Keyboard and Mouse Issues
Installation of Logitech Options hang indefinitely
I just bought MX ANYWHERE 2S mouse. Logitech web page insists I must have the LOGITECH OPTIONS executable to parameter the mouse. So I tried to install, but the installation does not complete.
That's it for now.
Time Lag with using both mouse and keyboard; Slow Computer
At this point, I'm about ready to pull all my hair out. I can't seem to find the cause. The only finding has been:
BIOS and chipset behavior
The highest measured SM BIOS interrupt or other stall was 127 microseconds. This is considered poor behavior. Your system may have difficulty handling multimedia in real-time and may be subject to unexpected stutters and unresponsive behavior.
keyboard mis function
since updates to win 10 my laptop no longer has functioning shift keys. i have checked sticky keys etc are all off. i have deleted driver for keyboard, restarted laptop to reinstall driver. i have been to laptop compies website and can find no driver updates for my model. acer 771555z.
any solutions.
copy and paste
Generally, copy and paste do not work with mouse druppin a meny. Now, I have to use tne keyboar,Control "c" to copy and control.'V' to paste. this has slowed my ompute use condiderably.
somtimes I can see a quick flas of the menu, but it disppears befoe any action can take place.
Any help to correct this would be appreciate. Thank You
keyboard is working intermittently
I did some tweaks using Aulogics BoostSpeed 11. My keyboard is now working intermittently, but I'm not sure what tweak may have caused that. I will be typing and it will just stop recording my keystrokes for a few seconds, so I have to wait for a few seconds until the keyboard starts responding again. I have a new HP Envy laptop. Any suggestions? Thanks a lot.
p.s.: on the dropdown above for device, it gave me four options. I just selected what I think is the right one
El teclado salta atrás al escribir
When typing it is as if the keyboard were pressing only the tab, and other than that it sometimes only moved backwards. A few words back. That happens after having the computer turned on for a while, that is, it does not turn on that way. As time passes, it starts with that situation of going only words back when typing or leaving the current text box as if pressing tab.
Keyboard shift keys non-functioning, also upper case symbols (ie "@")
After receiving the most recent Win 10 update and installing it, both shift keys have stopped working and I can't get upper case symbols.
I'm writing this on my old desktop, winxp. the Laptop in question is running Win10 having originally run on
Win7, then Win8 and now Win 10.
iVe tried rollback, updating drivers and restarting, deleting and reinstalling, checking Sticky Keys etc, also checking language layout.
I'm at my wit's end, can you help me please?
Sue Youell
Windows Key
My windows key on my keyboard does not work and I have tried to run different tasks in the task manager and several other things but nothing seems to work. I saw on your website that this program can help.
Double Clicking
Lately (last several weeks) the vast majority of my on-screen selections require a 'double click' on the mouse in order for advancing. How can I correct this so movement on-screen can be accomplished with just a single click on the mouse? Could this be an associated problem with Boostspeed's notice of "Hish system resource usage detected' and I "might experience extreme PC slowdown"?
Démarrage anormal
J'utilise une unité ASUS N73SV sous Windows10 qui me donne entière satisfaction.
Logiciel de sécurité Kaspersky, Firewall Windows, Analyses périodiques par Auslogics Anti-Malware.
Aucune attaque virale jusqu'à aujourd'hui.
Depuis un an environ la touche habituelle de demarrage - au dessus du clavier à droite - ne fonctionne plus; le pc ne demarre pas.
Pour demarrer le pc, il faut appuyer sur la touchei se trouve tout au dessus du clavier à gauche, donc la symetrique de l'autre.
Mais au lieu d'activer directement Windows, cela active le Bios (son de boot tres fort) puis Windows (son de boot normal).
J'ai entrepris plusieurs fois de comprendre et réparer mais sans succès.
Je souhaite revenir à un fonctionnement normal.
Merci de votre aide.
Kind regards,
Jean Farny
Keyboard issues.
I've just updated to windows 10 May update, have now completely lost functionality of shift keys.