1826 questions

USB device not recognised

My Garmin Forerunner watch is not recognised as a USB device
Jan 11, 2024 at 08:19 AM


Hacker keeps messing around my pc an I try to load zonealrm but keep getting error 1619 an have done everything i know ,maybe you can help?
Jan 10, 2024 at 05:50 PM

проблема с загрузкой

Здравствуйте У меня такая проблема очень медленно грузится ноутбук уже давно Приглашал мастера 1.5 года назад но попался компьюрный мошенник Он сказал сначала что у меня сильно поврежден жеский диск и нужно попробовать его восстановить Когда я спросил о цене он ушел от ответа и если это выйдет то потом продолжить дальше Он загружал какую то программу для восстановления и спустя где то часа сказал что диск восстановлен и нужно переустановить Windows Я даже не знал что новая установка снесет все нужные мне программы а у меня даже не было их копий Я согласился раз надо так надо Когда он сделал переустановку и установил 3-4 программы сказал что все сделал Япроверил да дествительно загрука стала быстрая и спросил сколько я должен Он начал заполнять какой-то договор и насчитал 27190 руб Я был в шоке и сказал что уменя столько нет и почему вы сразу мне не сказали во сколько мне выйдет ремонт Ябы никогда бы не согласился на такой ремонт Мастер сразу преобразилсяи из доброго услужливого превратился в холодного жесткого дельца Стал просто давить и вымогать деньги Я долго с ним спорил отдал сколько у меня было всю пенсию 12000 руб и еще я ему буду должен 8000 руб То есть он мне сделал скидку в 7000 руб Потом уже в Интернете я нашел что так разводят стариков на деньги компьютерные мошенники Через месяца 2-3 все вернулось обратно и ноутбук стал по прежнему медленно грузиться Теперь я боюсь вызывать каких то мастеров боюсь что опять меня обманут Скажите каким образом мне можно помочь чтобы была быстрая загрузка
Jan 09, 2024 at 10:57 AM


Hi, sorry for my poor Englsh... I started reg clean in auslogic but it made some changes in my pc that I did not like. How can I make a recovery?
Jan 08, 2024 at 10:40 PM


I am having issues with windows 11 pro not going to sleep (even with settings for it set), it takes me 2 times selecting the sleep button for it to enter sleep mode. I have it set to sleep after 20 minutes of inactivity but with no avail.
Jan 08, 2024 at 05:55 PM

credit cards

how do i safely remove any credit card details on my PC using auslogics
Jan 05, 2024 at 03:58 PM

снижение пинга

Доброго времени суток!

Нужна помощь в снижении пинга в сети.
После прогона internet optimizer пинг по прежнему остается высоким на разных серверах (в районе 200-300ms)
Есть ли возможность сделать что либо еще?
Jan 05, 2024 at 01:27 PM

100 % disc

my disc is at 100% still after i reset everything and updated to windows 11, help.
Jan 05, 2024 at 03:35 AM

Display and touchpad

i cannot go to night light and lower the blue light and my touchpad stopped fiunctioning ,
Jan 04, 2024 at 09:12 AM

Duplicate fiel search on networked drive

I have a Netgear ReadyNAS 104 running v 6.10.9 with SMB, NFS and FTP services running. I seek a duplicate file app to reduce the number of duplicate files on the networked backup device folders. These folders are primarily PC backups of user files, like docs, pics and music. I can also access these files using Windows File Explorer with a mapped network drive.

Does Auslogic have a product that will do this? PC is WIndows 11 Pro. Nwtwork is wired and with a L2 managed gigabit switch using DHCP and static addresses. Looking to aviod downloading backup folders to a Windows PC and using a duplciate file app then uploading back to the NAS.
Jan 03, 2024 at 03:18 PM

Recordig Audio

I would like to record audio from my turntable (Line level) to my Dell 5567 Laptop. The only Recording device that windows detects (listed in the "Recording" tab of the "Sound" dialogue box) is "Microphone" Obviously I don't want to use Microphone as the Recording device.
I would like to use the 3.5mm Jack Speaker/Headphone socket as the Recording input device, but although it is listed as a Playback device, it is not listed as a Recording device.
Jan 03, 2024 at 10:26 AM

Программа не зпускаеся

Отсутствует какой-то файл
Dec 30, 2023 at 03:40 AM

Change DNS

I am getting the message: 'Attempt to change DNS detected' Adapter: 'Wintun userspace tunnel #223'
How do I deal with this? There is a 'settings' bar but it does nothing when I click on it.
Thank you,
Geoff Parsons
Dec 28, 2023 at 02:24 AM

Pro but not Pro

Your BoostSpeed 13 software recognises I'm a Pro user on Windows 10 (my activation key comes up when I try to regitster). Why would I try to register if I'm already registered? Because the software refuses to recognise my Pro status for several of its features, such as automatic scanning. When I click the checkbox to open the features a dialogue box pops up telling me to buy Pro... even as it's displaying my license key! Really annoying.
Dec 27, 2023 at 09:01 PM


i have updated the first driver in the list of drivers to be updated many times, why does it continue to on the list.
i update drivers 2 or 3 times a day but the list doesn't get any shorter,why.
Dec 27, 2023 at 12:18 PM

?????.tmp.exe files needing to be blocked daily

Every day after Windows startup I see a privacy warning from my antivirus software (Trend Micro Maximum Security) that one or more new files in C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Temp is trying to access my C: drive, as it is protected against ransom attack by the antivirus software, and offering to block it.

The files being blocked are all of a certain type, ending .tmp.exe. File properties reveal them to be "7-Zip Standalone Console" files, and are executable.
For instance:

Are you able to tell me what this executable is doing in the background? I am suspicious of it.
(I cannot add an exe file to this submission)
Dec 27, 2023 at 11:41 AM

will SSD HD Word with this MOB

will a 980 ssd NVMe work with my mother boared
Dec 27, 2023 at 03:12 AM

внезапно стал плохой интернет

у меня был нормальный интернет всё было хорошо но на след день он просел до 100кб загрузка хотя на спидтесте он как был по 80мб так и остался и уже месяц он такой до сих пор а что делать я не знаю
Dec 27, 2023 at 01:39 AM

license keys

If I were to buy the 3-pack of license keys, would I be able to use them over the course of three years? It says "1 year, 3 keys", but I don't know if they each expire a year after purchase or if they expire a year after they are used. For example, if I bought the keys, would I be able to use one key every year, using the three keys over the course of three years, or would I have to buy another 3-pack every year?
Dec 25, 2023 at 06:33 PM


everytime i Click ON ONE FOLDER tO OPEN All OTHER FoldERS are activatED. thE uSUAl ANSWER oN GOOGLE iNVOLVING EXPLORER FILE OPTIONS DOES NOT WORK. also as you can see the shift key doesn't work
Dec 25, 2023 at 03:06 PM

Old windows

Windows 10 unfortunately doesent delete windows.old when doing a clean re-install.
is there a way to delete this and clear this space?
Aug 31, 2020 at 03:07 AM

Why Itunes Backup Files Deleting?

I guess Itnues backup file deleted with software traces in protect menu. Please check this problem.
May 05, 2021 at 06:57 PM

restarting issue

hello, i've been having an issue with my computer restarting whenever it likes to. i'm not sure what's wrong. i've troubleshooted the ram by removing half and running, and then the other half but that didn't work. i do not have an over heating problem, nor dust build up on cpu.

Aug 06, 2021 at 12:16 AM


Hi, how to navigate to the scheduler in the new BoostSpeed 11?

Aug 11, 2019 at 01:34 AM

windows 10 freezes

after using the cpu for a few minutes the windows 10 freezes all of a sudden and has to be restarted again.What is the best solution to resolve this problem.

Nov 29, 2020 at 09:32 AM

Right Click BoostSpeed on task bar, can not click on sub menu to select options.

Right Click BoostSpeed on task bar, can not click on sub menu to select options.
Sub Menu shows then disappears.

Dec 05, 2019 at 03:57 AM

WinSxS Folder

On my Win10 desktop - running Build 19044.1618 - the WinSxS folder has grown to 12 GB. Windows Slimmer as well as dism.exe Cleanup show 6 GB thereof as obsolete. However, neither Windows Slimmer nor dism.exe do a cleanup. Any idea how to get rid of those obsolete 6 GB?
Best regards/HMeihoefer
Mar 15, 2022 at 03:30 PM

Screen Size

Dear Sirs: Your screen is slightly too big for my 19' monitor, so i cannot read to bottom 2 cenbtimeters of the application. Hence thus not being able to resolve the problems in question. Hlow to reduce your sceen size so i can see all of it???.

Chales Waltz

Content hidden to protect privacy

Apr 11, 2021 at 03:29 AM

Not loading

Dashboard, one click scanner, clean up, etc.etc.etc not loading.
What needs to be done to do so?

Jul 20, 2019 at 07:58 PM

не могу открыть диск

На разных дисках установлена Windows 8.1 и Windows 10. Один раз я искал нужный файл, который был Windows 8.1. Для этого изменил занрузку в BIOS и запустил Windows 8.1. Искал файл. Вернулся на Windows10 у меня начались проблемы Windows 10. Потом много чистил и обновлял Windows 10 с помощью Auslogics. Удалось исправить, но вот с диском никак. Да и времени просто не хватает. Помогите с чего начать чтобы работать с диском
Jun 13, 2021 at 01:31 AM

Integrator.Exe wird von Windows geblockt


"auf einmal" ist BoostSpeed nicht mehr registriert (keine Pro-Version mehr).
Wenn ich den Registrieren-Dialog ausfülle mit meinem Linzenzschlüssel, erscheint zwar die Meldung das BoostSpeed registriert wäre, der Button unten rechts verschwindet nicht.

Daraufhin dachte ich, ein Neustart von BS würde das schon beheben, allerdings erscheint dann die Meldung, dass die App aus Sicherheitsgründen blockiert wurde (siehe Anhang).

Wie bekomme ich mein Boostspeed wieder voll registriert?

P. Kaatz
Jan 19, 2022 at 11:58 AM

Auslogics not recognising my ssd

I recently upgraded my hd to a ssd..
On some pages of Auslogics it shows new ssd and capacity but on others it still shows old removed hd.
Can you advise please

Sep 25, 2019 at 03:31 PM

How to 100% Improve This Software

this software can be made better but it is missing a lot of feutures
These are the feutures i would like you guys to add to your'e program to make it 100x usefull and better
add settings for auto ram cleaner (Can adjust when to clean ram automatically)
add HyperBoost which 'Avira System Speedup' Uses To Extend System startup
Add Best antivirus Engine
Add Anti Fragmentation And Cpu Cores Unlocker And More like (system mechanic)
Add 1 Click Maximum Pc Boosting Like (Pgware Game Boost)
Add turbo booster and game booster for pc's with High cpu usage or high ram usage.
add Performance Monitor,
please add Password generator for the software that generates random password for people who is tryna create password
There Are Optimizations That can Happen Using Commands or Registry for Computer Which optimizes windows registry by changing it's settings and optimizes hard drive responsiveness could you guys add those in your software? make a category called (Optimize Settings) for Full system scan and add those optimizations to them
Thank you.
May 11, 2022 at 01:46 AM

Computer randomly shuts off / freezes

My computer does this thing where it either randomly turns off completely or my entire computer screen freezes, requiring a full restart. Not really to sure what to do in this situation, and it has gotten to the point where it happens almost every 3 minutes.

Jun 06, 2020 at 01:26 AM

Remove write protection your software put on my new external drive

How do I remove write protection from my new segate almost empty drive so I can transfer stuff to it?

Jul 25, 2020 at 03:31 AM

Program opening

My subcategory would have been the Boostspeed program but wasn't listed so I chose any in order to get the question submitted.
I am using Version 12 of Boostspeed on a Windows 7 platform. My question is: Why does it take so lone for the program to open when double clicking the icon from the Desktop?

Jan 23, 2021 at 06:07 PM

Several Error Messages - Consant Failures to Reset/Recover

Error message received - Troubleshooting wizard 0x80070002 (attachment 1)

SFC /scanow: (attachment 2) error results

DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth (attachment 3)

Source error messages
Oct 07, 2021 at 01:27 PM

Windows 10 does not allow more than ~ 20 applications to run. Windows 10 не разрешает запуск больше чем ~20 приложений.

Windows 10 allows the simultaneous operation of about 20 applications. After that, the new application is allowed to start only after one of the open ones is buried.

How to remove the limit on the number of simultaneously running Windows 10 applications?

Windows 10 разрешает одновременную работу порядка 20ти приложений. После этого новое приложение разрешает запустить только после зарытия одного из открытых.

Как снять ограничение на колличество одновременно запущенных приложений Windows 10?
Jun 13, 2021 at 02:50 PM

Windows 7 64 Максимальная

Как полностью обезопасить свой пк и сделать его чище на программном уровне?

Nov 24, 2019 at 02:44 PM


Здравствуйте Очень часто всплывает уведомление Обноружено высокое потребление ресурсов ЧТО это икак исправить? Зарание спасибо!

Aug 05, 2021 at 01:02 PM