10 questions

Changer de DNS

Auslogics m'empêche de changer de DNS, comment donner l'autorisation s'il vous plaît ?
Jan 08, 2025 at 08:47 AM

download problems

Hello, I have a curious problem on my Windows 11 PC.

I am connected directly to the LAN via ethernet to a 900Mbps fiber connection.

However, when I try to download largish files (several hundred MB or several GB) from sites like zoom, wetransfer, facebook, I often get a generic "download error" message.

I've tried download the same files on Edge and Chrome, logging out and in, opening a private/incognito window, resetting the internet settings and running diagnostics. I've also checked the internet speed and latency.

The downloads often start okay, but stop after sometimes 30-40MB or maybe even getting to 60%. Sometimes I can click on resume, but the download begins from scratch. Sometimes, I will try again a few hours or a day later, and the file(s) *might* download to completion.

Other downloads (of small image files, say) or streaming of YouTube, Netflix, etc. never seems to have a problem.

I know for sure that it's a PC configuration problem because I tried the same downloads on a Windows 10 laptop, connected to the same router via WiFi, and all the files downloaded (albeit slightly more slowly) without a hitch.

Any ideas or suggestions on what I can do next?


PS *I* am the IT person at our group. I have admin access to the router and the PC, of course.
Sep 24, 2024 at 08:09 AM


How do I configure IIS to work on ASUS Vivobook
Mar 24, 2024 at 10:06 PM

снижение пинга

Доброго времени суток!

Нужна помощь в снижении пинга в сети.
После прогона internet optimizer пинг по прежнему остается высоким на разных серверах (в районе 200-300ms)
Есть ли возможность сделать что либо еще?
Jan 05, 2024 at 01:27 PM

Duplicate fiel search on networked drive

I have a Netgear ReadyNAS 104 running v 6.10.9 with SMB, NFS and FTP services running. I seek a duplicate file app to reduce the number of duplicate files on the networked backup device folders. These folders are primarily PC backups of user files, like docs, pics and music. I can also access these files using Windows File Explorer with a mapped network drive.

Does Auslogic have a product that will do this? PC is WIndows 11 Pro. Nwtwork is wired and with a L2 managed gigabit switch using DHCP and static addresses. Looking to aviod downloading backup folders to a Windows PC and using a duplciate file app then uploading back to the NAS.
Jan 03, 2024 at 03:18 PM


Здравствуйте, проблем с интернетом не наблюдается, наоборот всё супер. Я хочу узнать детальнее какие интернет-твики применяется программа Auslogics BoostSpeed 13, а именно список параметров которые она изменяет, а так же какие значения ставит
Mar 29, 2023 at 10:38 AM

wifi and bluetooth issue

my wifi is not working
Jan 08, 2022 at 04:50 AM

The networks are not displayed

The networks are not displayed after the last winoes 10 update 21H1
Oct 15, 2021 at 07:19 PM

RDP keeps disabling on every machine that has boostspeed installed

I have my own domain with a virtual environment as well as several physical endpoints (mostly laptops). None of the virtual machines have boostpseed installed, only the majority of the physical machines. I have RDP enabled by group policy.

I notice that intermittently (seems to do it when it wants to), if I reboot a laptop or other physical endpoint, the machine will boot up with the "termservice" disabled, even though groupm policy enforces this to be on.

After troubleshooting group policy, uninstalling all other security software, and weeks of various other troubleshooting methods, the only commonality I can find is that all the machines that do this have boostspeed installed.

I found this post

And followed the instructions there. I also turned off the performance monitor in boostspeed via the settings, but the issue is still persisting. My next step I guess is to uninstall boostspeed from all of my machines but I figured I would reach out before I give up on the product.
Oct 26, 2020 at 01:20 PM

Настройка RDP

Windows Server 2016. Как настроить удаленный доступ к этому серверу через RDP? Все где надо включено, а доступа нет. Выдает ошибку "Произошла внутренняя ошибка". Причем к другому серверу с Windows Server 2016 доступ есть.

Feb 11, 2020 at 06:22 PM
Page loader