Profile photo for Denis LO JACOMO
Asked Feb 12, 2025 at 01:47 PM

tentative de modification de DNS

Je voudrais savoir pourquoi, depuis que j'ai installé le VPN Cloudflare Wharp sur mon pc, je reçois très souvent, plusieurs fois par jour, des alertes Boostspeed 12 m'indiquant une tentative de modification de DNS (cf. pièce jointe).
Y-a-t-il un moyen d'y remédier ?
Merci, cordialement.
1 answer
Profile photo for Vlad Topchev
Added an answer Aug 18, 2022 at 11:43 AM

Dear Denis,

Thank you for posting your question on our forum.

To turn off such notifications, please take the following steps:

Open the Protect tab in BoostSpeed ​​and click on the settings icon.

2. In the opened ‘Browser Protection’ tab - go to the ‘DNS Protection’ section, and uncheck the ‘Notify me when my DNS settings are changed without my authorization’ checkbox.

3. Click the ‘Apply Settings’ button

These recommendations should help you resolve the issue. If you continue having problems, please let us know, we will be happy to assist.

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