Pourquoi malgré les mises à jours et tout et tout, je trouve mon pc d'une lenteur et ceux malgré qu'il est loin d'être plein.
Merci pour votre temps, Mr Rome
I registered my account to windows insider but when I click get started in my computer's settings, it tell me that "we can't talk to our service at this moment please try again later", I tried this again and again but it does the same.
Windows Live Affected by first scan
Unable to Switch Account Windows 10
佐藤光則 hsny7743@uranus.dti.ne.jp
sleep mode
whats the problem ?
Thank You
Boostspeed Background Optimization
I have been using boostspeed for almost an year now and I am a free user. It is all good but my only question is that should i let boostpeed run in backgroung and windows startup? Does Boostspeed optimize my pc in the backgroung when I enable this option? These processes take up a lot of memory. And also does boostspeed perfomance monitor optimize the pc in backgroung ?
Windows 10 does not allow more than ~ 20 applications to run. Windows 10 не разрешает запуск больше чем ~20 приложений.
How to remove the limit on the number of simultaneously running Windows 10 applications?
Windows 10 разрешает одновременную работу порядка 20ти приложений. После этого новое приложение разрешает запустить только после зарытия одного из открытых.
Как снять ограничение на колличество одновременно запущенных приложений Windows 10?
Problem Solution
не могу открыть диск
Я не могу прочитать ответ. Браузер меня туда не пускает. Смотрите скриншот
2. Загрузка Windows 10 на SSD увеличилась после активации программы до 3.5 - 4 минут. До этого была около 1 минуты. Разобраться в этом просто нет времени. Прошу помощи!. По внешнему виду процесс загрузки заполнился какими-то загрузками или закачками. На экране отображаетмя значек какой-то дополнительной закачки. На черном экране вращается белый круг и это долго.
wondpws 10 don't boot
My windows 10 home can not boot after a registry cleanup. It was stopped at the laptop logo and not going thro. Later attenpt to boot shows bluescreen with "BAD SYSTEM CONFIG INFO".
I have tried BCD fix, but got "access denied". I tried rewrite config, but my Regback is empty with no backup reg files. Please advise how can I get the thro?
Thank you.
Bluetooth sound
My airpods have sound on my phone, however it does not on my recently bought laptop, the laptop is relatively new, from this year, 2021. ( HP ENVY x360 15-ed1250nd - 2-in-1 Laptop - 15.6 Inch ) link: https://www.bol.com/nl/p/hp-envy-x360-15-ed1250nd-2-in-1-laptop-15-6-inch/9300000016569206/?Referrer=ADVNLGOO002021-G-113260400617-S-1073395452187-9300000016569206&gclid=CjwKCAjwqvyFBhB7EiwAER786fS7dpKIseiChs-oaUUNjwv4nVDV44PuNyouNTdn7ZBDePH-zAaTFRoCDbgQAvD_BwE , this link is in dutch though since I am dutch.
But back to the question, I have two options, Airpods handsfree AG audio, and airpods stereo.
the "airpods handsfree ag audio" one works, though it has really really poor quality,
on my phone it works perfectly with perfect quality, but if I put my laptop on airpods stereo, they just don't work, no sound, nothing
I clicked on many links trying to fix this problem, but with no success, I don't know what I should do, do you guys know how to fix this?
(ps my phone is a huawei p20 lite and I have airpods 2)
Error 15
The date and time information for this PC is correct.
I am not using any Proxy or VPN for my internet connections.
I am NOT able to access this website with Windows 10 Pro PC using the Google Chrome browser
I am able to access this website with another Windows 10 Pro PC using the Google Chrome or the Edge browser
Is there some way to uninstall or disable some Windows "Features?"
Near the right end of the task bar at the bottom of my screen, Windows has an irritating "feature" that displays weather information and frequently presents a pop-up with news items and similar information. Id there some way to eliminate or uninstall this "feature?"
HP x2 210 G2 Detachable PC - Specifications
My other device has ATOM x5 8350 / 2Gb Ram / 32 GB SSD
Running WIndows Home
Is there a list of windows services that I can disable in order to get it as lean and functional as possible?
I bought it used and I cannot believe people find these devices functional at all.
Call it a summer project...
computer desktop icon not working properly
Empty folder function and Document file
Task Manager
Unable to move desktop icons
aidez-moi à installer Windows11 à partir de Winsdows10
Processeur Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2670QM CPU @ 2.20GHz 2.20 GHz
Mémoire RAM installée 10,0 Go
ID de périphérique B97B8955-E5F7-4030-93CD-32FB22878060
ID de produit 00326-10000-00000-AA251
Type du système Système d’exploitation 64 bits, processeur x64
Stylet et fonction tactile La fonctionnalité d’entrée tactile ou avec un stylet n’est pas disponible sur cet écran
Windows refusing access as administrator
Windows 10 Pro Licencia Retail - No actualiza versión 21H2 - Error 0x800f0922
Introduje el nuevo código de la Licencia en Actualización y Seguridad/Activación/Cambio de licencia.
Regularmente la Actualización solicita Reinicio.
Cuando se lleva a cabo sigue los pasos de Descarga, Instalación, luego Reinicio.
Durante el Reinicio la pantalla deja ver:
"Buscando actualizaciones", "Instalando" (se ve la evolución porcentual) y cuando casi llega a 100%; "No pudimos instalar actualizaciones", "No apague el equipo"
Luego Reinicia nuevamente y se repite lo mencionado.
Y finalmente abre la pantalla de presentación Windows.
Al revisar de nuevo el menú de Actualizaciones, aparece error 0x800f90922.
Aunque ejecuté diversas operaciones (vistas en Youtube), ninguna me dio resultado.
Es posible su ayuda para solucionar éste problema?, por favor.
Gracias! - Saludos
Does disappear language icon ?
sound in windows 11 alway from small to big when i play video
Could you please help me. Thank you so much
my system speed
проблема с панелью задач
произошло это так - включаю я пк, немного поиграл, буквально минут 15-20, и меня встретил синий экран, который не смерти, а обычный синий экран ошибки, где пишут перезагрузка, проблема с чем-то (ну вы поняли, да ведь?), после перезагрузки начались проблемы с жёсткими дисками, но я их решил, и после решения проблем с дисками перестала работать панель задач, только открываются ярлыки разных приложений, а вот системные не работают, например пуск, поиск, звук, календарь, да даже настройки не открываются! всё перепробывал! и powershell, ну команды в нём и т.д., всякие приложения.
помогите пожалуйста!
Очистка диска
Annoying Windows Pop Up Notification
my question is: how can I get rid of this annoying pop up Windows notification?
transferring data and Auslogics
Hi. This may be out of your field, but...
I am relaunching a small nonprofit. Part of the process is transferring files from a worn out laptop (using now) to a newer refurbished one. I'm using the free version of Auslogics Speed to clean up the old laptop before transferring data to new. We will be subscribing to the paid version for the newer laptop after I get the transfer done.
In the past, I've had to have someone transfer data using specific cables. Is there an Auslogics or other software that can be used to do the transfer without hardwiring? Novice here techwise. And, it's always been my experience that no matter how successful the data transfer, the folder and files have to be manually reconstructed. A work-around would be great.
I need t leave home now but will return about 4:30 Pacific. Yes, I know that's asking a lot, so I appreciate whatever you can share about the challenges I'm facing.
Will Anderson