sound in my PC
The sound in my PC has disappeared all of a sudden. Can you help me fix it? I work with Windows 7 professional and my sound card is Realtek, built on the motherboard.
- browser: chrome.exe
- oS: Windows 7 x32 Professional Edition Service Pack 1 (build: 7601)
- winPath: C:\Windows\
- userDir: C:\Users\moshe\AppData\Roaming\
- freeRam: 3144802304
- locale: heb
- screenW: 1280
- screenH: 1024
- disks:
- 0:
- n: C:\
- freeSize: 24578449408
- 1:
- n: D:\
- freeSize: 376692629504
- 0:
- monitors:
- 0:
- x: 0
- y: 0
- dX: 1280
- dY: 1024
- pPI: 96
- primary: 1
- 0:
- programDir: C:\Program Files\Auslogics\BoostSpeed\
Thank you for posting your question on our forum, Moshe .
To fix the problem with the sound, please refer to our article from Auslogics blog:
If you need any further assistance or have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.