Bootspeed 13
What about Bootspeed 13? Is it possible to do somethings to have Bootspeed 13 in place of Bootspeed 12 without payement?
misea jour Auslogics
Bonjour à vous,
Je n'arrive pas à installer la derniere mise à jour de Auslogics 12 200 malgré la demande qui m'est propose dans le bas de l'écran.
Je suis donc tojjours sur la version 12 101 (je crois).
Merci pour votre aide.
Bootspeed 12 hung at 13% complete
Started a scan and it is in Stability with a message that says 12047, scanning please wait. Detail screen says 13% complete. Its been like this for 24 hours. What do I do now?
Won't allow install
I hated too waste a question, I'm running version
When i try to update to newer version the screen blinks off and then back on.
I have tried the two arrows lower rignt corner only blinks and returns to same window i'm on.
When i go too tools and use the update button i geet the same result, flash on screen and back to same screen.
Malgré après avoir réaliser une optimisation de mon disque dur l'icone dans la barre de tâches reste en rouge. Que cela veux dire et comment résoudre pour le mettre en vert
Denis Schmitt
Мой Сканер
Вопрос не о Spotify а AutoLogics BoostSpeed 12 Можно ли исправить определенные ошибки а не нажмиать Исправить Все?
No Disk DeFrag menu option in Auslogics 10
I installed this today, paid $30.00 dollars for it (after using a free verison for years), and after one attemot at optimizing my SSD on my Acer Laptop, the prgram restarted after completion and when it did it no longer has the menu option to actually defrag anything. the only menus i have are "reports" "Portable version" "ask a question" and "auslogics store".
what's going on?
Transferring Speed Boost, Defrag and Registry Cleaner to new computer
Need to do a clean reinstall of the operating system. Do I need to uninstall products before doing this.
Работа ключа ЭЦП (Электронная цифровая подпись)
Один и тот же ключ ЭЦП (Электронная цифровая подпись) на флеш-памяти с одного компьютера считывается и подписывает документы без ошибок, а со второго - нет, Выдает ошибку о невозможности использования или сертификат поврежден. Главное - до чистки компьютера программой Auslogics BoostSpeed 12 ключ без ошибок подписывал документы и со второго компьютера. Вопрос, что мог изменить или удалить Auslogics BoostSpeed 12 в компьютера, то перестал корректно работать ЭЦП (Электронная цифровая подпись).
Какую службу или какие настройки в Windows 10 надо изменить, чтобы Электронная цифровая подпись работала со второго компьютера и подписывала документы? Спасибо!!!
О пояснениях к информации в Startup Manager
Здравствуйте! Программа Startup Manager выдала информацию, которую я Вам направляю в прилагаемом скриншоте. Вопрос по программе Orphaned SecurityHealth из раздела Реестр/запустить.
По имеющейся информации, производитель программы - неизвестен, рейтинг - неизвестен, существует - нет. Смотрел в интернете, нашел только описание о SecurityHealth, для которой все указанные выше характеристики указаны. Что это за программа у меня в операционной системе? Нужна ли она?
BootSpeed 12 pre-purchase question
I'm considering the purchase of BootSpeed 12 Pro, but I'd like to know if you have any usable discounts at this time.
empty folder cleaner
Hi. When i go into empty folder cleaner it will find; i.e *582 empty folders, i press delete, and when its finished it says 520 empty folders found and deleted 258 of them. They go to the recycle bin, which i then empty, but when i do a re-search for empty folders they are all back again. It never actually clears the whole amounts found. *These are the actual readings of my last scan, but the numbers are very close to what they are with every scan. Can you help please? Clive
Dear Support, I have Auslogics Boostspeed 12 on my machine. There was a flash on the screen of a recommended update.
So my question is there was nothing in that flash update telling me if its a to pay for update or for free. This need to be shown in my book. Do you see where I am coming from with this? It shows what the big fixes are with the new update but yet nothing about if you hit the link if there is a small payment involved. This needs to be incorporated as part of any firmware update in my book. Regards Paul
Автозагрузка Auslogics File Recovery
Здравствуйте, у меня вопрос по программе "Auslogics File Recovery". Она постоянно загружается при запуске Windows 7 Pro. (в трее). Хотя я и убирал запуск этой программы из автозагрузки, всеми способами. Помогите пожалуйста решить вопрос с отключением автозапуска "Auslogics File Recovery".
I'm using your standard Auslogics Disk Defran 10, and can never get the level of defrag to less that 13% on my Win 7 disk. No other defrag programs have been able to do any better, the inherent Win defrag running for hours with no improvement.
Any idea how I can resolve this?
BoostSpeed 12 deleting my Spotify playlist files
EWhy does every time i run the BoostSpeed 12 scan it deletes all of my Spotify downloaded playlist files?
Regarding RAM Optimization
Hi, This's Mainak. Today I Activated Your License. Can You Help Me Out How To Enable "RAM Optimization".
Would Like To Have Reply On This.
empty folder cleaned doesn't work
When I click on the box to do away with empty folders, nothing happens. It used to work but I stopped it in the middle of its job.
Сброс настроек входа в систему Windows
Добрый день!
Каждый раз при использовании сканирования системы утилититой, после перезагрузки сбрасываются пароли для входа в Windows. Настройки сканирования ни к чему не приводят. Спасибо.
Need license key
I upgraded from Boostspeed 10 Pro (license key: G2AEG-XXXXX-3WNYY-XXXXX-G79JL) to Boostspeed 11 Pro. However, I did not reveive a license key for version 11. I have attached a copy of the transaction. Can you help me with this? Thanks.
Computer freezes up
One of the reasons I purchased Ausilogic is to help me with performance. My computer freezes up for 10 seconds or so every few minutes. I don't know if hardware is failing, if there is a miscatch among compenentry.
How can we use your products to solve it.
So far, I haven't been able to eleminate this problem
BoostSpeed PRO not activating
I purchased BoostSpeed PRO on 5 Jul (ord#
Will not update to
Auslogics BoostSpeed Can Not update to Please help!
Displaying wrong color/crap in photos
After using boost speed I discover that my paintshop pro and canon software dont display photos properly.
As you can see in attached file it is totaly wrong and also on canon.
I have done a complete reinstallation af paintshop pro according to advice from corel and it didn help.
So boostspeed has done something, but I dont know where to restore from.
Please help.
Auslogics BoostSpeed 11 - I get messages saying that a high resource consumption has been detected. You may encounter extreme PC slowdowns.Tell me what to do?
An error occurred while loading Library.dll
When loading Auslogics Disk Defragmenter, I get the following message box:
Auslogics Disk Defrag 9
An error occurred while loading Library.dll.
Error code: 0x0000007E
Error message: The specified module could not be found.
I've tried to uninstall the program, but get the message box:
Runtime error at (180:3568):
Exception 'EAuslogicsIntItException" at address 0049E613
Why I am seriously upset
Why woud you duplicate file finder delete the original video file from my computer instead of the empty file with the same name in itunes and leave me with all my videos gone and a bunch of movies I can not use or watch in itunes
That was hours of work for me and now I have nothing left and have to start all over and that was over 100 movies I downloaded
How is that a helpful program a duplicate means duplicate in every way not just in name
I can not find a way to BLOCK New Auslogics Notifications of upgrades . I have blocked Registry notifications tring to end pop ups of Auslogic Up-grades . IF you can not seem to have FREE upgrades for presently purchased Auslogics 11 , then simply place your up grades into an Auslogics 12 and STOP bugging members with you desiring money for upgrades . Your Subcategory answer question makes NO sense ! This is an Auslogics 11 Programming delima ,none of the subcategory comment shown above have nothing to do with Auslogics 11 , that I know of, as of yet.
Chaque fois que je fais un nettoyage en profondeur, je dois réinstaller MSFS.
Comment parametrer Bootspeed 11 pour éviter cela?
Bien à vous
I could not update the Drvers
I have problems on Diver Updater: I could not update my old drivers with the update drivers from you, When I do the mouse pad is not working any more. I have to restore the system. I need your help to update the Drivers.
Your driver updater for Wifi 6 AX200 from the driver updater program, cause HUGE throughput issues....
Tests went from 40mbit to 900+mbit (maxing out my connection) when connected to wifi AX.
what is the difference between Auslogics Disk Defrag Ultimate AND Auslogics Disk Defrag Pro???”
Auslogics windows slimmer pro v.3
I am a bit interested in above mentioned softwares compact feature. When running it it says that it can compress W10 with 1.9gb, windows inbuilt feature says only 0.5gb when running it. So how can your program compress so much more, 1.4gb more, that is a lot. Very!
I hope i will get a really detailed, extensive answer to my question, now when i have taken the trouble to download and install "Boostspeed" to get an answer.
So, how can your software compress so much more then Windows inbuilt feature? Why the difference? What does it really do?
Do I need to defrag/optimize SSD
I have installed a new 1 TB SSD on my laptop. Your program initially set up to optimize and defrag it. I researched online, and no one recommends doing this as it will dimish the life of the SSD. Questions:
1. Do I need to enable this option?
2. Will using this program to clean up the registry do any damage or shorten life of the SSD?
3. I found online that it is not recommended to shred files on an SSD. If I have sensitve files that I deleted, on a SSD, is it permanently removed/unrecoverable by deletion or I should still use your shred operation?
In all of the above, I just want to make sure your program doesn't damage the life of the SSD. I also want to know if your features affect the SSD negatively or if it is needed at all. What is the positive impact of it on my SSD and operation?
Auslogics Pop ups
Why have you introduced pop ups that just send me round in circles?
Been using Auslogics suite of progs for 15+? years, really don't need it. SO ANNOYING