Installation of Logitech Options hang indefinitely
I just bought MX ANYWHERE 2S mouse. Logitech web page insists I must have the LOGITECH OPTIONS executable to parameter the mouse. So I tried to install, but the installation does not complete.
That's it for now.
DVD-writer does not write music on CDs
Need license key
I upgraded from Boostspeed 10 Pro (license key: G2AEG-XXXXX-3WNYY-XXXXX-G79JL) to Boostspeed 11 Pro. However, I did not reveive a license key for version 11. I have attached a copy of the transaction. Can you help me with this? Thanks.
Computer freezes up
One of the reasons I purchased Ausilogic is to help me with performance. My computer freezes up for 10 seconds or so every few minutes. I don't know if hardware is failing, if there is a miscatch among compenentry.
How can we use your products to solve it.
So far, I haven't been able to eleminate this problem
BoostSpeed PRO not activating
I purchased BoostSpeed PRO on 5 Jul (ord#
Hello. I have an asus notebook F3L. Windows 7 system. There will be no more new year updated. I do not know if I should install a new Windows 10? if the computer is old and how it will work
Will not update to
Auslogics BoostSpeed Can Not update to Please help!
Unknown Software Running
Hi - I see this widget on my desktop all the time and I am not sure what it is. Trying to Google it said it was part of Chrome but I uninstalled Chrome and its still there - I'd really like to remove it, it's annoying and seems to provide no useful function. Picture attached.
My System Restore program seems to be gone.When i press System Restore in the Control Panel it thinks my computer is Windows &.It's Windows 10.How do i make a restore point?
Drive error alert but the scan shows nothing
In the menu that pops up when I hover the BoostSpeed icon in the system tray there is information that I have a drive error. I have run the standard disk scan but it doesn't show any errors on any of my drives.
Should I run a deep scan?
I have decided to bother you with this and not simply run the deep scan because I have had a number of situations with various computer equipment that could be descrived as "unlucky" and I am reluctant to do anything that isn't necesarry to my system.
Kind regards,
Konrad Wozniak
Error message
I have tried several times to update Windows 10 Home but continue to receive error message Ox80073712 .Can you help?
Displaying wrong color/crap in photos
After using boost speed I discover that my paintshop pro and canon software dont display photos properly.
As you can see in attached file it is totaly wrong and also on canon.
I have done a complete reinstallation af paintshop pro according to advice from corel and it didn help.
So boostspeed has done something, but I dont know where to restore from.
Please help.
windows search do not work
Auslogics BoostSpeed 11 - I get messages saying that a high resource consumption has been detected. You may encounter extreme PC slowdowns.Tell me what to do?
Not Receiving Emails
I have tried by re-installig the software,but I find all the settings arestill there, whereas I used to have ti restore backups.
Roger Hilton
error 400
Rob Green