939 questions
Fonction "rechercher dans" en haut à droite des fenêtres windows 10
la fonction de recherche est totalement inactive. On ne peut rien inscrire dans la case prévue.
критическая ошибка Web Camsc-13HDL 11939NUSB\ViD_2232&...... Ошибка пользователя Appication Error
I have pretty good fps in fortnite but constant fps drops and stutters, I tried everything i found on the internet but seems like nothing works
Boostspeed Benachrichtigungsanzeigen
Hallo wertes Auslogics-Boostspeed-Team,
ich möchte gerne nach jedem Starten oder Neustarten meines PCs (Win10 Enterprise LTSC) angezeigt bekommen, wie lange das Starten dauerte. Diese Benachrichtigung wird mir bisher nur manchmal angezeigt oder wenn ich Boostspeed nach dem Hochfahren selbst starte; aber auch dann dauert es eine Weile, bis die Benachrifhtigung erscheint und auch hier erscheint sie nur manchmal.
Zudem möchte ich bitte gerne wissen, welche Taskscheduler und Hintergrundaufgaben von Microsoft Corporation ich im Auslogics Boostspeed Startup Manager deaktivieren kann, sodass das Windows dennoch fehlerfrei läuft; habt ihr hierfür eine "Pauschale"?
Vielen Dank vorab für eure Mithilfe.
Freundlichst, Wayseer
ich möchte gerne nach jedem Starten oder Neustarten meines PCs (Win10 Enterprise LTSC) angezeigt bekommen, wie lange das Starten dauerte. Diese Benachrichtigung wird mir bisher nur manchmal angezeigt oder wenn ich Boostspeed nach dem Hochfahren selbst starte; aber auch dann dauert es eine Weile, bis die Benachrifhtigung erscheint und auch hier erscheint sie nur manchmal.
Zudem möchte ich bitte gerne wissen, welche Taskscheduler und Hintergrundaufgaben von Microsoft Corporation ich im Auslogics Boostspeed Startup Manager deaktivieren kann, sodass das Windows dennoch fehlerfrei läuft; habt ihr hierfür eine "Pauschale"?
Vielen Dank vorab für eure Mithilfe.
Freundlichst, Wayseer
Driver Updater
Driver Updater won't scan. Says its blocked by Firewall. McAfee doesn't show that it's quareentined or blocked.
mcafee popouts stupid
how can disable or uninstall mcafee that seems to have been install by ms in windows10?
re windows 10 not updating from 1909 to 22H2.
Follow up on not being able to update to Windows 10 22H2 from 1909.
I have gone through all the suggestions. Update assistant ,Media creation tool,Update troubleshooter , resetting windows update components and still get the error: initiation failed during First-Boot phase at Migrate-Data.
USB bootable disk also did not succeed. I have disabled all periferals , ran fksdsk, restore health, checked that all drivers are up to date etc.. and still get the same error.
Error messages from windows logs : Error Essent 455 Loggin/Recovery. Error Security center 17 None. Error Application error 1000 Application crashing Events. Error Security-SPP 16385 None. These occur multiple times in the log file.
I also disabled Firewall and anti virus software, all to no avail.
Any idea what else I might try ?
I have gone through all the suggestions. Update assistant ,Media creation tool,Update troubleshooter , resetting windows update components and still get the error: initiation failed during First-Boot phase at Migrate-Data.
USB bootable disk also did not succeed. I have disabled all periferals , ran fksdsk, restore health, checked that all drivers are up to date etc.. and still get the same error.
Error messages from windows logs : Error Essent 455 Loggin/Recovery. Error Security center 17 None. Error Application error 1000 Application crashing Events. Error Security-SPP 16385 None. These occur multiple times in the log file.
I also disabled Firewall and anti virus software, all to no avail.
Any idea what else I might try ?
update not completing
I have Windows 10 version 1909 OS build.18363.1556
I get updates to Windows 22H2 which ofcourse don't succeed.
Why do i get updates for a version I don't have? and is it possible to update to 22H2 ?
If not , what are the options dealing with an out of date windows version. My PC is not Windows 11 compatible.
I get updates to Windows 22H2 which ofcourse don't succeed.
Why do i get updates for a version I don't have? and is it possible to update to 22H2 ?
If not , what are the options dealing with an out of date windows version. My PC is not Windows 11 compatible.
Como o auslogics bootspeed informa que tudo no meu computador esta correto se meu antivirus informa que ele esta contaminado por Trojans, pop up etc...
O sistema foi atualizado compulsoriamente pela Microsoft para o win 11.
O sistema foi atualizado compulsoriamente pela Microsoft para o win 11.
laptop processor activity in 100%
i have core Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700HQ CPU @ 2.80GHz 2.80 GHz, 24 gb ram, 512 nvme pci 3,0, hdd, 2 gb graphics, win 11 legal windows homw, when the computer starts, the cpu % is always in 100%, in between while woring normally, the processor % goes always 100%. can youguide regarding this.
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you tube videos and notifications
I have installed different search engines and cancelled all mmy cookie permissions now you tube videos wont play and iam not getting notifications anymore?
Since I updated the USB driver my G-HUB with logitech dosn't recognice my keyboard or mouse. What shall I do?
Bricked my HP Evo Prod ID 669a1ua after driver update
So I'm old-school (DOS Win 3.11) computer-savvy...but not much more (never heard of secure boot/TPM/Bitlocker - until I used your program to update a bunch of drivers (probabally the BIOS) and I got BSOD demanding Bitlocker key and after 3 days found no darn way around it. Finally went to HP Cloud recovery (supposed to resture factory config) but this tool does not work for me (gets stuck in a boot loop...internet search did not reveal fix/work-around that I haddn't tried; i.e at the BIOS I turned off Secure boot, allowed USB Boot, made that the first boot device...even tried re-directing the boot loader to the flash drive...but I digress).
Only thing left seemed to be a clean install using flash drive media from MS website to download installer for W11 and then het drivers from HP. So...Flash installer W11 called-up a view of the diskpart showing X: as "System" with like 200MB, C: is the main partition with ~433GB and is BITLOCKED... and then there is a small Recovery partition.
So the only partition I might use was the Bitlocked one...thus I had to delete it and ReFormat to do the clean install.
...So far so good!
Now I go top HP and get my wlan drivers...install from recovery CMD using pnpuil...and I fire-up Windows.
I get the intro screen to select my language, then keyboard, then it hangs at "lets get you connected to the internet"
so - TWO questions: (1) what othe (critical) drivers might I need to get online? Here's the list of possibilities: https://support.hp.com/us-en/drivers/selfservice/closure/hp-spectre-x360-16-inch-2-in-1-laptop-pc-16-f1000/2101006126/model/2101006145 and
(2) I tried just installing "all" of the available drivers...but I ran out of room???
It seems that even when I'm at he C:\ prompt - everything I install actually goes to the X: partition [which has run out of space now...] Is there some kind of start-up initialization pointer thats redirrecting "System" traffic/commands to X: (instead of c:\Windows\System\System32 - where drivers usually reside?
- If so - how do I change it?
- If not then might it relate somehow to the fact that I never really "completed" the install process?
Also FYI - now that I have gotten around Bitlocker I tried the HP Cloud recovery again and got the same blind boot loop.
Thanks for your help
Only thing left seemed to be a clean install using flash drive media from MS website to download installer for W11 and then het drivers from HP. So...Flash installer W11 called-up a view of the diskpart showing X: as "System" with like 200MB, C: is the main partition with ~433GB and is BITLOCKED... and then there is a small Recovery partition.
So the only partition I might use was the Bitlocked one...thus I had to delete it and ReFormat to do the clean install.
...So far so good!
Now I go top HP and get my wlan drivers...install from recovery CMD using pnpuil...and I fire-up Windows.
I get the intro screen to select my language, then keyboard, then it hangs at "lets get you connected to the internet"
so - TWO questions: (1) what othe (critical) drivers might I need to get online? Here's the list of possibilities: https://support.hp.com/us-en/drivers/selfservice/closure/hp-spectre-x360-16-inch-2-in-1-laptop-pc-16-f1000/2101006126/model/2101006145 and
(2) I tried just installing "all" of the available drivers...but I ran out of room???
It seems that even when I'm at he C:\ prompt - everything I install actually goes to the X: partition [which has run out of space now...] Is there some kind of start-up initialization pointer thats redirrecting "System" traffic/commands to X: (instead of c:\Windows\System\System32 - where drivers usually reside?
- If so - how do I change it?
- If not then might it relate somehow to the fact that I never really "completed" the install process?
Also FYI - now that I have gotten around Bitlocker I tried the HP Cloud recovery again and got the same blind boot loop.
Thanks for your help
Windows Update
Error message: "Your device is missing important security and quality fixes.", tried several fixes...no result.
Mots de passe
BootSpeed a chaque analyse du système, il me supprime les mot de passe et a chaque fois je suis obligé de resaisir ce dernier.
Comment effectuer de facon que BS ne supprime plus les mots de passe ?
Denis Schmitt
BootSpeed a chaque analyse du système, il me supprime les mot de passe et a chaque fois je suis obligé de resaisir ce dernier.
Comment effectuer de facon que BS ne supprime plus les mots de passe ?
Denis Schmitt