939 questions
possibly reistry danage when running your program
Two weeks ago I cleaned things up with your program..I rememeber cleaning "empty folders". Not sure if I touched registry clean.
I recently have noticed that my outlook email querries (IMAp etc) does not do a proper search . Only a few items related to the question show up.
Also Onenote desktop does not search and find all items. On other computers One note and outlook work fine. On my main desktop, (which has your program) some items are found on the search but not all that should be there in the querry.
On Onenote web on this machine, all items are searched and work.. Other computers work fine. But onenote deskotop on this one machine only finds few items related to the question. Talking to microsoft they think somethinkg happended to windows search in registry.
Can I recover what might ave been deleted in the cleanup. Are files deleted, stored somewere
Any ideas re the problem.
Thank you
Cliff Shnier
Two weeks ago I cleaned things up with your program..I rememeber cleaning "empty folders". Not sure if I touched registry clean.
I recently have noticed that my outlook email querries (IMAp etc) does not do a proper search . Only a few items related to the question show up.
Also Onenote desktop does not search and find all items. On other computers One note and outlook work fine. On my main desktop, (which has your program) some items are found on the search but not all that should be there in the querry.
On Onenote web on this machine, all items are searched and work.. Other computers work fine. But onenote deskotop on this one machine only finds few items related to the question. Talking to microsoft they think somethinkg happended to windows search in registry.
Can I recover what might ave been deleted in the cleanup. Are files deleted, stored somewere
Any ideas re the problem.
Thank you
Cliff Shnier
東芝のflashair toolというアプリをインストールすると途中で「プロセスはファイルにアクセスできません。別のプロセスがファイルの一部をブロックしています。」と出てインストールできません。auslogicsを使って解決する方法を教えてください。
Audio problem in Windows 11 Pro
How do I repair Windows 11 Pro sound issues with Auslogics BoostSpeed 13? Thanks!
Win 10. Жесткий диск С
Привет! У меня резко , за одну ночь, с дика С пропало 25 Г. Не знаю что делать? Где искать проблему? Как это можно устранить? Не подвергая свой старый ноут переустановки ОС . Windows 10 HOME 22H2 19045.3693 .
cant update due to virtual box
i cant update my windows due to virtual box install
i have uninstall thw virtual box already but still cany install
i cant update my windows due to virtual box install
i have uninstall thw virtual box already but still cany install
Не понимаю куда девается память
Как мне посмотреть последнии скачанные данные и понять что у меня занимает память? Я буквально скачал расширение на гугл и у меня пропало два гигабайта, как это работает (винодоус 10)
マウスDELL Win11 にてマウスの表示しない
DELL OPTIPLEX 3060 SFF にて 突然 マウスの表示がしなくなりどのようにして、マウスの表示がするようにできますか?
Установка обновления.
Не могу установить обновление для Windows 10 Pro Version 20H2 для систем на базе процессоров х64 (KB 5001716), 2023-05
Все время выдается Ошибка скачивания - 0х80070643!
Очень прошу помочь! Заранее большое СПАСИБО!
Все время выдается Ошибка скачивания - 0х80070643!
Очень прошу помочь! Заранее большое СПАСИБО!
Is it safe to delete this keys
I tried to uninstall a software, but that doesn't seem to have gone well.
It is 4k video downloader.
Reinstalling doesn't work because I get the message that it is still there on my PC.
Now I have downloaded your software and when I search for keys of this 4k software, I get a list of almost 500 keys, see photo.
When I check, when I stand on it with the cursor, it all shows 4k.
Now my question is, is this safe to remove?
Thanks in advance for your cooperation.
Yours sincerely
John de Vries
Content hidden to protect privacy
Windows Security and Explorer freeze.
I updated Windows 10 yesterday. Windows Security and Explorer freeze. When I run BoostSpeed13 ver., it freezes, but Windows Security and Explorer work normally without BoostSpeed13. Please tell me how to resolve.
after installing Auslogic BoostSpeed, Anti-Malware, Driver Ipdater, and Defrag Ultimate, and running and updating per program informaion, i have 2 issues.
1. The Window keyboard key does not work when pressed or clicke on.
2. Entering the command setting on the window search bar gets me to window settings, but clicking on System will notopen it and hangs the whole Setting menu.
3. The usb microphone is recognized when plugged in the usb but it's not working.
1. The Window keyboard key does not work when pressed or clicke on.
2. Entering the command setting on the window search bar gets me to window settings, but clicking on System will notopen it and hangs the whole Setting menu.
3. The usb microphone is recognized when plugged in the usb but it's not working.
Scanners ignore folders configured to skip in Preferences
Please check attachements. I added folders to be ignored y scanner, but even in Default Scan (in Daschboard) seems that all folders are scanned.
bluetooth dissapeared from device manager after cleanup
I did a rigorous cleanup and driver update on a old(er) laptop, after years of limited maintenance. Using Auslogic software (driver update,bootspeed,duplicate finder) and some manual cleaning/updating, Something went wrong, not sure exactly where. Now I can not use/connect bluetooth devices anymore. I tried to solve it by doing some reasearch on the internet but can not find the solution. Otherwise the Laptop is working fine and is a lot faster.
Enclosed you will find some information of the laptop and screenshots of what I think is relevant information.
I also noticed that Bluetooth is not longer available at the 'action center' and 'device manager'. The latter one still shows some bluetooth devices but is hidden and do not seem to be the relevant items.
In 'Settings> bluetooth and other devices', the previously connected bluetooth devices are still there but it clearly states that bluetooth is turned off.
Could you please advise me on how to solve this.
Enclosed a couple of prinscreens of the systems and the above mentioned screens.
FYI I am an experienced user, however certanly not a Windows specialist.
Kind regards.
Perry Parengkuan
I did a rigorous cleanup and driver update on a old(er) laptop, after years of limited maintenance. Using Auslogic software (driver update,bootspeed,duplicate finder) and some manual cleaning/updating, Something went wrong, not sure exactly where. Now I can not use/connect bluetooth devices anymore. I tried to solve it by doing some reasearch on the internet but can not find the solution. Otherwise the Laptop is working fine and is a lot faster.
Enclosed you will find some information of the laptop and screenshots of what I think is relevant information.
I also noticed that Bluetooth is not longer available at the 'action center' and 'device manager'. The latter one still shows some bluetooth devices but is hidden and do not seem to be the relevant items.
In 'Settings> bluetooth and other devices', the previously connected bluetooth devices are still there but it clearly states that bluetooth is turned off.
Could you please advise me on how to solve this.
Enclosed a couple of prinscreens of the systems and the above mentioned screens.
FYI I am an experienced user, however certanly not a Windows specialist.
Kind regards.
Perry Parengkuan
c:\windows\servicing\LCU\* - no cleanup
I would like to ask why BootSpeed not have option to perform cleanup of the c:\windows\servicing\LCU\* files?
I would like to ask why BootSpeed not have option to perform cleanup of the c:\windows\servicing\LCU\* files?
Как удалить элементы реестра ,если они не удаляются ,а очень надо,мммможет есть спец.программы?
Windows Update
This error code might help: (0x80004002).
Can you guys help? Tried everything. I can't seem to fix this.
Can you guys help? Tried everything. I can't seem to fix this.