 12:42 AM

Windows 11

I've upgraded to Windows 11. Are there any issues using BoostSpeed with Win11 that I should be aware of?

Also, I have Norton Anti-virus. Are the two programs compatible or working against each other?
Jan 14, 2022 at 08:13 PM

I am unable to switch to keyboard Chinese Input Method after using Auslogics BootstSpeed

After using the Auslogics BootstSpeed and the function of cleaning the Registry files, I found that I am not able to switch back to Chinese input method anymore and I can only type in English. I tried to type the hotkey "Left Ctrl +Shift", nothing happened. I tried "Ctrl + Space" or "Win + Space", also nothing happended. The small icon at shows "EN" at the bottom right corner was disappeared (see attached).

I tried to find the file "ctfmon.exe" and excute, but it doesn't work. I tried to add this command at the startup, it also doesn't work.

I tried to delete the language pack and reinstall, it also doesn't work.

The only moment that I can see the langauge menu comes out again is that when I was in the situation of "User Account Control" when the computer requires administrator status to run some program (see attached).

I am pretty desperate and really need your help. Thank you!
Dec 18, 2021 at 04:41 AM

Roaming Folder

I have 70 GB of data on my c:/user/AppData/Roaming folder. I have a space issue because my Win11 OS is insalled on a M.2 SSD drive with 120GB. I've moved the My Documents folders to a standard 2TB drive and told windows to install all apps on the large drive. I would like to keep the OS boot disk limited to windows only and make my boot quick!

Any tools in Auslogic that would address cleaning up my /appdata/Roaming data?

Thanks for your help.
Nov 07, 2021 at 09:44 AM

Unable to Switch Account Windows 10

Unable to Switch Account. Switch Option not seen. Added Microsoft Users + 1 Locall User Already
Jun 25, 2021 at 11:59 AM

Windows Startup

A text box appears "A new item was added to Windows" (or something like this). When I click on Inspect, I get a long list of items which baffles me. It would help if text box, or item list, would identify the new item because I can't figure it out. Thanks.
Apr 29, 2021 at 02:21 PM

Windows game bar does not work

Windows game bar does not work when i try press the key combination
Mar 20, 2021 at 05:36 PM


Guten Tag,

ich will die Synchroniation wieder einschalten. Den Tweak wieder Rückgängig machen.
Jan 24, 2021 at 01:00 PM

Location Service


I want to turn on Location services so that my display automatically dims and cuts out blue light when the sun sets. However when I go to 'Night Light Settings' and then under 'Schedule' access 'Location Settings' I am informed that "Some of these settings are hidden or managed by your organisation" and the 'Change' button is disabled.

What Organisation? This is my personal desktop not managed by anyone but me.

Pleas could you help with this issue.

Jan 05, 2021 at 05:13 PM


Hello Auslogics

It seems that every day I get a warning message about a new 'Daily' task being created. That task is UsoClient (see attachment). There always seems to be three occurences of this program, despite this – so I guess that it is being deleted and recreated by Windows.

No doubt this is a Windows thing, but it would be good to understand what is going on here.

Also, if I try to disable it, despite being a local admin, I get an 'insufficient privs' error (see second attachment).

If this is deemed normal behaviour and the program is trustworthy, is there a way of disabling the warning message, but just for this one program?

Thanks and regards
Phil Parkin

Dec 28, 2020 at 08:41 AM
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