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Two issues:Text freezes and unsatisfactory settings
Also - despite my choice of most comfertable writing thumbnail - set my screen too bright with choppy text.
Please advise
Sleep Mode
I tried so many things to do (everything throu Auslogics, update driver, clean up, registry, defrag ...), but nothing.
Is there any advice from you?
Since I upgraded my HD to a SSD, Microsoft Office Access seems to hang for 1 second every 30 secdonds.
Windows 10 Restart Stalls
If it wasn't for windows updates I could live with not using the restart option. However, windows update requires the restart so I expect it to fail each time there is an update. Recently did scan and did the suggested tweaks in the Maintain section of BoostSpeed 11. Any thoughts or suggestions?
Device stops and freezes reqularly
My device is a very old one but still works properly, But these Days it starts To freeze reqularly and sometimes crashes, This only happened when i upgraded my laptop to windows 10, What should i do to prevent it
Intel bluetooth drivers
Hi there, im having issues with my bluetooth headset. Sounds choppy. Tried unintalling my bluetooth drivers but they cant be found?
Intallation original software error
Start up items
Sometimes I get a notification that a new item has been added to my start items, but the note gives no hint about what it is. Not very helpful.
Firewall problem
I just switched my business to a new CRM system ( https://inperium.com/ ) and my firewall conflicts with it, how do I fix it and what is the problem?
Bluetooth Connectivity
Only getting partcial connectivity on both KOSS wirless speaker and headset.
Currently the headset is showing "Connected Voice".
If disconnected it will show "Driver Error".
Please advise.
Thank you.
How can I get rid of the edge browser starting up every time I click on Auslogics programs. I use google chrome and I will prefer that one in the future..?
system windows 8?
How do I change what system it shows? I have always had windows 10 on this computer.
Режим сна
Disable Edge Swipe in Win10 B2004 update
Thx much for your help on prior question!
Please tell me how to permanently, (as in no 'edge swipe restart' on system restart), disable Edge Swipe.
F&*!#ing MSFT does it again; Win10 uppdate 2004 kills cortana local/system search ability, which disappears even finding any settings re Edge Swipe.
Please tell me how to kill kill kill kill forever Win10 Edge Swipe.
Thx very much, Folks!
Scotty :-)
Start Up
From time to time I get a notification that "Windows Start up took 1m 40sec" or similar with the suggestion that I look at the start up programmes with, I presume, the idea of reducing that time.
I am all for doing just that, however, when I open the Start Up I am confonted with a list of apps which for the most part mean very little to me. I have no idea what disabling any particular app will do; whether it would have a detrimental or beneficial effect on my system.
I would be grateful for any advice or suggestions you may be able to give to help me.
I had thought to supply you with a list of the apps but can find no way to even copy a list into a word document, so maybe you could help me to accomplish that so that you will be better able to help me!
Alternatively, I am happy for you to use remote access.
Donald Stewart
Old windows
is there a way to delete this and clear this space?
О USB портах
Уважаемые форумчане!
Постоянно становятся неактивными два USBпорта. Помогает только переустановка Windows.
Неужели нет другого решеия?
системные файлы windows 10
благодарю за ответ...
не могу открыть диск
Здравствуйте Очень часто всплывает уведомление Обноружено высокое потребление ресурсов ЧТО это икак исправить? Зарание спасибо!
Empty Folders Function
Can I safely run an Empty Folder SCAN without deleteing important files like the Document File????????
Windows Live Affected by first scan
Windows 7 64 Максимальная
Как полностью обезопасить свой пк и сделать его чище на программном уровне?
the program have trouble with intel smart sound and some issue with outlook, background taskhost exe an wtlibrary exe.
slow wifi speed
internet hızlandırma yaptıgımda hızım düşüyor
Cpu Usage
ошибки в дисках C, D
Computer randomly shuts off / freezes
My computer does this thing where it either randomly turns off completely or my entire computer screen freezes, requiring a full restart. Not really to sure what to do in this situation, and it has gotten to the point where it happens almost every 3 minutes.
Roaming Folder
Any tools in Auslogic that would address cleaning up my /appdata/Roaming data?
Thanks for your help.