Cannot get my computer to read SD cards
I've used your device driver updater and still cannot get my computer to recognize an SD disk.
activate windows 10
I was on Insider program which loaded enterprise edition a few years ago.
When computer crashed it reloaded a windows 10 home and now wants me to activate the 10 program. I paid for a win 10 home edition but it will not accept the activation code because of the enterpirse edition I just use without the activation. I tried talking to microsoft and not any answer.
Regarding default setting problem
I am unable to set WORD 2016 as my default app, i tried all the solutions i came accross but could not do it, clarify and resolve it kindly
Cant Access app
I can access everything on my computer except for a application and winrar after updating my windows.
It shows Windos cannot access the specified device, path or file. You may not have the appropiate permissiong to access the item. I reformated my pc and its the same.
I can no longer get Windows Updates
My desktop PC can no longer receive Windows 10 updates.
Below is the error message that has come up over and over again, for the past 2 months:
2020-06 Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Version 1909 for x64-based Systems (KB4560960)
Status: Download error - 0x800700c1
Currently, I have Windows 10 Home (64-bit) v. 1909, build. 18363.720.
I also have another computer (a laptop) with Windows 10 Home (64-bit) and all the Windows 10 updates have worked fine, including the latest "May v.2004" update.
Can you help me with my desktop computer? I'd like to be able to continue installing new Windows updates on it.
Thank you.
Myron Achtman (Canada)
warum geht bei obigem Prozess ständig meine CPU derartig in die Höhe, dass oft 40-50% davon verbrucht wird.
Sobald ich mehr als zwei Aktionen durchführen will, Internet und ein normales Programm, w.z.B. BoostSpeed,
dauert es ewig bis sich was tut.
Ich habe shon etliche Dinge mit dem Boost Speed eingestellt und verbessert, aber große Änderungen hab ich
bisher nicht feststellen können.
обновление windows10
сколько трафика примерно нужно потратить для обновления windows 10 версия 1909 до версии 2004 в гигабайтах
Windows Settings
I can't access my Windows Settings. When I try to access it the page shows and then goes away. Can your software fix this issue?
Security Center in Vista
I am having issues with the nonfunctioning security center in Windows Vista 32 bit / desktop I KNOW , I am unsupported !!! Maybe you can help ?
Computer randomly shuts off / freezes
My computer does this thing where it either randomly turns off completely or my entire computer screen freezes, requiring a full restart. Not really to sure what to do in this situation, and it has gotten to the point where it happens almost every 3 minutes.
Update windows
how to find and permanently scrub wipe erase delete WIN10 VSS/ Shadow Copy files
Have disabled VSS ok.
Can find no way to erase existing files created by VSS, and they have eaten up neary 50% of my hdd over the last year.
Any help much appreciated!
Best Regards,
Scotty :-)
除外リストに「HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client\Default\*」を設定しましたが、効果がありません。
他に、Microsoft Print to PDFの保存に使用したフォルダがスキャンするとドキュメントフォルダに初期化されてしまいます。これも除外リストに
「HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders\*」を指定したのですが、効果がありません。
Windows crashes... I don't see any particular connection between the crashes except that I get this message... MEMORY_MANAGEMENT
any ideas? Thanks David
Navigateur par défaut
Velocidad de la computadora
Drive local do Windows C:
Manuel Araújo
Whenever I want to set "Start automatically at Windows logon
this error appears. I am asking for effective advice.
Well thank you
Auligistics Boost Seem to Be Deleting Windows Files
Browsers run slooooow with WIN 11
Addressing a specific drive
My question is, is it possible to adress just a specific disk, for instance, can I ask the software to only process a requirement on my I drive or any other drive.
By chance is this an Australian designed programme?
John Terry
c:\windows\servicing\LCU\* - no cleanup
I would like to ask why BootSpeed not have option to perform cleanup of the c:\windows\servicing\LCU\* files?
What should be done?
Perdi minha chave do Windows Original OEM apos executar o BootSpeed13
you tube videos and notifications
Can not delete most recent Restore Point or any other point
I've tried many methods to delete most recent Restore Point or any other point even via the cmd prompt *deleting shadow copies) and it doesn't work. I installed some software my IOBIT Uninstaller cannot find to uninstall and it is not in the list of Add/Remove programs but they are 368MB in size and installed in my pc and cannot llocate them. Only going back to my previous restore point would work and I try to do it but it does not work. PC boots up saying system restore failed most likely dur to active anti-virus software but I have my Bitdefender dissabled permanently when I did the restore point procedure.
Any ideas? Could Bootspeed interfere with restoring the pc at an earlier restore point?
Löschen von Dateien
bei mir ist eine " .pfx" Datei verschwunden. Unter Schnellzugriff wird sie noch aufgeführt. Im angegebenen Pfad steht sie nicht mehr. Was kann der Grund sein?
Herzliche Grüsse
Norbert Anderss
Antwort bitte in deutsch.
установка более поздней виндоуз
私の使用している機種は、デル製 Insupiron 5490 AIO、デバイス名 DELL2021、プロセッサ Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-10210U CPU @ 1.60GHz 2.11 GHz、実装RAM:8GB、Windous 10 Homeの21H です。
Spinner GIF Keeps Spinning on Some Websites
I keep seeing the spinnning GIF wheel as I wait for the web page to load, which it does not and then times out..
So far, it happens with Edge, Google, and Firefox. I have restarted several times and have cleared the cache, flushed DNS, reset the browsers, completed a deep clean, registry clean, and optimized internet settings with SpeedBoost, run two anti-virus malware programs (Windows Secuity and Malware Bytes), and have run memory diagnostics. All with the same result - no change.
Windows and the browsers are all up-to-date.
When I inspect the Javascript (>by right-clicking on the Spinner), I see that the Spinner is there and seems to be waiting.
Any suggestions?
Program not registered
Thank you