Start Up
I have AOL Desktop Gold & it worked good for a few years, then when I signed in, the orange ball appeared, and after that, nothing; AOL trtied to fix it, via reinstall but couldn't. Any suggestions?
I have aused Hewlette Packard Desktop PC, was Windows XP Now Windows 7. Petium 4 processor, 2GB Memory
itunes library
Is there something stopping me from changing Windows Installer from manual?
HP Smart will not install correctly and HP Support says an antivirus or other control program has changed the settings and locked it so outside individuals can not install software on my system?
que es lo que se deve hacer.
ярлык гугл профиля
Как можно этим управлять? Сколько можно создать таких профилей и как можно создать такой профиль осознано если мне это нужно?
С уважением к Вам,
Алексей Соломкин.
Hello. I don't know how it happened, but when creating a new profile in Google Chrome, the program, as I understand it, fixed its anonymity and security system in this profile, because the shortcut of the Google profile on the taskbar was the same as the shortcut of the program itself.
How can this be managed? How many such profiles can be created and how can I create such a profile consciously if I need it?
Best regards to you,
Alexey Solomkin.
If I have purchased Boost speed 12, Do I need the registry cleaner product also?
question about WIN10 servises
Долгая загруска игр и текстур в самих играх.
How do I fix?
The system cannot find the path specified.
This pops up in a dos box along with multiple others like this. How do I get rid of them?
Предпросмотр вложенных в сообщение файлов Excel и Word
Добрый день!
Скажите, пожалуйста, что нужно сделать, чтобы в окне сообщения отображался предпросмотр вложенного в сообщение файла программ MS Office в форматах Excel и Word (в то же время предпросмотр вложенных в сообщения файлов в формате .pdf отображается нормально)? Я пробовал разные варианты, которые рекомендуются в интернет - ничего не помогает.
Похожая проблема с невозможностью отображения предпросмотра файлов Excwl в проводнике, в то время как файлы других форматов (кроме Excel) отображаются.
Смотри приложенные скриншоты.
Это взаимосвязанные проблемы (отображение предпросмотра файлов в Outlook и проводнике)?
Что нужно сделать, чтобы решить эти проблемы? Прежде всего нужно решить проблему в Outlook.
Auslogics Scheduler erroring out.
Errors out with the attatched error message System error occured in task scheduler error 0x80070002
The system could not find file specified.
Disabled antivirus to no avail. Please advise
Access to program affeced by scan
It then requires me to re-register that I am entitled to use the program using exactly the same password every time.
Surely it is possible for the scan to bypass making any changes like this....
Or on any software that has been uninstalled with the Windows Programs.
All my products are not working
I have been getting eroor message of a catastrific failure on all of my products, this not good.
Morris Brown
New update fails to open
I have auslogics BoostSpeed 12 Version I get a message that their is a new version available to download and install.
I download the install program auslogics-boost-speed-setup.exe
When I click on the install program I get the error message that the filename, directory name or volume label syntax is incorrect and then the program dissappears. I have enclosed two screen shots. I am unable to install the upgrades. Please help.
Windows 11 beta
Next week I'll be updating to Windows 11 will I still be able to use Boostspeed on that OS without doing any damage?
window defender
Could not activated my license
504 Auslogics files designated as Malware
How can that be? Does Auslogics provide unsafe software?
Please remedy now!
File attached for your review
Ошибка при обновлении "Google Chrome"
Bootspeed 13
kind regards chris moore
question about WIN10 servises
Unable to Install the new Auslogic Boostspeed update
I have downloaded and installed the Boostspeed update (, but the installed virsion indicated by the Help>About shows
I need further instructions to properly install the new update.
pro version
I purchased boot speed pro #
Disk Defrag
è possibile utilizzare Disk Defrag in modo tale che i file di una cartella specifica siano spostati all'inizio del disco? Si tratta di un disco di soli dati VIDEO, senza APP o Sistema operativo.
Vorrei che i nuovi Video scritti fossero sempre copiati nella parte finale del disco mano a mano che questo viene riempito.
Spero di essere stato chiaro e vi ringrazio per la cortesia
Cordiali saluti
Renato Cesaroni
Auslogics BoostSpeed 12について
Tab Crashes when go to Look at Report from Deep Disk Cleaner
register Problem of the Auslogic boot speed pro12
I had aready register the code the i got the email after paid for it.
and when i check programe registertion its show this programe is registed. but I can not use it as the pro version.
it is still have the Activate pro Version button on the down right side.
Please help.....
pop up for ugrade when I already subscribe to boost 12
SSD optimization for a whole day
I am using SSD optimization with Auslogic Bootspeed 12 to optimize my C drive (114 GB free 54 gb) it took a whole day to finish. Is it normal for a ssd optimization running? (while it only took 5 mins to optimize my D drive 98GB free 54GB). How frequently should I run SSD optimization