Navigateur par défaut
DirectX Windows Feature Install Prompt
Device name SDM_Surface
Processor 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-1135G7 @ 2.40GHz 2.42 GHz
Installed RAM 8.00 GB (7.84 GB usable)
Device ID EA2A80B9-A4BB-44B8-AFA6-40B2186CF2E1
Product ID 00356-06270-54861-AAOEM
System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
Pen and touch Pen and touch support with 10 touch points
Edition Windows 11 Home
Version 21H2
Installed on 12/3/2021
OS build 22000.652
Serial number 0F003S7214801J
Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.22000.652.0
my system speed
Escaneo selectivo de carpetas
No deseo escanear todo el disco sino solamente seleccionar algunas carpetas.
¿Permite Auslog escanear carpetas selectivas, por ejemplo, de Mis Documentos?
Favor indicar los pasos detalladamente ya que no soy tecnológico.
Neilton FD
Windows Event Viewer and Auslogics BoostSpeed 12
It is not a hardware issue as I have 32G Ram with an Intel i7. I check the Windows Event Viewer and persistently see issues with the "Cloud Files Diagnostic Event Listener", and the application-specific permission settings in COM Server Application.
Is there a way (or a tool in Auslogics) to use the info I find in the WIndows Viewer to address these or any other issues? Is there a Windows Event Viewer diagnostic tool I am unaware of? Am I barking up the wrong tree in using Windows Event Viewer and the real issue is elsewhere and there's a better way to identify the issue?
I am only associating the freezes with these issues because they usually occur right before Critical Error freeze occurs.
Help! And thanks.
when right click in file explorer, it load very slow
Contex menu delay on desktop shortcuts and explorer folders
I have uninstalled cortana, disabled all contex menu options with this program, and checked and repaired all regestery items. I don't have any idea what else to do. I use the right mouse click a lot and when the delay happens it is very disruptive to workflow.
Removal of leftover files and registry entries after uninstall. (crashplan)
Windows 10 Pro Licencia Retail - No actualiza versión 21H2 - Error 0x800f0922
Introduje el nuevo código de la Licencia en Actualización y Seguridad/Activación/Cambio de licencia.
Regularmente la Actualización solicita Reinicio.
Cuando se lleva a cabo sigue los pasos de Descarga, Instalación, luego Reinicio.
Durante el Reinicio la pantalla deja ver:
"Buscando actualizaciones", "Instalando" (se ve la evolución porcentual) y cuando casi llega a 100%; "No pudimos instalar actualizaciones", "No apague el equipo"
Luego Reinicia nuevamente y se repite lo mencionado.
Y finalmente abre la pantalla de presentación Windows.
Al revisar de nuevo el menú de Actualizaciones, aparece error 0x800f90922.
Aunque ejecuté diversas operaciones (vistas en Youtube), ninguna me dio resultado.
Es posible su ayuda para solucionar éste problema?, por favor.
Gracias! - Saludos
エラー:(STATUS_WAIT_2 (0x80070002))
Defrag Ultimate
Is there any benefit in having Defrag Ultimate? Boostspeed 12 includes defrag. Can Defrag Ultimate do anything the defrag in Boostspeed can't do?
Is Defrag Ultimate only intended to be used with Boostspeed 11, and earlier versions of Boostspeed?
Thank you.
transferring data and Auslogics
Hi. This may be out of your field, but...
I am relaunching a small nonprofit. Part of the process is transferring files from a worn out laptop (using now) to a newer refurbished one. I'm using the free version of Auslogics Speed to clean up the old laptop before transferring data to new. We will be subscribing to the paid version for the newer laptop after I get the transfer done.
In the past, I've had to have someone transfer data using specific cables. Is there an Auslogics or other software that can be used to do the transfer without hardwiring? Novice here techwise. And, it's always been my experience that no matter how successful the data transfer, the folder and files have to be manually reconstructed. A work-around would be great.
I need t leave home now but will return about 4:30 Pacific. Yes, I know that's asking a lot, so I appreciate whatever you can share about the challenges I'm facing.
Will Anderson
High System Usage
What emptied by downloads folder
Windows 10 not shutting down, keeps restarting
I have tried a few "fixes", e.g.
In Startup and recovery, used "Restart" for clean start,
Start in "Safe Mode",
Untick "Automatic restart",
Removed or substituted all devices, hard drives plus mouse and keyboard, even monitor and RAM, except Graphics card - no fix. Defragged and scanned hard drives for errors.
Pressed power button with power disconnected.
Re-installed Windows and updated.
All fans and heatsinks not clogged with dust.
Edited Registry = "No Auto Reboot With Logged On User"!
I have recent system images saved but none before the problem started!
Any suggestions? Thank you, David
Problems with Windows Update-Valentin Batalak
I had some problems installing Win 10 updates. The problem keeps recurring and I would like information from your support.
You may find this error code helpful: (0x80080005), which is the message that keeps popping up:
The device is missing important security and quality patches!
Valentin Batalak
slow response time on windows right-click
Boostspeed 13 startup externalized to Windows desktop every boot
How can I stop the Boostspeed dashboard from being extranalized on every boot-up?
проблема со входом в браузеры
RE: Need browser attachment advice
I Can't upload files to websites using any browser on my windows 10 home edition.
Can you help me?
Произвольное обновление страниц после обновления Windows
Win 11 start-up
However start-up takes forever. wheel turns over 50 times
Tiny Font
исчез диск
Espero su respuedta. aun estoy usando la version gratis de este programa.
Windows 11 Task Bar Not on Top
Keith Johnson
the best way to free-up dwindling space on my diskdrive
Pc Speed is slow compared to other devices
Recently I have noticed that my PC internet speed has drastically gone down. Every other device in the house has speeds of around 65mb upload speed. Yet my PC is around 6mb
I have tried disconecting ethernet cable and just connecting to the wifi but thats just as slow. I have also tried doing a network reset and that did not work. Every interent page used to be instant and now it really lags. I cannot do any online work until this is fixed.
Can you give me a list of things to try I am using windows 10
indicacion del tiempo de inicio de windows
Me dirijo a usted para preguntarle cómo logro que aparezca la notificacion en pantalla, del tiempo que ha tardado windows 11 en iniciarse.
Gracias, Atentamente:
Francisco José Díaz Álamo
Sprache deutsch
Wie kann ich die bezahlte version von Auslogics BoostSpeed 13 auf meinen Computer downloaden?