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Two issues:Text freezes and unsatisfactory settings
Also - despite my choice of most comfertable writing thumbnail - set my screen too bright with choppy text.
Please advise
Sleep Mode
I tried so many things to do (everything throu Auslogics, update driver, clean up, registry, defrag ...), but nothing.
Is there any advice from you?
Since I upgraded my HD to a SSD, Microsoft Office Access seems to hang for 1 second every 30 secdonds.
Windows 10 Restart Stalls
If it wasn't for windows updates I could live with not using the restart option. However, windows update requires the restart so I expect it to fail each time there is an update. Recently did scan and did the suggested tweaks in the Maintain section of BoostSpeed 11. Any thoughts or suggestions?
Device stops and freezes reqularly
My device is a very old one but still works properly, But these Days it starts To freeze reqularly and sometimes crashes, This only happened when i upgraded my laptop to windows 10, What should i do to prevent it
Intel bluetooth drivers
Hi there, im having issues with my bluetooth headset. Sounds choppy. Tried unintalling my bluetooth drivers but they cant be found?
Intallation original software error
Start up items
Sometimes I get a notification that a new item has been added to my start items, but the note gives no hint about what it is. Not very helpful.
Firewall problem
I just switched my business to a new CRM system ( https://inperium.com/ ) and my firewall conflicts with it, how do I fix it and what is the problem?
Bluetooth Connectivity
Only getting partcial connectivity on both KOSS wirless speaker and headset.
Currently the headset is showing "Connected Voice".
If disconnected it will show "Driver Error".
Please advise.
Thank you.
How can I get rid of the edge browser starting up every time I click on Auslogics programs. I use google chrome and I will prefer that one in the future..?
system windows 8?
How do I change what system it shows? I have always had windows 10 on this computer.
Режим сна
Disable Edge Swipe in Win10 B2004 update
Thx much for your help on prior question!
Please tell me how to permanently, (as in no 'edge swipe restart' on system restart), disable Edge Swipe.
F&*!#ing MSFT does it again; Win10 uppdate 2004 kills cortana local/system search ability, which disappears even finding any settings re Edge Swipe.
Please tell me how to kill kill kill kill forever Win10 Edge Swipe.
Thx very much, Folks!
Scotty :-)
Bluetooth sound
My airpods have sound on my phone, however it does not on my recently bought laptop, the laptop is relatively new, from this year, 2021. ( HP ENVY x360 15-ed1250nd - 2-in-1 Laptop - 15.6 Inch ) link: https://www.bol.com/nl/p/hp-envy-x360-15-ed1250nd-2-in-1-laptop-15-6-inch/9300000016569206/?Referrer=ADVNLGOO002021-G-113260400617-S-1073395452187-9300000016569206&gclid=CjwKCAjwqvyFBhB7EiwAER786fS7dpKIseiChs-oaUUNjwv4nVDV44PuNyouNTdn7ZBDePH-zAaTFRoCDbgQAvD_BwE , this link is in dutch though since I am dutch.
But back to the question, I have two options, Airpods handsfree AG audio, and airpods stereo.
the "airpods handsfree ag audio" one works, though it has really really poor quality,
on my phone it works perfectly with perfect quality, but if I put my laptop on airpods stereo, they just don't work, no sound, nothing
I clicked on many links trying to fix this problem, but with no success, I don't know what I should do, do you guys know how to fix this?
(ps my phone is a huawei p20 lite and I have airpods 2)
Disk help
I just put download because I cant make question without
Parallels Desktop 18 Compatibility
I’d like to know, can BoostSpeed 12 run in this Virtual Machine environment without any issues?
PS: BoostSpeed 12 is not installed in the Virtual Machine environment yet. I’m simply trying to find out if it has been tested and will work before installing it on my iMac with Parallels Desktop 18.
can't activate the virtualisation
thank you
Windows Update, something went wrong
right mouse click
Orphaned Print Spooler Files
Display issues
Cannot open Auslogics 12 on my other laptop
I have Windows 10 64 bit. I have 1.69 TB free space of 1.81 TB. Do you think I should wipe the free space or would it just be a waste of time?
Problems with Windows Update-Valentin Batalak
I had some problems installing Win 10 updates. The problem keeps recurring and I would like information from your support.
You may find this error code helpful: (0x80080005), which is the message that keeps popping up:
The device is missing important security and quality patches!
Valentin Batalak
Analyse pour ajustements Windows
lorsque je fais l'analyse pour l'ajustement Windows , l'analyse ne va pas plus loin que 29% et puis j'attends des heures et c'est toujours à 26%.
Pourriez vous m'aider,
Hendrik Zutterman
Windows 10 Default System font changed
After running all the Auslogics BoostSpeed 12 suggestions, the default system font changed into a horrible blurry type of text. This is across the whole system, including File Explorer, Chrome, Microsoft 365 Office apps (Excel, Word, etc), basically everywhere!
I've attached a screenshot from Chrome to illustrate what the default font looks like now.
How do I restore the original default system font?
Thanks and regards
Unable to activate Auslogics Bootspeed 12 PRO Version
unidentified files following upgrade to Win 10 version 2004 prevent defragmentation
This is obviously some several GB of data judging by the number of blocks occupied in this manner - but I am unablæe to find out what these files are, what they are called, what purpose they serve or where they are on the drive. They are spread out across the system drive and thus prevent defrag running a free space defragmentation, and thus casue even more fragmentation when new files are added to the drive.
I have tried tio google this problem but have not found any reference to it. Auslogics defrag is the only untility that tells me these file exist - but no more than that.
Can you advice - what are these files, and how do I get rif them and run the usually perfect free space defrag?
thanks / Adrian