ich will die Synchroniation wieder einschalten. Den Tweak wieder Rückgängig machen.
Auslogics 12 Downloading
Microsoft Store no longer works or appears under apps!
Recently I was having problems with Microsoft Store that it kept giving an error message when updating apps (can't remember which one eaxctly). So I reset it as per advice on various forums but since then Microsoft Store has disappeared from Apps and no longer works at all!
Please help / advise.
Unzulässige Funktion
Guten Tag
Seit der letzten Reinigung mit Auslogics - empty folder cleaner - habe ich diese Fehlermeldung auf dem PC.
Der PC funktioniert sonst einwandfrei.
Ch. Rütimann
free space
im trying to get this game called genshin impact, however it says i need more space despite the fact that i deleted everything that came to mind whether it would be pictures or games, i even tried to uninstall things from settings
i need help, apparently theres nothing else i can delete but i know for sure there is another way
Как сделать так, чтобы сохранялись последние книги в Файл/Последние? Происходит автоматическая очитска и ничего не остаётся.
Каждый день всё пусто.
I would like to cleanup my windows pc
so my windows 7 ultimate needs upadate to windows 10 so tryed to update it but it randomly shut off. i tryed again but it huppened again. so i though it was the update thats not working. i was playing a game but it huppend again. it made a lot of noise and shuts off without warning so i did i everthing i cold to fix bt cant seem to fix it at all. what should i do. i need to update it but to update it i need it to stop randomly shuting off
No generic, or cliche answers and then a subjective hardware ?
what should be next PC build under $1000 (not including monitor) give me CPU, HDD,RAM and GPU specs
Impress me!
This is not really a right or wrong answer so pleae cosult your collegaues because it will be challenging to surprise or impress me but there are so many settings on this software that there are bound to be 'Illuminati type of stuff
cannot open links in OUTLOOK
Looking to solve that problem with all kind proposals I found on internet doesn't give satisfaction.
(also copying registerkeys from a anotrher computer succeeding to open that kind of links doesn't give the solution)
( all options of the Outlook-program are set as they are on the good-working PC. Also that wasn't giving a solution)
Both PC have Bitdefender Total Protectionb als Virusprotection, so this cannot be the origin of the problem.
Please can you help me : I'm searching to find a solution for more than a full year...
File in attachment : extension .reg was changer in .txt to permit the file to be sended.
Thanks on beforehand !
Jaak Valembois
Question about conflict with avanced programs
Oracle database 11g server (Have service running)
Oracle Virtual Box (Have service running)
VMWare workstation player (Have service running)
Informatica power center 9.6.1(Have service running)
SQL managment studio 18 (Have service running)
SQL Server 2019 (Have service running)
Microsoft azure (Have service running)
Visual Studio 19 (Have some service running)
Power BI (Have service running)
Microsoft machine learning Server (Have service running)
My notebook is HP AMD Raizer 7 3700U with 12 Gb Memoy and 2 TB hard disk with windows 10 64 bits
Location Service
I want to turn on Location services so that my display automatically dims and cuts out blue light when the sun sets. However when I go to 'Night Light Settings' and then under 'Schedule' access 'Location Settings' I am informed that "Some of these settings are hidden or managed by your organisation" and the 'Change' button is disabled.
What Organisation? This is my personal desktop not managed by anyone but me.
Pleas could you help with this issue.
Missing Bluetooth
Unable to download anything from Microsoft Store
I get the following error code whenever I try to download anything from the Microsoft store.
Code: 0x800706D9
How can I fix this so I can download apps from the store?
Thank you
Windows system font distortion
Windows11 22h2 osビルド 22621.819
Eratic mouse
I have almost no control over the positioing of the pointer. Can you help?
1. The Window keyboard key does not work when pressed or clicke on.
2. Entering the command setting on the window search bar gets me to window settings, but clicking on System will notopen it and hangs the whole Setting menu.
3. The usb microphone is recognized when plugged in the usb but it's not working.
Microsoft EDGE
Tom Lalonde
J'ai un problème de connexion tant sur ma messagerie mails (Orange) que sur certains sites qui nécessitent notamment une connexion via FRANCE CONNECT ou les banques
Je pense avoir fait un bon nettoyage par votre biais mais en même temps je ne sais pas exactement ce qu'il faudrait supprimer...
Est-ce que le fait d,avoir Google Chrome est mieux ?
Est-ce que j'ai Kaspersky et CCleaner et maintenant Auslogics, ça ne fait pas interférance
car c'est vraiment des interférances : pas toujours les mêmes blocages mais toujours en début de connexion (par ex, quand je veux changer de comptes de messagerie alors que les 3 sont sur Orange...)
merci et à bientôt !
Uninstall Issues, Disk Explorer
I need assistance deleting Microsoft. SeaofThieves_2.118.3572.2_x64 from the main drive. I've tried different uninstallers and forced uninstalls, but it does not want to uninstall. I need access to related folders/Windowsapps. Disk Explorer is guiding me to the contents folder from Sea of Thieves, but I still can't delete any files.
usb mouse
can you help please
computer slow
Выделенная память
Как можно ее очищать? Вручную или атвоматически.
registrat i
Getting different kinds of BSOD's
Thank you in advance for your time,
Keep document lists
How can I keep my document lists?
These disappear from my Start/Documents list and the list in each program (Word, Excel).
I have searched and searched and can't find this referenced.
Thank you.
John Zwolanek
Deforest, Wisconsin, USA
logiciels parasites
d'autre part j'ai un une fenêtre d'information qui s'affiche de manière intempestive lorsque je suis connecté. Le logiciel qui a l'air de venir de windows, n'est pas supprimable
Screen Size
Windows 10 not shutting down, keeps restarting
I have tried a few "fixes", e.g.
In Startup and recovery, used "Restart" for clean start,
Start in "Safe Mode",
Untick "Automatic restart",
Removed or substituted all devices, hard drives plus mouse and keyboard, even monitor and RAM, except Graphics card - no fix. Defragged and scanned hard drives for errors.
Pressed power button with power disconnected.
Re-installed Windows and updated.
All fans and heatsinks not clogged with dust.
Edited Registry = "No Auto Reboot With Logged On User"!
I have recent system images saved but none before the problem started!
Any suggestions? Thank you, David