199 questions


Я не однократно обращался с вопросом блокировки вашей программы антивирусной программы DrWeb. Скажите что то решешается и есть ли решение? Спасибо за помощь. Владимир.

Jan 03, 2021 at 08:53 AM

integrator.exe грузит процессор

Процесс integrator.exe грузит процессор постоянно, как это исправить?

Dec 31, 2020 at 07:13 PM

Statup Manager

Что значит "рейтинг = опасно" ?

Dec 29, 2020 at 11:05 AM

Xтобы Auslogics BoostSpeed 12 не отключал службу «Служба сенсорной клавиатуры и панели рукописного ввода».

Здравствуйте. у меня Auslogics BoostSpeed 12, программа шикарная. Но есть одни минус, когда она производит сканирование то отключается «Служба сенсорной клавиатуры и панели рукописного ввода». Эта служба нужна не только для компьютеров с сенсорными экраном, она отвечает за то, чтобы выводить слава по мере ввода букв, как в Android и IOS. Я печатаю ногой, и мне эта функция очень сильно облегчает печатать тексты в Windows 10. Чтобы Auslogics BoostSpeed 12 не отключала Службу сенсорной клавиатуры и панели рукописного ввода, в настройках программы я вынужден отключать пункт «Продуктивность», а эта сильно урезать функционал. Поэтому прошу в дальнейших версиях исправить эту проблему, чтобы Auslogics BoostSpeed 12 не отключал службу «Служба сенсорной клавиатуры и панели рукописного ввода».

Dec 11, 2020 at 08:09 PM

Browser Protection

In Advanced Mode.... under Browser Protection.... why does the scan/repair "skip" and not delete some items?

Dec 06, 2020 at 01:21 PM

Cat Mode

Dear sir/madam

I am in Cat mode now, how do I disable Cat Mode?

Thank you

Dec 02, 2020 at 05:34 AM

Updating to the newer software

Everytime I try to update the software, it goes through all the steps, but does not do the update. It continues to show the original version and reminds me to update again. I have tried this about 10 times with no success.

Dec 01, 2020 at 05:20 PM


Hi! Is there a plan to support the Opera GX browser? I have been using this broswer for my web serching needs. It's pretty good. However, Auslogis BoostSpeed is not recognizing the browser as a supported browser. Thank you for taking the time to read this question.

Nov 27, 2020 at 11:39 AM


AusulogicsBootspeed pro11を利用して色々スキャンを行っていたところ、表題のウイルスバスタークラウドのアプリが開かなくなりプロパーティを見たところ「同期保留」となっていました。結局本Bootspeedの適用個所をいろいろ外してみてやっとウイルスソフトは復帰した次第です。

Nov 24, 2020 at 02:38 AM

Не запускается Aslogics BoostSpeed

Добрый день, приобрел годовую подписку на Aslogics BoostSpeed 11. На компьютер и ноутбук установилась нормально и отлично работает (система Windows 10). Но на второй ноутбук установилась с трудом и не запускается, при запуске вылетает окно (принтскрин во вложении). Скачивал с сайта и переустанавливал несколько раз - не помогает, программа не запускается. Система Windows Vista Home, ноутбук ужк возрастной.

Nov 19, 2020 at 11:45 AM


Chaque fois que je fais un nettoyage en profondeur, je dois réinstaller MSFS.
Comment parametrer Bootspeed 11 pour éviter cela?
Bien à vous

Nov 19, 2020 at 10:31 AM


When you do a rescan, why don't you just have go ahead and do it, instead of having to click on scan again? Stupid question
Thanks Roger L Batchelder

Nov 16, 2020 at 04:48 PM



Nov 13, 2020 at 05:57 AM

Use of BoostSpeed Pro 11 on my wife's computer

8 November 2020

Dear Sir or Madam:

Good morning.

Could you please tell me if I can use my BoostSpeed Pro 11 on m wife's computer, and if so, how do I do it?

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,
Murray Christianson

Nov 08, 2020 at 02:47 PM


Hi when ever I check my computer with malwarebyte it detects my bootspeed as a problem. it deletes bootspeed. Have you come across this problem? How do I fix it?
Thank you

Oct 27, 2020 at 11:06 AM

Нужен ли антивирус если есть Bootspeed ??

Нужен ли антивирус если есть Bootspeed ?? Ваша программа спровляеться с вирусами и майнингами??

Oct 24, 2020 at 04:09 PM

Skipped traces

Lanovo with windows 10

Just upgraded to latest BoostSpeed 11 and have a problem I NEVER had with the precious version ~ 245 traces in the broswer SKIPPED! Made repeated attempts, alwys 245 skipped! Not good!-

PS, forcing a "Subcatagory" selrection makes ZERO sense. the categoriars are inane!

Oct 12, 2020 at 10:59 PM

Как корректно обновить программу Auslogics?

Здравствуйте. Сегоодня вышла новая версия программы и возникает резонный вопрос - как установить обновление? Придется полностью удалять старую версию (с помощью спецпрограмм типа Revo) и устанавливать новую? Или есть еще другой вариант?

Oct 07, 2020 at 08:12 AM

Lost Hystory

Why I lost my all hystory on Chrome after clean up with BoostSpeed11?

How disable cleaning/deleting hystory and cache in tyhe app?

Oct 05, 2020 at 02:13 AM

Error mesage

I recently installed Microsoft Office 2019 on my Win 10 computer. Each time I use your Bootspeed 11 software, and when I access my Office 2019 software, I get an error message "Operatng system is not presently configured to run this application". What can I do to correct this? I am reluctant to use Auslogics software if it continues to prevent me from accessing my MS office software. Please advise. Thank you.

Oct 04, 2020 at 05:57 PM



Malgré après avoir réaliser une optimisation de mon disque dur l'icone dans la barre de tâches reste en rouge. Que cela veux dire et comment résoudre pour le mettre en vert

Denis Schmitt

Nov 07, 2021 at 04:32 PM

Transfer of Auslogics boot-speed and main question about my current laptop situation

Greetings Aus Q,

Go ahead and ding me if this is perceived as more than one question.

Currently, I'm using my old laptop with Win 7 and BIOS date October 2009, with 2 GB memory stick added for a total of 4GB. Over a year ago, I bought a Dell Inspirion 15 3000 (3565). Within the warranty period, on the 1803 or 1809 Win 10 update, something happened. Sent back to Dell, and got motherboard replaced and something else. Other issue was my display. Dell said I broke the display and would not fix it.

Money was tight and I could not replace it and went back to my current laptop on Win 7. I spend too much time trying to keep my Win 7 laptop running at a decent clip with the quality Auslogics boot-speed program.

A) I was surprised when I checked Amazon, they have a great price on replacement displays. If I could get a new display, add an extra 4 GB mem stick to give me 8 GB RAM, and research a compatible( or suggestions from you) quality SSD to rplace my HDD for under $200, or buy new laptop with the necessary chit for my sole proprieter business in the $400-600 price range; what would you do?

B) With Win 7 losing support in a month, and all the Win 10 update problems, I was thinking about transitioning to a Linux distro similar to Windows. Make sense from a security issue position?

C) Is it worth looking for a higher end almost new/used laptop on Craigslist or other avenue?

D) Also, my AUS b-s license, can I transfer it to my Dell or to the new pc?.

Thank you,

Jim Copeland

Content hidden to protect privacy

Dec 14, 2019 at 09:57 PM

activacion Pro

Por favor quiero actualizar mi version a Pro

Apr 03, 2021 at 10:27 AM

Start up file deleted

How can I restore my file after auslogic Boostspeed deleted the program file? Meantime, i cant open a program.

Feb 03, 2021 at 03:13 AM

Lost Hystory

Why I lost my all hystory on Chrome after clean up with BoostSpeed11?

How disable cleaning/deleting hystory and cache in tyhe app?

Oct 05, 2020 at 02:13 AM

Retaining data

How do I prevent Bootspeed rom wiping out my autocomplete and saved password/login data from Microsoft Edge? I don't save any data in these that I care abput anyone getting to or seing.

Jan 06, 2021 at 12:19 PM

Kaspersky will not run

Following the registration of Boostspeed 11, when I try to run my Kaspersky Total Security scan it stops at 1% and will not scan any further. Is there a setting in the Boostspeed 11 that is causing this and what do I need to do to rectify this

Aug 14, 2019 at 09:45 PM

как с помощью программы удалить все следы работы и папки adobe flash player

как с помощью программы удалить все следы работы и папки adobe flash player

Jan 14, 2021 at 10:47 AM

Google Drive File Stream Stops Working

How do I prevent BoostSpeed from interfering with Google Drive File Stream? Each time I scan, I lose connection to the Google Drive File Stream and have to uninstall and re-install it.

Dec 12, 2019 at 02:08 PM

Microsoft Office 2013

I used your system yestrday for the first time attempting to release space on my PC.
however,what appears to have happened is that my programme has disappeared and access to all my Office files with it.
Can you undo what has happened as it is very inconvenient?

Kind regards,

Pete Davies

Aug 05, 2021 at 07:20 AM

Where is my software

I have used your software for years now.
I purchased new copies of Boostpeed and DriverUpdater
I don't have driverupdater on my computer just the web version
The webversion caused my windows not to reboot
I've had to re install everything
I would like to run driver updater but do not trust it without some sort of supervision
Can't go through this again
Registering all my purchases over again
Some still aren't working
Thank you
Thomas Horricks

Feb 28, 2021 at 11:16 PM


Dear All,

in 2015 I've purchased the Auslogics BoostSpeed 7 Premium and shortly was released a update and the software after update asked to be paid again which I've consider to be a unfair practice.

I am asking to provide me the posibility to install the software that I've purchased since at this moment in not possible to download the software from internet.

Kind regards,

Sep 18, 2019 at 06:48 AM

Is your softwares a virus?

Why my Kaspersky anti virus program treats your softwares as a virus and shows me constantly warnings that I am in risk?
I do not have files to show you th problem because I unisntalled all your programs until I am sure that I am not in risk indeed.

Best regards,

Juarez Almeida.

Aug 17, 2020 at 04:19 PM


that good

May 20, 2020 at 11:24 AM

Unwanted Auslogics Intrusion

I have the pro version of Boostspeed installed on my PC.
I have turned off everything I can in respect of notifications, maintenance, start with Windows etc ... however the programme will - intermitently start up with windows (unwanted) or will frequently start when another programme is in use, placing the 'dashboard' screen over the active programme.
Both scenarios are intensley annoying to the point where I am giving serious consideration to removing the programme altogether.
Your advice would be appreciated.
Incidentally, please ignore the Subcategory as Auslogics does not appear in the crop down menu and I cannot send the message without something being in this field?????

Dec 01, 2019 at 01:13 PM

Ошибка при рагистрации

По чему произошла ошибка при регистрации

Mar 14, 2021 at 10:18 AM

System Scan

When I am doing a system scan the scanner takes almost 30 minutes or more when it gets to temporary files. Is there something I can do to speed this up?

Dec 23, 2019 at 12:55 PM

Глубокая очистка файлов

Здравствуйте! После выполнения глубокой очистки файлов перестало работать стандартное приложение Windows "Кино и ТВ". Исчез exe-файл - 0 байт. Прошу учесть при подготовке обновления BoostSpeed 12, а также подсказать - как востановить приложение "Кино и ТВ"?
С уважением,
Виктор Оплеснин

Mar 23, 2021 at 07:21 AM

Coockies delete

How con I delete coockies selectivly in Auslogics 11

Nov 07, 2019 at 12:35 PM

Как корректно обновить программу Auslogics?

Здравствуйте. Сегоодня вышла новая версия программы и возникает резонный вопрос - как установить обновление? Придется полностью удалять старую версию (с помощью спецпрограмм типа Revo) и устанавливать новую? Или есть еще другой вариант?

Oct 07, 2020 at 08:12 AM