1859 questions

display settings/function

My 'brightness control' slider dissapeared in Windows 10 and I can't figure out a way to get it back. Now the screen just stays fairly bright all the time. There also isn't one in the notifications tab that I could us instead of the missing one on the desktop.
Nov 23, 2020 at 02:01 PM

Не запускается Aslogics BoostSpeed

Добрый день, приобрел годовую подписку на Aslogics BoostSpeed 11. На компьютер и ноутбук установилась нормально и отлично работает (система Windows 10). Но на второй ноутбук установилась с трудом и не запускается, при запуске вылетает окно (принтскрин во вложении). Скачивал с сайта и переустанавливал несколько раз - не помогает, программа не запускается. Система Windows Vista Home, ноутбук ужк возрастной.

Nov 19, 2020 at 11:45 AM


Chaque fois que je fais un nettoyage en profondeur, je dois réinstaller MSFS.
Comment parametrer Bootspeed 11 pour éviter cela?
Bien à vous

Nov 19, 2020 at 10:31 AM


Добрий.Подскажите што мне делать в такой ситуации?

Nov 18, 2020 at 05:12 PM

Upgrading Windows Vista to 10

I have an old Vista laptop and it's pretty slow. Can I upgrade it to Windows 10? Can I use BoostSpeed on Vista?
Nov 18, 2020 at 03:42 PM


When you do a rescan, why don't you just have go ahead and do it, instead of having to click on scan again? Stupid question
Thanks Roger L Batchelder

Nov 16, 2020 at 04:48 PM

ONEdrive freezing PC

How to improve onedrive velocity?
Nov 15, 2020 at 04:59 PM


Проблеми с пуском из за того что ставлю найвисший приоритет в елекропитание видеокарти.Незнаю как решить ету проблему,также после обновления видеокарты .HD5000 виндовс делает перезагрузку системи и появляеца синий екран смерти.До обновлений драйверов видеокарти и обновлений виндовс таких проблем ненаблудалось.

Nov 14, 2020 at 04:29 PM

Problema con servidor de internet y administrador de dispositivos

Whenever I restart my pc, it does not want to connect to the internet, it appears connected but does not open internet pages, and the error solver says, it fails in the router dns, but it is not that, because in other devices it works fine, I must restart the internet modem or take out the ethernet cable until the line comes back, my service provider came and checked with his laptop, it works fine, they told me there is a problem on my pc. To connect the ethernet cable I use a HUB (photos) because my laptop does not have a direct connection to ethernet, and for some time, when I installed AUSLOGICS BOOTSPEED, I did some programming and it gave me an error in the device driver desktop, I don't know if that is doing something on my pc, I don't like to be connecting and disconnecting the ethernet cable, because it is supposed to work, no need to reboot or remove the cable. Since I installed AUSLOGICS BOOTSPEED, I HAVE GOT SEVERAL BUGS IN MY PC, I DON'T KNOW IF THEY CAN HELP ME TO SOLVE IT. I already tried everything.
Nov 13, 2020 at 07:22 PM


Computor will not up date because it keeps saying something missing (0x8024a105) thats what is missing what is it?
Nov 13, 2020 at 06:15 AM



Nov 13, 2020 at 05:57 AM

A Game Application

I keep getting an error code that says 0xC0000005 (0x0) N whenever i try and boot up the application and I'm not sure what it means or how to fix it. It tells me to scan and repair the application but that won't work either. I tried placing the file but it wouldn't let me.
Nov 13, 2020 at 05:23 AM

Protect Doesn't Recognise MS Edge

It was working for a while on Bostspeed 10, but then it stopped working. I upgraded to Boostspeed 11 because there was no support for BS10 after BS11 came out.

BoostSpeed 11 still doesn't appear to recognise Microsoft Edge

Nov 12, 2020 at 08:55 PM

Запретить windows кэшировать в mapping file

Добрый день. Иногда падают игры, с ошибкой на нехватку оперативной памяти. Проблема в том что WIN10 уводит в кэш слишком много памяти. На скриншоте 1.6гб+, но это после чистки. было 10гб.
Используя RAMMap.exe выявил что те 10гб были схаваны Mapped File: standby. Почистил. но сейчас опять память утекает..
как можно отключить это недоразумение?
Служба SuperFetch отключена. Что еще может жрать память и не отдавать её?
Nov 12, 2020 at 02:19 PM

Siempre se sobrecalienta el cpu al 100%

Veo en el admin de tareas y dice integrator.exe usando 56% de cpu y optimizer.exe dice 23%
Nov 12, 2020 at 01:32 PM

Intermittent PC Crashes/Freezes

To Whom It May Concern,

I intiated my original correspondence on the 5th November as indicated below:

I, now, upload the Event View Log, in the hope this will assist you in resolving this issue. Many thanks. As an aside, I think there should, also, be an option to 'Add File' from my account page. Instead, I am obligated to intiate another question to include this file and this should not be the case, when it is part of the same, initial, question.

This is a bit ridiculous. I am asked to create a log from the Event Viewer which is 'saved as' a .evtx file and now I cannot add it! Neither can I add it in a format that is recognised by Auslogics! Wow! Really, really helpful - Not!

I await an update at your earliest available opportunity.

Kind regards,


Ian R. W

Dear Ian,

Thank you for posting your question on our forum.

The easiest way to solve the issue is to uninstall the program that creates this error or contact their support.

Often, such errors are created by hacked software or bugs in software that can only be solved by their developers.

Running the command "sfc / scannow" in CMD under the admin might help with the issue.

You can also send to our support logs with system information and event viewer so that we can better understand the issue.

To get the system information report press Start -> Run, type in MSINFO32 and press the Enter button. Save the report using the File -> Save menu option.

To get logs from event viewer, please do the following:

1. Press the key combination "Windows" + "X"

2. Select "Event Viewer"

3. Expand the "Custom Viewer" subsection

4. Select "Administrative Events"

5. Expand the "Action" menu

6. Click on "Save all events in custom view as ..."

7. Save log to PC

If you need any further assistance or have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Upvote (0)

Ian W
Edited 7 days ago
Waiting for moderation
Dear Suzanna,

Your prompt response to my request for technical support is very much appreciated.

Further to your recommendations I have now run the commend "sfc /SCANNOW in CMD under the Administrator privileges.In the event, corrupted files were found and successfully repaired.

At this stage, I think I will see if this provides system stability, before sending the associated report with the Windows Event Viewer.

I remain grateful for your attention, time, effort and co-operation in this assisting me to resolve this issue.

Kind regards


Ian R. W

Dear Suzanna,

Further to my correspondence sent to you on the 5th November, I have continued to receive intermittent crashes/freezing on my PC, so as recommended, I attach the associated Event View Log, in the hope this data will be able to assist you in resolving my issue.

Kind regards,


Ian R. W

Nov 12, 2020 at 01:09 PM

battery not charging

my battery is not charging. i lost the invoice from the assus dealer in goa, india namely INTECH COMPUTERS, Porvorim, Goa. He is not giving the duplicate. checked online and saw that the warranty of this laptom expires on May 27, 2020, whereas I bought this laptop in April 2020. I smell something fishing with this dealer. took it to service centre, they say that warranty expired as above, and if at all they can help they want the invoice.

Nov 12, 2020 at 12:01 PM

playing videos

This morning I could play videos from the internet and tonight I'm not able to. Please give me suggestions to fix this.

The error message says:

(Playback ID: vnJN0H3RgwlSS4V0)

Nov 12, 2020 at 01:29 AM

archivos duplicados

como eliminar archivos duplicados
Nov 10, 2020 at 11:53 AM

Не очищается корзина

Не могу очистить корзину,требуется разрешение администратора компьютера,кроме меня больше нет пользователей на этом компьютере !
Восстановить файлы не получается,очистить нельзя,вырезать тоже,проверял компьютер на вирусы и делал проверку дисков,всё хорошо
Что делать,как очистить корзину ? Меня это очень раздражает !
Windwos 10 x64

Nov 09, 2020 at 07:12 AM


Hello, I can't turn on Bluetooth, the device is visible in the device Manager, Windows 10 does not turn on

Sep 13, 2020 at 10:19 AM

Перестал работать микрофон после использования программы

Здравствуйте, после использования программы перестал рабоать микрофон, приложения его не видят. В настройках микрофона он включен, но когда нажимаю прослушать с утройства, там тишина. браузер тоже его не видит, дискорд предлагает поменять устройтво, но толку от этого тоже нет. Драйвера уже удалял и ставил заново, проблемы не решило

Mar 27, 2020 at 09:03 AM

ATOK ジャストシステム契約管理エージェント「管理のサービス」が停止になってしまう

Jul 20, 2020 at 03:51 AM

keyboard mis function

since updates to win 10 my laptop no longer has functioning shift keys. i have checked sticky keys etc are all off. i have deleted driver for keyboard, restarted laptop to reinstall driver. i have been to laptop compies website and can find no driver updates for my model. acer 771555z.
any solutions.

Oct 02, 2020 at 01:17 PM

Auslogics Pop ups

Why have you introduced pop ups that just send me round in circles?
Been using Auslogics suite of progs for 15+? years, really don't need it. SO ANNOYING

Feb 28, 2020 at 10:14 PM

Do I need to defrag/optimize SSD

I have installed a new 1 TB SSD on my laptop. Your program initially set up to optimize and defrag it. I researched online, and no one recommends doing this as it will dimish the life of the SSD. Questions:

1. Do I need to enable this option?
2. Will using this program to clean up the registry do any damage or shorten life of the SSD?
3. I found online that it is not recommended to shred files on an SSD. If I have sensitve files that I deleted, on a SSD, is it permanently removed/unrecoverable by deletion or I should still use your shred operation?

In all of the above, I just want to make sure your program doesn't damage the life of the SSD. I also want to know if your features affect the SSD negatively or if it is needed at all. What is the positive impact of it on my SSD and operation?

Aug 09, 2020 at 10:51 PM

Auslogics windows slimmer pro v.3


I am a bit interested in above mentioned softwares compact feature. When running it it says that it can compress W10 with 1.9gb, windows inbuilt feature says only 0.5gb when running it. So how can your program compress so much more, 1.4gb more, that is a lot. Very!

I hope i will get a really detailed, extensive answer to my question, now when i have taken the trouble to download and install "Boostspeed" to get an answer.

So, how can your software compress so much more then Windows inbuilt feature? Why the difference? What does it really do?

May 14, 2021 at 01:48 PM

File transfer software

I thought you guys offered a file-transfer system a while ago. Or am I mistaken?
I want to send a 300 MB video to a colleague, but could not find any reference in the main menu to do so.

Dec 10, 2019 at 12:05 AM

After uninstalling webroot, their core service is stuck in my pc, and I can't remove it

Hi, this is my last qustion, and the most importent one. I just installed webroot, but I found a better one, and their core service is stuck in my pc. I tried everything( safe mode, antivirus remove tool....) all didn't work. So please help!
May 10, 2021 at 11:57 PM

driver updater

when i run driver updater i lose keyboard capability on my ms surface.
I had to undo the updates to regain use of my keyboard.

Feb 14, 2020 at 06:09 PM

Function Keys

how can I change my function key default action
Mar 23, 2024 at 02:31 PM

copy and paste

Generally, copy and paste do not work with mouse druppin a meny. Now, I have to use tne keyboar,Control "c" to copy and control.'V' to paste. this has slowed my ompute use condiderably.
somtimes I can see a quick flas of the menu, but it disppears befoe any action can take place.
Any help to correct this would be appreciate. Thank You

Feb 28, 2020 at 05:26 PM

Computer Freeze on Restart and Shutdown


Everytime I sleep my computer instead of shutting it down and then go back on later to use it and then shut it down it freezes while loading the shutdown. Same thing when I go to restart it. When I don't sleep it before shutting it down it shut's down/restarts without any issues.

Sometimes it says, "Windows has ran into an error, please wait while we send the error report :)". And at the bottom of this page it says please tell your computer expert (something like that) the following: Memory_Management Error 004. After the this page reaches 100% (for sending error report) it just freezes.

The only way I can shut down my computer when all of the above happens is holding the power button down.


Mar 29, 2021 at 02:21 AM

my internal speakers are not working anymore

Hi, After purchasing and downloading auslogics boostspeed, driver update, defragmenter and anti-malware, my windows 10 laptops interal speakers are no longer working or even being detected by my computer. I have no idea how to fix this to get them re-enabled. Please help!!

Feb 03, 2020 at 04:25 PM

Не работает микрофон

Добрый день.
После очистки и оптимизации компьютера с помощью Auslogics BoostSpeed перестал работать микрофон - и встроенный, и в любых наушниках. Система его видит, во всех настройках разрешено его использование, но на звук никак не реагирует.
На всякий случай прикладываю скрин менеджера программы - в заблокированных файлах есть куча файлов, связанных с драйвером звуковой карты Conexant, после исключения их из списка блокировки все равно не работает. Все это время звук в наушниках и без них есть.

Jan 28, 2020 at 06:29 AM

Microsoft Store の各ソフト 文字化け と Microsoft Store の各ソフト 起動出来ない

Windows10 のMicrosoft store では、文字化けが多いのため、ソフト起動出来ない。 

例、ペイント3D、フィートバック、ニュース、天気、マネー 他。


Apr 14, 2020 at 03:15 AM

Bluetooth not working

Bluetooth isi not working. Please suggest remedial measures to resolve the issue.

Dec 14, 2019 at 03:30 AM

keyboard is working intermittently

I did some tweaks using Aulogics BoostSpeed 11. My keyboard is now working intermittently, but I'm not sure what tweak may have caused that. I will be typing and it will just stop recording my keystrokes for a few seconds, so I have to wait for a few seconds until the keyboard starts responding again. I have a new HP Envy laptop. Any suggestions? Thanks a lot.

p.s.: on the dropdown above for device, it gave me four options. I just selected what I think is the right one

Jun 06, 2020 at 05:19 PM


is there an update to my didk defrag 10?

Aug 31, 2021 at 01:33 AM

Auslogics Blocked by User Account Control


Please can I ask for your help as I cannot access my Auslogiccs BoostSpeed 12 on my computer? I get a flagged message that User Control Account has blocked access.

Can I take this opportunity to wish you and your colleauges and families a great New Year.

Kind regards
Jan 21, 2022 at 03:50 PM