USB Logitech G213 Keyboard and G203 Mouse will not connect and operate.
Windows 11 will not recognize and allow either of these two really nice, brand new, input devices to operate in the windows environment.
I've used the Auslogics Driver Updated version 2 to make sure all the drivers were current and operational.
I'm running a MSI Rader GE76 12UE 871, with 64 GB Ram, and 3 TB of SSD storage. I've also verified with the MSI Support site that I'm running the latest version of BIOS.
Everything else seems to run just fine.
I can utilize any BT keyboard and mouse without issue.
When I boot the system into BIOS setup, the USB G203 mouse works just fine and allow me to make any selections that I might need. I've also taken both devices to my wife's laptop and they both work just fine there as well so I'm fairly positive there is some setting in the windows environment that has become corrupted and will not allow me to uise these nice devices.
CAPTIVA 43,9 cm (17.3") GB7 726IG 20V1
(PB71DDS-G) RTX 2060 6GB/FHD 144 Hz NB
WVA/i7-10750H/MC/SSD 500GB/HDD
1TB/32768/WLAN/BT/w/o OS
1 1459,00 1459,00St
201,24Umsatzsteuer 16 %
1.459,00Summe Brutto
1.257,76Gesamt Netto 16 % EUR
Zahlbar per Paypal
DHL National Standard
inbetriebnahme im januar 2021, ausfall tastatur anfang april 2024
Cursor locks up and I can't type
El teclado de mi laptop no funciona
Compre la lic de BOOTSPEED y tambien la licencia de DRIVER UPDATER
Cuando actualizo los drivers ya no funciona ningun teclado
Esto ya me sucedio dos veces y esta es la tercera ocasion
Necesito me ayuden a resolverlo
Para redactar este correo estoy utilizando el teclado en pantalla
Problème fonctionnement Bluetooth
Que dois-je faire pour réutiliser mon clacier normalement ?
Merci par avance
key not working.
1) 'Delete' key
2) 'Down arrow' key.
My laptop's system drive is 'C', one of the system folder in drive 'C' is occupying too much of space. I am pretty sure that there are plenty of unnecessary data and file. How can I find which one to keep and which one to delete, pls advice.
Caps lock key not working or lighting up aslo volume keys are a bit touch and go as to if they going to work.
отказ работы мыши и клавиатуры при установке системы
Перестали работать порты
Tastatur nicht Erkant
keyboard mis function
since updates to win 10 my laptop no longer has functioning shift keys. i have checked sticky keys etc are all off. i have deleted driver for keyboard, restarted laptop to reinstall driver. i have been to laptop compies website and can find no driver updates for my model. acer 771555z.
any solutions.
El teclado salta atrás al escribir
When typing it is as if the keyboard were pressing only the tab, and other than that it sometimes only moved backwards. A few words back. That happens after having the computer turned on for a while, that is, it does not turn on that way. As time passes, it starts with that situation of going only words back when typing or leaving the current text box as if pressing tab.
keyboard is working intermittently
I did some tweaks using Aulogics BoostSpeed 11. My keyboard is now working intermittently, but I'm not sure what tweak may have caused that. I will be typing and it will just stop recording my keystrokes for a few seconds, so I have to wait for a few seconds until the keyboard starts responding again. I have a new HP Envy laptop. Any suggestions? Thanks a lot.
p.s.: on the dropdown above for device, it gave me four options. I just selected what I think is the right one
Démarrage anormal
J'utilise une unité ASUS N73SV sous Windows10 qui me donne entière satisfaction.
Logiciel de sécurité Kaspersky, Firewall Windows, Analyses périodiques par Auslogics Anti-Malware.
Aucune attaque virale jusqu'à aujourd'hui.
Depuis un an environ la touche habituelle de demarrage - au dessus du clavier à droite - ne fonctionne plus; le pc ne demarre pas.
Pour demarrer le pc, il faut appuyer sur la touchei se trouve tout au dessus du clavier à gauche, donc la symetrique de l'autre.
Mais au lieu d'activer directement Windows, cela active le Bios (son de boot tres fort) puis Windows (son de boot normal).
J'ai entrepris plusieurs fois de comprendre et réparer mais sans succès.
Je souhaite revenir à un fonctionnement normal.
Merci de votre aide.
Kind regards,
Jean Farny
copy and paste
Generally, copy and paste do not work with mouse druppin a meny. Now, I have to use tne keyboar,Control "c" to copy and control.'V' to paste. this has slowed my ompute use condiderably.
somtimes I can see a quick flas of the menu, but it disppears befoe any action can take place.
Any help to correct this would be appreciate. Thank You