943 questions
Bonjour à vous et merci d'avance pour votre réponse, cordialement.
Pourquoi malgré les mises à jours et tout et tout, je trouve mon pc d'une lenteur et ceux malgré qu'il est loin d'être plein.
Merci pour votre temps, Mr Rome
Pourquoi malgré les mises à jours et tout et tout, je trouve mon pc d'une lenteur et ceux malgré qu'il est loin d'être plein.
Merci pour votre temps, Mr Rome
I registered my account to windows insider but when I click get started in my computer's settings, it tell me that "we can't talk to our service at this moment please try again later", I tried this again and again but it does the same.
I registered my account to windows insider but when I click get started in my computer's settings, it tell me that "we can't talk to our service at this moment please try again later", I tried this again and again but it does the same. I tried a lot of fixese but they all don't work.
Windows Live Affected by first scan
Hi, I ran my first scan yesterday which was fine but now the content in my Windows Live 2012 set-up has been removed - specifically I have lost the folders, and their contents, I set up in my inbox, and I now have only emails in my inbox from the 18.06.2021. Everything else has gone. How can I get it back to where I was yesterday?
Unable to Switch Account Windows 10
Unable to Switch Account. Switch Option not seen. Added Microsoft Users + 1 Locall User Already
佐藤光則 hsny7743@uranus.dti.ne.jp
佐藤光則 hsny7743@uranus.dti.ne.jp
sleep mode
after running my pc from sleep mode the voice of pc become weak .
whats the problem ?
Thank You
whats the problem ?
Thank You
Boostspeed Background Optimization
I have been using boostspeed for almost an year now and I am a free user. It is all good but my only question is that should i let boostpeed run in backgroung and windows startup? Does Boostspeed optimize my pc in the backgroung when I enable this option? These processes take up a lot of memory. And also does boostspeed perfomance monitor optimize the pc in backgroung ?
I have been using boostspeed for almost an year now and I am a free user. It is all good but my only question is that should i let boostpeed run in backgroung and windows startup? Does Boostspeed optimize my pc in the backgroung when I enable this option? These processes take up a lot of memory. And also does boostspeed perfomance monitor optimize the pc in backgroung ?
Windows 10 does not allow more than ~ 20 applications to run. Windows 10 не разрешает запуск больше чем ~20 приложений.
Windows 10 allows the simultaneous operation of about 20 applications. After that, the new application is allowed to start only after one of the open ones is buried.
How to remove the limit on the number of simultaneously running Windows 10 applications?
Windows 10 разрешает одновременную работу порядка 20ти приложений. После этого новое приложение разрешает запустить только после зарытия одного из открытых.
Как снять ограничение на колличество одновременно запущенных приложений Windows 10?
How to remove the limit on the number of simultaneously running Windows 10 applications?
Windows 10 разрешает одновременную работу порядка 20ти приложений. После этого новое приложение разрешает запустить только после зарытия одного из открытых.
Как снять ограничение на колличество одновременно запущенных приложений Windows 10?
Problem Solution
In the "check for updates" section, i have a message in red "Your device is missing important security and quality fixes" and when i click on "check for updates", the installing remains 0% and so i want to kmow how to solve this problem.
не могу открыть диск
На разных дисках установлена Windows 8.1 и Windows 10. Один раз я искал нужный файл, который был Windows 8.1. Для этого изменил занрузку в BIOS и запустил Windows 8.1. Искал файл. Вернулся на Windows10 у меня начались проблемы Windows 10. Потом много чистил и обновлял Windows 10 с помощью Auslogics. Удалось исправить, но вот с диском никак. Да и времени просто не хватает. Помогите с чего начать чтобы работать с диском
Я не могу прочитать ответ. Браузер меня туда не пускает. Смотрите скриншот
2. Загрузка Windows 10 на SSD увеличилась после активации программы до 3.5 - 4 минут. До этого была около 1 минуты. Разобраться в этом просто нет времени. Прошу помощи!. По внешнему виду процесс загрузки заполнился какими-то загрузками или закачками. На экране отображаетмя значек какой-то дополнительной закачки. На черном экране вращается белый круг и это долго.
wondpws 10 don't boot
My windows 10 home can not boot after a registry cleanup. It was stopped at the laptop logo and not going thro. Later attenpt to boot shows bluescreen with "BAD SYSTEM CONFIG INFO".
I have tried BCD fix, but got "access denied". I tried rewrite config, but my Regback is empty with no backup reg files. Please advise how can I get the thro?
Thank you.
My windows 10 home can not boot after a registry cleanup. It was stopped at the laptop logo and not going thro. Later attenpt to boot shows bluescreen with "BAD SYSTEM CONFIG INFO".
I have tried BCD fix, but got "access denied". I tried rewrite config, but my Regback is empty with no backup reg files. Please advise how can I get the thro?
Thank you.
Bluetooth sound
My airpods have sound on my phone, however it does not on my recently bought laptop, the laptop is relatively new, from this year, 2021. ( HP ENVY x360 15-ed1250nd - 2-in-1 Laptop - 15.6 Inch ) link: https://www.bol.com/nl/p/hp-envy-x360-15-ed1250nd-2-in-1-laptop-15-6-inch/9300000016569206/?Referrer=ADVNLGOO002021-G-113260400617-S-1073395452187-9300000016569206&gclid=CjwKCAjwqvyFBhB7EiwAER786fS7dpKIseiChs-oaUUNjwv4nVDV44PuNyouNTdn7ZBDePH-zAaTFRoCDbgQAvD_BwE , this link is in dutch though since I am dutch.
But back to the question, I have two options, Airpods handsfree AG audio, and airpods stereo.
the "airpods handsfree ag audio" one works, though it has really really poor quality,
on my phone it works perfectly with perfect quality, but if I put my laptop on airpods stereo, they just don't work, no sound, nothing
I clicked on many links trying to fix this problem, but with no success, I don't know what I should do, do you guys know how to fix this?
(ps my phone is a huawei p20 lite and I have airpods 2)
My airpods have sound on my phone, however it does not on my recently bought laptop, the laptop is relatively new, from this year, 2021. ( HP ENVY x360 15-ed1250nd - 2-in-1 Laptop - 15.6 Inch ) link: https://www.bol.com/nl/p/hp-envy-x360-15-ed1250nd-2-in-1-laptop-15-6-inch/9300000016569206/?Referrer=ADVNLGOO002021-G-113260400617-S-1073395452187-9300000016569206&gclid=CjwKCAjwqvyFBhB7EiwAER786fS7dpKIseiChs-oaUUNjwv4nVDV44PuNyouNTdn7ZBDePH-zAaTFRoCDbgQAvD_BwE , this link is in dutch though since I am dutch.
But back to the question, I have two options, Airpods handsfree AG audio, and airpods stereo.
the "airpods handsfree ag audio" one works, though it has really really poor quality,
on my phone it works perfectly with perfect quality, but if I put my laptop on airpods stereo, they just don't work, no sound, nothing
I clicked on many links trying to fix this problem, but with no success, I don't know what I should do, do you guys know how to fix this?
(ps my phone is a huawei p20 lite and I have airpods 2)
Error 15
How to fix "Access Denied Error 15 This request was blocked by the security rules" in Windows 10 Pro with Edge browser?
The date and time information for this PC is correct.
I am not using any Proxy or VPN for my internet connections.
I am NOT able to access this website with Windows 10 Pro PC using the Google Chrome browser
I am able to access this website with another Windows 10 Pro PC using the Google Chrome or the Edge browser
The date and time information for this PC is correct.
I am not using any Proxy or VPN for my internet connections.
I am NOT able to access this website with Windows 10 Pro PC using the Google Chrome browser
I am able to access this website with another Windows 10 Pro PC using the Google Chrome or the Edge browser
Is there some way to uninstall or disable some Windows "Features?"
For a number of reasons, I use Firefox as my default browser on this and other devices with Chrome as a secondary browser for some specific compatibility needs, but Windows is trying to force me to use their irritatingly disfunctional "Edge" browser. So far, I've had some success in decreasing the frequency at which WIndows pesters me to use the Ede browser, but I have not been able to completely eliminate this often intrusive problem. Is there some way to safely uninstall or completely disable the Edge browser?
Near the right end of the task bar at the bottom of my screen, Windows has an irritating "feature" that displays weather information and frequently presents a pop-up with news items and similar information. Id there some way to eliminate or uninstall this "feature?"
Near the right end of the task bar at the bottom of my screen, Windows has an irritating "feature" that displays weather information and frequently presents a pop-up with news items and similar information. Id there some way to eliminate or uninstall this "feature?"
Boostspeed 13 startup externalized to Windows desktop every boot
Everytime I boot up my Windows 10 laptop, Boostspeed 13 i set to startup in the settings, however on each boot, the Boostspeed dashboard is extranalized to the Windows desktop and always at the Registry Analysis tab.
How can I stop the Boostspeed dashboard from being extranalized on every boot-up?
How can I stop the Boostspeed dashboard from being extranalized on every boot-up?
проблема со входом в браузеры
Здраствуйте мне очень нужна Ваша помощь, у меня не отрывает страницы ни один браузер .Интернет есть , есть гугл , есть опера . но не открывает . не работают ссылки . Иными словами даже не появляются окна после нажатия ярлыка картинки на которые клацаещь а толку нет. Интернет есть показывает статус что все работает , ошибок не находит программа сканирования ... Помогите пожалуста
RE: Need browser attachment advice
I Can't upload files to websites using any browser on my windows 10 home edition.
Can you help me?
Произвольное обновление страниц после обновления Windows
Добрый день! В браузере с недавних пор стали произвольно чсасто обновляться открытые страницы. С чем это связано и как можно убрать это? После последнего обновления это появилось.
Win 11 start-up
My computer HP 25L speed is good.
However start-up takes forever. wheel turns over 50 times
However start-up takes forever. wheel turns over 50 times
Tiny Font
I love your application. I use it often. I have to squint to see the font. The font is up high on my computer in windows 11. The resolution is as high as my laptop will tolerate. How do I increase the font size of your product so I can at least read it without a struggle. I am guessing it is about a size 6 font size.
исчез диск
при помощи вашей программы я запустил сканирование компьютера. После окончания сканирования ваша программа предложила исправить "недостатки" системы. После этого у меня исчез внутренний диск D со всей инфомацией. Как такое может быть? И что мне сделать чтобы всё восстановить обратно. Спасибо.
Me gustaria saber si la version pro de este programa arregla los errores y archivos dañados del registro de windows 7 version 64 bits.
Espero su respuedta. aun estoy usando la version gratis de este programa.
Espero su respuedta. aun estoy usando la version gratis de este programa.
Windows 11 Task Bar Not on Top
In Windows 11, when I move the cursor to the bottom of the screen, the task bar does not pop up unless I touch a corner of it. And when it does pop up, it doesnot pop up on top of other windows on the screen. Is this a known issue with windows 11 or is thjere a setting I'm missing?
Keith Johnson
Keith Johnson
the best way to free-up dwindling space on my diskdrive
My computer is slowing down more and more as I use up more diskdrive space. It is an older computer but has been super reliable until very recently. What is the most effective way to free-up hard drive space to allow Windows to be more efficient?
Pc Speed is slow compared to other devices
Recently I have noticed that my PC internet speed has drastically gone down. Every other device in the house has speeds of around 65mb upload speed. Yet my PC is around 6mb
I have tried disconecting ethernet cable and just connecting to the wifi but thats just as slow. I have also tried doing a network reset and that did not work. Every interent page used to be instant and now it really lags. I cannot do any online work until this is fixed.
Can you give me a list of things to try I am using windows 10
Recently I have noticed that my PC internet speed has drastically gone down. Every other device in the house has speeds of around 65mb upload speed. Yet my PC is around 6mb
I have tried disconecting ethernet cable and just connecting to the wifi but thats just as slow. I have also tried doing a network reset and that did not work. Every interent page used to be instant and now it really lags. I cannot do any online work until this is fixed.
Can you give me a list of things to try I am using windows 10
indicacion del tiempo de inicio de windows
Estimado Señor:
Me dirijo a usted para preguntarle cómo logro que aparezca la notificacion en pantalla, del tiempo que ha tardado windows 11 en iniciarse.
Gracias, Atentamente:
Francisco José Díaz Álamo
Me dirijo a usted para preguntarle cómo logro que aparezca la notificacion en pantalla, del tiempo que ha tardado windows 11 en iniciarse.
Gracias, Atentamente:
Francisco José Díaz Álamo
Sprache deutsch
Gibt es das Handbuch auch in Deutsch?
Wie kann ich die bezahlte version von Auslogics BoostSpeed 13 auf meinen Computer downloaden?
Wie kann ich die bezahlte version von Auslogics BoostSpeed 13 auf meinen Computer downloaden?