
Microsoft Edge

Исправление неполадки

Установил на ноутбуке Lenovo программу Auslogics BoostSpeed, провел сканирование и по рекомендации программы дал команду на исправление обнаруженных ошибок. Программа очень долго загружала обновления, затем ноут выдал сообщение о невозможности их инсталяции и начал "откатывать" начальную версию (тоже очень долго). После переустановки ноутбук не видит Интернета. Таким образом, я не могу восстановить его нормальную работу. Что посоветуете?
Feb 12, 2025 at 01:47 PM

Auslogics BoostSpeed が上手く使えません



Yesterday I ran Auslogics BoostSpeed 13 and it messed up my ability to get into MSEdge. It wasnt until late last night that I figured out what happened but I don't know how to fix it. After running the scan and after clicking on the repair/fix it button, a small screen pops us and asks me to close the following files. They are all msedge.exe (6 or more), but it didn't do that this time and has stopped me from being able to get in MicroSoft Edge. Has my copy of Auslogics BoostSpeed 13 been compromised, have I missed and update or is something else going on? Can you help e with this?
Feb 12, 2025 at 01:47 PM

Slow startup

Good day, old person here.....

I am using Windows 10, do I need both Google Chrome AND Microsoft Edge? I sometimes receive a message from Auslogics saying I may have a privacy issue and that I should look at my privacy settings... but as there is no indication of what the privacy setting should be or what has changed, I don't know what I am supposed to be checking.

Patience and any help offered would be much appreciated!

Thanks & regards
Jacqueline Collier
Feb 12, 2025 at 01:47 PM

Auslogics 12

переустановил виндоус ..поставил программу Auslogics 12 а ключь не могу поставить.... Помогите...
Feb 12, 2025 at 01:47 PM


Wenn ich nach einem Systemscan durch Auslogics den Button für die möglichen Reparaturen drücke, erscheint die Aufforderung, bestimmte Apps erst abschalten zu lassen. Dafür wird fünfmal msedge.exe aufgezählt. Drücke ich den Button, der diese Anwendung(en) schließen soll, folgt die Mitteilung, das sei nicht möglich, ich solle es manuell machen. Alternativ kann ich anklicken, die Sache zu ignorieren.
Frage 1: Wenn ich es ignorieren kann (und gleich fünf mal), wofür ist es wichtig?
Frage 2: Wie schaltet man msedge.exe manuell ab?
Feb 12, 2025 at 01:47 PM

problem with auslogics

It wont let me create a restore point, and the restore points I had created it has deleted.
Feb 12, 2025 at 01:47 PM
Page loader