1926 questions
firefox issue
each time i open Firefox it appears accordinig to TASK MANAGER
that anywhere from 12-20 instances of Firefox are running which consume
CPU & MEMORY resources s;lowing down my entire operation
How can i correct this & eliminate more than 1 instance of FF opening & running ?
thank you
Optimización de la memotria Ram
Hola, me pueden ayudar a configurar la optimización de la memotria Ram de mi PC con BootSpeed 13?
MS Constantly changes default brower and search engin
I am econstantly having to replace the default browser and search back to Chrome & Google becaseu Microsoft changes them to Edge & Bing.
Is it possible to control this in the Registry?
Is it possible to control this in the Registry?
Bluetooth keyboard pairing problem
When pairing the device, the system and Bluetooth recognizes it, but NO WINDOW APPEARS to enter the pairing code.
I have tried it several times, but always with the same result. The device I want to connect is a MX KEEYS MINI keyboard. My system is Windows 10 LTSC 2019.
The technical service of the keyboard manufacturer (Logitech) has not been able to give me a solution.
Thank you in advance for your help, I remain at your disposal for any additional information that could be useful to you.
computer freezing a lot
I was having a lot of problems with programs and browsers closing, after I installed auslogic, it improved, but I was afraid of it being some deep virus, how can I know, I have the antivirus, but I still have my doubts, because the PC gave a improved, but you will know
Default browser issues
I set Chrome as Windows 11 default browser and Google as search engine Microsoft keeps changing broweser to Edge & Bing.
Can Auslogic Registry Cleaner detect and fix such unauthorised changes?
Can Auslogic Registry Cleaner detect and fix such unauthorised changes?
start up automatic repair comes up which keeps coming up forever
I have a problem with every time I start up automatic repair comes up which keeps coming up forever if I don't click F8 and click Disable forced Driver Signature! After I click F8 windows starts up and runs normally. what do i do this problem? Can you help me? Hope you have a solution for me.
With best regards
Peter Hansen
Content hidden to protect privacy
New download won't run
I downloaded the suggested new Auslogics Disk Defrag 11. Now it won't run. It says "The execution cannot proceed because AxComponetsVCL.bpl was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem".
Not very happy about this.
Since I just completed "downloading and installing" the updated version, how the heck am I supposed to accomplish this?
How do I get back to the Defrag that worked?
Not very happy about this.
Since I just completed "downloading and installing" the updated version, how the heck am I supposed to accomplish this?
How do I get back to the Defrag that worked?
Lost files in Downloads folder ????
I've just done a action in bootspeed 13 after I downloaded update and it has wiped out ALL my files in my windows downloads folder so I am not very happy with this !!!! Is there anyway that I can recover these files ???? I'll leave my laptop switched on in the hope that I can get an answer from you to assist me in this recovery of the many files I have lost/
Thank you John Blair 10.31 UK time on 04July24.
Thank you John Blair 10.31 UK time on 04July24.
Ich finde die mit Auslogics BoostSpeed 13 wiederhergestellten Dateien auf meinem Computer nicht.
Perte souris et pavé tactile sur ASUS R702U
A l'occasion d'une mise à jour des drivers, (Windows 10) la procédure s'est bloquée.
j'ai dû arrêter mon portable (CTRL ALT DEL).
Au redémarrage plus de possibilité de valider une action.
Plus de pavé tactile, plus de souris !
Comment pouvoir ré-utiliser mon portable ?
Je vous envoie cette question de mon poste fixe
Comment choisir une langue de contact par défaut; mon anglais est scolaire et ancien.
Merci de votre réponse.
A l'occasion d'une mise à jour des drivers, (Windows 10) la procédure s'est bloquée.
j'ai dû arrêter mon portable (CTRL ALT DEL).
Au redémarrage plus de possibilité de valider une action.
Plus de pavé tactile, plus de souris !
Comment pouvoir ré-utiliser mon portable ?
Je vous envoie cette question de mon poste fixe
Comment choisir une langue de contact par défaut; mon anglais est scolaire et ancien.
Merci de votre réponse.
Recherche de logiciel
Quels logiciel gratuit me conseillez-vous pour rendre mon PC plus performant rapide et un bureau attrayant
Autodesk Software
i had installed Autodesk Software on my computer and it didnt install well due to licence patching. I unistalled the software and tried to reinstall but the software wouldnt install.
i then purchased Auslogics Boostspeed 13 with the hope thta it will help me with removing all possible traces of the software but its not helping
i then purchased Auslogics Boostspeed 13 with the hope thta it will help me with removing all possible traces of the software but its not helping
PC shuts off
Why does my pc randomly shut off its not over heating because the temp says its fine and when turned on cpu and vga red light turn on and off