314 questions
Can not print
Since I did the clean up on my computer I can not print. It is a network printer and the IP guy said the connection is good but something is blocking my computer from seeing the printer and communicating with it.
Não reconhecimento pelo sistema.
Bom dia,
Tenho uma unidade SSD externa que não esá sendo reconhecida pelo gerenciador de arquivos e nem pelo gerenciador de discos mesmo tendo feito os procedimentos básicos.
Tenho uma unidade SSD externa que não esá sendo reconhecida pelo gerenciador de arquivos e nem pelo gerenciador de discos mesmo tendo feito os procedimentos básicos.
Проблемы с fps в играх
Здравствуйте, недавно начались проблемы с игровым ноутбуком, а именно низкие fps в играх, для сравнения, буквально месяц назад в игре counter strike global offencive было больше 200 fps, на данный момент выше 60 не поднимается ( проблема не в самой игре, в других тоже самое даже на низких настройках ) Ноутбуку год. Пересмотрев множество видео с вариантами решения проблемы, все равно не повышается качество игры. Уже и очистку, и сканирование делала с помощью вашей программы, все равно не выходит. Пытаюсь также драйвера обновить. Подскажите, пожалуйста, что нужно сделать.
Computer shutting off
My computer has been randomly shutting off. I sent it to IT at school and they put a new battery and motherboard in but that hasn't fixed it, it rarley happens when I am at home, mostly when I am at school. How do I fix it?
Обновление драйверов
Добрый день! Насколько безопасно обновление драйверов не с официального сайта корпорации Dell? Не будет ли нанесен какой-либо ущерб в связи с обновлением ПО и дрйверами?
Speakers pair but are then 'not discoverable'
Hi folks
Had been hoping your driver updater would resolve this problem - multiple bluetooth speakers/headphones (and possibly other devices) that had prevoiusly been used with this PC, and that can still be paired and unpaired to this PC, are now 'not discoverable' and thus cannot be used to play/record sound.
I've seen this mentioned in a couple of forums but for different devices. Mine include logitech x50 and jbl450bt
Thanks for any help
Had been hoping your driver updater would resolve this problem - multiple bluetooth speakers/headphones (and possibly other devices) that had prevoiusly been used with this PC, and that can still be paired and unpaired to this PC, are now 'not discoverable' and thus cannot be used to play/record sound.
I've seen this mentioned in a couple of forums but for different devices. Mine include logitech x50 and jbl450bt
Thanks for any help
computer shuts off
My computer unexpectandlty shuts off after 15 minutes. I check the cpu usage and its low. Not sure if the system is overheating.
Дефрагментация SSD
Добрый день, подскажите пожалуйста можно ли делать дефрагментацию через вкладку дефрагментация. Я подключила оптимизацю SSD, но не совсем поняла можно ли, и стоить дефрагментировать SSD. И если можно, то как часто стоит это делать.
Seit einiger Zeit wird mein Drahtlosnetzwerk nicht mehr in der Liste der verfügbaren Netzwerke angezeigt, ohne dass ich irgendwelche Änderungen vorgenommen hätte. Wie bekomme ich mein Netzuwerk wieder in die Anzeige?
How do I uninstall your program(s) from my Windows 10 PC?
It's not in/on my programs list to uninstall.
Thank you
Ronald Cloud
It's not in/on my programs list to uninstall.
Thank you
Ronald Cloud
All your product/services come as individuals and yet the best features are the one recommending one another. My question is, Why don't you make a Premium Product that covers at least three or four at best of those top rated/recommended softwares into one individual "Auslogics Armored AI" or something like that?
Reason I'm asking this, I'm broke.
Reason I'm asking this, I'm broke.
Bluescreen after using Driver Updater
Hi there,
Just installed my Driver Updater on my new PC and after updating the drivers and a required restart I get a Bluescreen with the message "Inacessible Boot Device" adn restarting does not help, nor does turning the desktop off and on again.
What to do now?
PS: The "Device" above is probably incorrect as I'm writing this from my laptop.
Just installed my Driver Updater on my new PC and after updating the drivers and a required restart I get a Bluescreen with the message "Inacessible Boot Device" adn restarting does not help, nor does turning the desktop off and on again.
What to do now?
PS: The "Device" above is probably incorrect as I'm writing this from my laptop.
Good Day
Hi,i have a question i would like to ask about my pc about movie or video streaming because everytime when i watch something on my laptop it pauses itself without me pausing it and i would like to know how it happens and a possible solution.