No streaming sound after you scan and fix
Microphone not working
What happened?
And, more importantly, how do I fix it?
El teclado salta atrás al escribir
When typing it is as if the keyboard were pressing only the tab, and other than that it sometimes only moved backwards. A few words back. That happens after having the computer turned on for a while, that is, it does not turn on that way. As time passes, it starts with that situation of going only words back when typing or leaving the current text box as if pressing tab.
problem after running resolve all issues early this morning
What can you tell me about I2C This device cannot start. (Code 10).
I have tried many fixes with no success.
This is the Touch Screen driver in an HP Envy 360.
George Jamison
Remove write protection your software put on my new external drive
How do I remove write protection from my new segate almost empty drive so I can transfer stuff to it?
Disable Edge Swipe in Win10 B2004 update
Thx much for your help on prior question!
Please tell me how to permanently, (as in no 'edge swipe restart' on system restart), disable Edge Swipe.
F&*!#ing MSFT does it again; Win10 uppdate 2004 kills cortana local/system search ability, which disappears even finding any settings re Edge Swipe.
Please tell me how to kill kill kill kill forever Win10 Edge Swipe.
Thx very much, Folks!
Scotty :-)
No me deja instalar programas pues este me devuelve una referencia
Unable to uninstall application using Uninstall Manager of Boostspeed 11
I installed SmartDraw2020 application (free version) from the Net. Now, when I want to uninstall it, it is not showing up either in control panel or in BoostSpeed under Uninstall Manager tab. There is Uninstall option for this App when I access through Windows 10 Start Menu (see screenshot attached), but it is not uninstalling from there, due to some error (Could not open Install.log file message).
I am surprised why it is not even listed in Boostspeed under Uninstall Manager. Can you please help me?
computer not turning on
cpu fan not spnning but other fan are spinning
i cleaned the fan but also not spinning
I tried other cpu fan but also not spinning
cannot boot into the windows
ATOK ジャストシステム契約管理エージェント「管理のサービス」が停止になってしまう
Unused Applications - Application Logs
C:\Windows\System32\SleepStudy\ScreenOn\ScreenOnPowerStudyTraceSession-2020 How can I delete, disable the folders of these files. I have gone in to the final files and deleted them, at least I think I have, but the early folders are still there and the Application Logs appear again. How do I get rid of or disable these folders? Thanks!
Переключение предложение
Swipe Left, esp from rt edge, activates Cortana?
Demande Information
Comment faire pour Rechercher des fichiers doublons sur un Réseau NAS
Avec mes remerciements
Jacques LOGEAY
I would like to have some feedbag and your thoughts about(( Aspire V3-771-32328G75Makk))
Well this 8 years old laptop runs really smooth especially after i cleaned the fan. have learned alot about the hardware.
But.. i would like to play some games on it but there seems a problem with my videocard because intel dont support it anymore since windows 10. the questions are:
Can i upgrade this videocard?
Should i replace the Intel core i3-2328m cpu @ 2.20ghz to the I7 ?
And ifso yes is it worth it since the cost of hardware i need to buy then..
Sorry for the bad english.. (From Holland)
Kind regards!
Зависание прогаммы
Почему Auslogics BoostSpeed 11- 32 бита, когда будет для 64 битных windows 10?
Постоянно при запуске зависает намертво.
Internet explorer
I don't use IE can I uninstall it as there are many items that will attach to it example is Roboform (password manager) and I wonder if IE contributes to ecess bagage.
Windows 10 CD Drive not working but showing as "working properly"
System interupts
Any suggestions?
Eliminate Popups
Auslogics BoostSpeed extrem langsam
Das läuft anfangs noch ganz gut bis es zu den Browserspuren kommt.
Dann werden die etwa 300000 gefundenen Spuren im Sekundentakt heruntergezählt. Nach mehreren Stunden Laufzeit wird das zunehmend langsamer.
Ich muss dann abbrechen sonst wird das nie fertig.
Mache ich da etwas falsch oder ist das ein Software Problem?
Dieter Krause
Intel (R) management
Updater 2 saved PST files to my documents folder
Premesso che il software AUSLOGICS è straordinario e da solo è sufficiente per la gestione di un normale PCDESK (nel mio caso un ottimo ASUS + WINDOWS 10 PRO 64 BIT + GOOGLE CHROME), incontro un problema quando intendo eliminare on line decine e decine di file audio che corrispondono ad altrettanti file di brani musicali (circa 10.000!!!) scaricati e archiviati sul portale on line MEDIA CENTER del software multimediale JRIVER (USA).
Questo maledetto software, in abbonamento annuale, con gli anni è diventato sempre più cervellotico e difficile da utilizzare, avendo un sacco di funzioni e di opzioni.
L'unico aspetto che non è stato curato dai programmatori è appunto la cancellazione dei file duplicati 1 volta o +volte. Per assurdo JRiver permette questa eleminazione SOLO PROCEDENDO CON UN BRANO MUSICALE PER VOLTA!!!!
Purtroppo, anche il programma di ricerca dei file audio duplicati del Vostro software AUSLOGICS, fornisce il risultato di pochi file individuati, mentre io sono sicuro che ne esistono centinaia da eliminare.
Il sito web in oggetto è il seguente: e l'ultima versione è la 33.
Ringrazio in anticipo per l'attenzione e mi auguro che possiate aiutarmi con la procedura corretta.
Giancarlo Perani - Bergamo - Italia
Хочу вручную найти файлы этого приложения
К примеру - хочу удалить полностью из системы Windows10 программу skype или cortana и как мне это сделать?Даже если я удалю стандартными методами системы все равно останутся следы,я бы хотел вручную найти все файлы относящиеся к этим программам удалить их,а потом еще и в реестре почистить записи,так чтобы уже с концами наверняка,чтобы они не висели в системе и не жрали ресурсы и не замедляли систему!
Mapa de desfragmentação
Windows Update
ASUS N73SV init W7 updated W10 NoVirus NoBug Regularly optimized
Depuis plusieurs mois, toutes les mises à jour du type "Mise à jour de fonctionnalitré vers Windows 10 - 22H2" se terminent avec un code erreur 0x8007001f. Cela se reproduit tous les jours maintenant.
Mes tentatives de correction du problème n'ont pas abouti. Merci de m'aider.
Je ne suis pas un expert Microsoft.
You are my only first hand help
Friendly yours
Jean Farny
new windows download
Auslogics BoostSpeed pop up window
BY the way, the Subcategory of Tips, or anything else has no relevance to the question, but had to select somwthing to submit the question.
thank you
Исправление неполадки
WindowsUpdate Not working due to corrupted files & MSOffice 10 Prof does not install
problemi della barra degli strumenti
la barra degli strumenti ha i segurnti malfunzionamenti
Non è possibile digitare nel campo CERCA
Cliccando sull' icona WIFI e su quello altoparlante non compaioni i relativi menu a tendina
Non è attiva neanche l' icona Notifiche
Come posso rimediare ?