While running the BoostSpeed full system scan, it was taking forever, (around 50 minutes to get to 25% of scanning files). I checked the details and found that it was working its way through the default_error_stack files (several hundred thousand of them) in the windows\system32 folder. because of this I stopped the scan and now need to know how to get rid of these files or get BoostSped to bypass them
- browser: chrome.exe
- oS: Windows 10 x64 Home Edition (build: 17134)
- winPath: C:\WINDOWS\
- userDir: C:\Users\Laurence\AppData\Roaming\
- freeRam: 8474382336
- locale: ena
- screenW: 1366
- screenH: 768
- disks:
- 0:
- n: C:\
- freeSize: 175949099008
- 1:
- n: F:\
- freeSize: 690704764928
- 0:
- monitors:
- 0:
- x: 0
- y: 0
- dX: 1366
- dY: 768
- pPI: 96
- primary: 1
- 1:
- x: 1366
- y: 0
- dX: 1600
- dY: 900
- pPI: 96
- primary:
- 0:
- programDir: C:\Program Files (x86)\Auslogics\BoostSpeed\
Dear Laurence,
Thank you for your question and for using our products.
Please check the following:
In “Settings”, go to “General” and check if you have “Enable system-critical categories” and “Enable advanced categories” turned on (see screen1). If you do, turning them off will speed up the scan.
Also, BoostSpeed has an option to add to Ignore list an entire folder when scanning the system (see screen 2).
Please let us know if you have any other questions or require further assistance.
Thank you,
Auslogics team.