199 questions

Bootspeed 13

What about Bootspeed 13? Is it possible to do somethings to have Bootspeed 13 in place of Bootspeed 12 without payement?

Feb 25, 2022 at 11:38 PM

misea jour Auslogics

Bonjour à vous,

Je n'arrive pas à installer la derniere mise à jour de Auslogics 12 200 malgré la demande qui m'est propose dans le bas de l'écran.
Je suis donc tojjours sur la version 12 101 (je crois).

Merci pour votre aide.



Nov 16, 2021 at 12:47 PM

Bootspeed 12 hung at 13% complete

Started a scan and it is in Stability with a message that says 12047, scanning please wait. Detail screen says 13% complete. Its been like this for 24 hours. What do I do now?

Nov 15, 2021 at 10:43 PM

Won't allow install

I hated too waste a question, I'm running version
When i try to update to newer version the screen blinks off and then back on.
I have tried the two arrows lower rignt corner only blinks and returns to same window i'm on.
When i go too tools and use the update button i geet the same result, flash on screen and back to same screen.

Nov 08, 2021 at 04:36 PM



Malgré après avoir réaliser une optimisation de mon disque dur l'icone dans la barre de tâches reste en rouge. Que cela veux dire et comment résoudre pour le mettre en vert

Denis Schmitt

Nov 07, 2021 at 04:32 PM

Мой Сканер

Вопрос не о Spotify а AutoLogics BoostSpeed 12 Можно ли исправить определенные ошибки а не нажмиать Исправить Все?

Nov 02, 2021 at 04:05 PM

Transferring Speed Boost, Defrag and Registry Cleaner to new computer

Need to do a clean reinstall of the operating system. Do I need to uninstall products before doing this.

Oct 29, 2021 at 06:26 PM

Работа ключа ЭЦП (Электронная цифровая подпись)

Один и тот же ключ ЭЦП (Электронная цифровая подпись) на флеш-памяти с одного компьютера считывается и подписывает документы без ошибок, а со второго - нет, Выдает ошибку о невозможности использования или сертификат поврежден. Главное - до чистки компьютера программой Auslogics BoostSpeed 12 ключ без ошибок подписывал документы и со второго компьютера. Вопрос, что мог изменить или удалить Auslogics BoostSpeed 12 в компьютера, то перестал корректно работать ЭЦП (Электронная цифровая подпись).

Какую службу или какие настройки в Windows 10 надо изменить, чтобы Электронная цифровая подпись работала со второго компьютера и подписывала документы? Спасибо!!!

Oct 28, 2021 at 08:59 AM

О пояснениях к информации в Startup Manager

Здравствуйте! Программа Startup Manager выдала информацию, которую я Вам направляю в прилагаемом скриншоте. Вопрос по программе Orphaned SecurityHealth из раздела Реестр/запустить.
По имеющейся информации, производитель программы - неизвестен, рейтинг - неизвестен, существует - нет. Смотрел в интернете, нашел только описание о SecurityHealth, для которой все указанные выше характеристики указаны. Что это за программа у меня в операционной системе? Нужна ли она?

Oct 13, 2021 at 08:44 AM

BootSpeed 12 pre-purchase question

I'm considering the purchase of BootSpeed 12 Pro, but I'd like to know if you have any usable discounts at this time.

Oct 08, 2021 at 01:47 PM

empty folder cleaner

Hi. When i go into empty folder cleaner it will find; i.e *582 empty folders, i press delete, and when its finished it says 520 empty folders found and deleted 258 of them. They go to the recycle bin, which i then empty, but when i do a re-search for empty folders they are all back again. It never actually clears the whole amounts found. *These are the actual readings of my last scan, but the numbers are very close to what they are with every scan. Can you help please? Clive

Oct 05, 2021 at 12:00 PM


Dear Support, I have Auslogics Boostspeed 12 on my machine. There was a flash on the screen of a recommended update.
So my question is there was nothing in that flash update telling me if its a to pay for update or for free. This need to be shown in my book. Do you see where I am coming from with this? It shows what the big fixes are with the new update but yet nothing about if you hit the link if there is a small payment involved. This needs to be incorporated as part of any firmware update in my book. Regards Paul

Oct 01, 2021 at 02:23 AM

BoostSpeed 12 deleting my Spotify playlist files

EWhy does every time i run the BoostSpeed 12 scan it deletes all of my Spotify downloaded playlist files?

Aug 25, 2021 at 03:48 PM

Regarding RAM Optimization

Hi, This's Mainak. Today I Activated Your License. Can You Help Me Out How To Enable "RAM Optimization".

Would Like To Have Reply On This.


Aug 19, 2021 at 05:33 PM

Сброс настроек входа в систему Windows

Добрый день!
Каждый раз при использовании сканирования системы утилититой, после перезагрузки сбрасываются пароли для входа в Windows. Настройки сканирования ни к чему не приводят. Спасибо.

Aug 09, 2021 at 03:41 PM

Microsoft Office 2013

I used your system yestrday for the first time attempting to release space on my PC.
however,what appears to have happened is that my programme has disappeared and access to all my Office files with it.
Can you undo what has happened as it is very inconvenient?

Kind regards,

Pete Davies

Aug 05, 2021 at 07:20 AM

Empty Folder finder

I have run this a few times and it always finds new empty folders. Why does this happen? Also there are always some that can't be deleted. Again why please?


Jul 25, 2021 at 10:14 AM

Missing subcategory

What is the correct subcategory for a software question for Auslogic products such as Boostspeed, Disk Defgrag, etc.? The "Ask a Question- New Question" screen will not allow a Subcategoty that is not on the drop down list.

Jul 21, 2021 at 09:41 PM

Auslogics Disk Defrag & Optimize

I purchased Disk Defrag, and later purchased Boostspeed. Under Boostspeed Disk Defrag I have always been able to Defrag & Optimize. I always run Defrag first (after disk cleanup), then I run Defrag & Optimize. I run these every Monday morning. I use about 19% of my 1T hard disk space. The only other programs are the automatically scheduled startup programs with staggered start delays up to 2 hours, so they should not significantly affect Defrag & Optimize.

Until 2 months ago, the longest Defrag & Optimze ran in 45 minutes or less. The maximum optimized files was about 45,000. When the Microsoft Windows update for June was implemented, the Defrag & Optimize ran over 3 hours. 2 days ago Defrag & Optimize ran for 5 hours 26 minutes with about 64,000 files optimized. The previous Defrag & Optimize was 6 days earlier.

I am a retired college educated computer professional (with all titles from programmer through analyst and manager) with over 40 years of experience. I have defragged computers for well over 25 years.

My question is "why is the Defrag & Optimize running so long and what can I do to speed it up?".


Jul 21, 2021 at 07:07 PM

Auslogics BoostSpeed 12 Error

Error 0x00000002 ?

Jul 07, 2021 at 02:35 AM

make simple

this is too mucj tab in software
Once clikc scanner
optimize,protect and so on. huh i am officer i have not 01 hour to go thorugh each, please make menu and userinterface like AVG PC Tune Up, iolo system mechanic, Norton antivirus etc. its easy,
Please do some hard work,

May 08, 2020 at 11:29 AM

Bootspeed 12 hung at 13% complete

Started a scan and it is in Stability with a message that says 12047, scanning please wait. Detail screen says 13% complete. Its been like this for 24 hours. What do I do now?

Nov 15, 2021 at 10:43 PM

VPN FortiClient

I must use FortiClient VPN to work and communicate with one of my jobs, at Southern Cross University, (SCU). Until yesterday it worked fine.
I have just installed the lastest version in an attempt to resolve the non-connection issue.

Is there a setting in Auslogics BoostSpeed that might affect that VPN?
Any suggestions.

I run BoostSpeed and just accept whatever 'fixes' it suggests, the default or automatic, as I am not wise enough to adjust anything myself.

Could doing that have broken something or blocked the VPN?
I am nervous that Auslogics-Boostspeed is being over active in cleansing my system, of things that I actually need to maintain, like the Forticleint VPN. Firewall settings area mystery to me. I dont change them because I do not know what I am doing.

Oct 16, 2019 at 11:25 PM

sys. eff.

why boost speed reduce ongoing system efficioncy

Jan 25, 2021 at 08:04 PM

updating software

i get a message on my laptop for a new verion of boostspeed 11 pro. when i click lon the link and try to update, i get a purchase screen.
so, how do i update without repurchasing the software

Mar 23, 2020 at 06:09 PM

Auslogics Shell Extensions and Startup

I recently looked into the Auslogics Startup Manager and Shell Extensions and I was alarmed to discover that 2 programs are listed as Dangerous. I have checked the web which lists these 2 program as 58% malicious. The programs relate to the Motherboard hardware installation. They are ASUS.com and atkexComSvc.exe. According to the various web sites the way to remove them is to go to Control Panel Programs and Features and to uninstall. But on my configuration they are not listed in the program list. Auslogics reports them as Dangerous. How do I use Auslogics to disable/remove/unistall?

Sep 30, 2020 at 05:43 PM


Auslogics softweare Goods normal or better other brand name Goods

Mar 26, 2020 at 01:09 AM

Remote Desktop Service

Where can I disable inside BoostSpeed 12 to not disable the Remote Desktop Service? Each time I reboot my PC I loose the ability to remote to my PC at the office because the service is disabled.

Mar 09, 2021 at 07:04 PM

Blue Screen

When ever I try to update any Auslogics software to the latest version, I get a blue screen error on my laptop. This happened earlier with Auslogics Registry Defrag and now happening with Auslogics BoostSpeed.

I have to end up uninstalling and reinstalling the software.

A solution to this problem will be appreciated.

Nov 10, 2019 at 09:44 AM

Некорректная работа со сторонним ПО

Пользуюсь Auslogics BoostSpeed недавно. Еще не во всем разобрался.
Столкнулся с проблемой что каждый раз после сканирования компьютера и последующей очисткой вашей программой, у меня перестает работать Google Drive File Stream. Уже в исключения вносил папки Google Drive в ProgrammFiles и в папке кэша. Все равно перестает работать.
Подскажите как быть или в чем проблемма.
Windows 10-Home 64-bit, v.1809, сборка 17763.737.
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8265U CPU@1.6-1.8 GHz; RAM - 8 Gb.

Nov 13, 2019 at 09:57 AM

Temperature raises very high when using Boostspeed 12

I used Boostspeed 11 for some time and never had temperature issues, after de Boostpeed 12 upgrade I noticed that the fan started to make annoying noises and checked the temperature of my Laptop with the Core Temp 1.16 program which says the temp goes above 90 degrees Celsius.

Tried to install 12 again with no result.

Now back to 11 again and the temperature is normal again.

My question is this a normal behaviour of the 12 version of boostspeed?

Jan 13, 2021 at 04:57 PM

Suggestion to mute certain notifications

I have an anti-virus program that always run and notified by Boostspeed (an item just added into.... start-up), "C:\Program Files\Bitdefender\Bitdefender 2017\bdagent.exe" , in the Registry/run of the Startup Manager. How can I mute this particular notification from poping up? It is too frequent.
I suggest an exception based notification where we can right-click a particular line in the Startup Manager to mute the message, but still allow it to execute (on startup).

thank you, hoping this feature will still be in version 12.

By-the-way, I could not find "Bitdefender" in the subcategory drop down list for this subject.

Jan 14, 2021 at 08:24 AM


How to update Auslogics BoostSpeed 11 ? in

Content hidden to protect privacy

Nov 23, 2019 at 10:34 PM

Missing subcategory

What is the correct subcategory for a software question for Auslogic products such as Boostspeed, Disk Defgrag, etc.? The "Ask a Question- New Question" screen will not allow a Subcategoty that is not on the drop down list.

Jul 21, 2021 at 09:41 PM

where is the update button for Bootspeed 12 Pro

Cant find the upate button to update

Feb 12, 2021 at 05:16 AM

Skipped traces

Lanovo with windows 10

Just upgraded to latest BoostSpeed 11 and have a problem I NEVER had with the precious version ~ 245 traces in the broswer SKIPPED! Made repeated attempts, alwys 245 skipped! Not good!-

PS, forcing a "Subcatagory" selrection makes ZERO sense. the categoriars are inane!

Oct 12, 2020 at 10:59 PM

No se le da acuse de recibo cuando envia alguna informacion. (Es una recomendacion positiva Suprema.

BoostSpeed 11 Pro being used with license: Cuando el cliente envia alguna informacion a Auslogics, si Auslogics no le da un acuse de recibo, aunque pudiera ser breve, el cliente tiene dudas de si Auslogics lo recibio.

Mar 12, 2020 at 11:58 AM

BoostSpeed ​​11

Приветствую уважаемые! Во-первых:после оптимизации жёсткого диска"С" SSD c ОС , диск перестал открываться в предварительной программе запуска(BIOC) Windows 10 pro версии 1903, прекидывал диски местами результатов нет " Мёртвый" подскажите как его реанимироваь??? Пришлось записывать ОС на обычный жесткий диск. В цело мне ваша программа нонравилась - поддержка обяного жесткого диска значительно лучше чем другие...

Oct 26, 2019 at 04:09 PM

pendrive got corrupted when i applied free up space to it by auslogics boostspeed

two days ago i have performed an action named "free space wiper" to my pendrive because i wanted to format my pendrive but befor i proceed to this action i proceed to free space wiper and i have applied to my pendrive , i don't no why but the operation stoped automatically on 33% , then i have tried to restart that operation but my pendrive was not listed on removable devices, then i have eject and remounted but still my pendrive was not listed on removable devices , then i mounted my pendrive to another system luckily that system identified my pendrive but when i tried to perform format operation to my pendrive , that shows me an error that" this disk is write protected" and after that "windows can't format removable drive:H" .....

and that's how my pendrive got corrupted by performing an operation "free space wiper"

Aug 23, 2020 at 01:20 PM

Upgrade to BoostSpeed 11

I paid for this software before it went to version 11. Now that it updated to 11 I have to purchase it again?

Sep 09, 2019 at 06:44 PM