Task Manager
No photo thumbnails
How do I restore?
Display issues
Очистка диска
can't activate the virtualisation
thank you
slow ram
Windows 11
Thank You
Roaming Folder
Any tools in Auslogic that would address cleaning up my /appdata/Roaming data?
Thanks for your help.
Startup issues
Thanks, Michael.
Suggestion / Idea
This is not a question for you, merely an idea for additional software functionality. I think it could be a great feature.
I sometimes look at Event Logs for my Windows 10 PC, usually filtering out 'Information' type logs.
There are often events there that are errors. Sometimes these errors are happening thousands of times a day, but they happen silently and do not appear to impact my day to day work. But they must be hurting performance.
But if there was an 'Analyse Event Log Results' feature in BoostSpeed, which provided helpful feedback to users about those errors and suggested ways of resolving them, I would definitely use it.
I bet it would not be easy though!
Best regards
Whatsaap bussines desktop solamente en esta pc.
Buenas Noches.
Si es posible solicito consejo para saber porque whatsaap bussines desktop se cierra al llamar desde esta pc.
En otras pc no ocurre lo mismo.
Tods mis programas son legales.
Saluda atentamente.
Orlando Barrionuevo
Recuperación de la RAM
Tengo Un HP Elitedesk con 16 GB RAM, disco NVMe de 512 GB, Procesador I7 Octava Gen (Modelo Elitedesk 800 G4), con Windows 10 Pro actualizado todo a la ultima version. Este equipo trabaja muy bien y rapido...pero al utilizarlo con varias aplicaciones que tengo que abrir simultaneamente (TradingView Desktop, Binance Desktop, Metatrader 5 y Brave Browser), el equipo trabaja perfectamente, pero al pasar unas horas y yo cerrar algunas pestañas en las apps, y abrir otras, e incluso reduciendo su numero, la RAM no es recuperada y me quedo sin memoria. Hay alguna manera de automatizar la recuperacion de la RAM asi esto no me suceda mas? Tengo la Virtual Memory de Windows en cero, ya que tengo un disco duro de estado solido y no quiero que sea usado para swap para prologar su vida util.
Slow Word response
I keep getting a message ' not responding' - when loading both Word and Excel - then after about 30 seconds it loads ?!
I have tried all sorts of published ways to correct this problem.
Is their a simple way to stop this annoying problem.
Thank you in advance
Chris Morley
Desktop INI
boite mail
windows photo viewer suddenly missing
Suddenly this possibility disappeared, I think due to an automatic update of my system by Microsoft. With the option "open with", I
only get PAINT and 3D PAINT, but I'm not intersted in those programs.
I can find the folder Windows Photo Viewer in my Program Files, but this folder has two subfolders (one Eng and one NL) and both are empty. I don't understand why, because I didn't was deleting them.
I heard it is possible to restore the old PhotoViewer in Win 10 , by inserting a register- script.
Can you help me to find that script ?
Thanks on beforehand.
Jacques Valembois
Unmount drives
Thanks for your well appreciated help.
100% deletion of "pre-installed" software
Hi there,
I downloaded some "pre-installed" software on my computer (i.e., just need to unzip the RAR file and the software will start working; no need to manually run the installation tool). If I no longer need this software, how do I completely uninstall it? I already deleted the "pre-installed" files, but I believe my computer still has some residual memory of it. I did a registry cleanup already...anything else I need to do?
mot de passe bios perdu
j'ai un pc hp compaq 6730s sous N°=CNU9020NKN
mon mot de passe par defaut (e9lo1719s9) n'a pas d'effet
j'ai change la pile bios rien
j'ai utilise hiren's bootcd rien
Aider mois s.v.p et merci d'avance................
problems with google and passwords
allen iglicki
Delete wrong user
Want to delete wrong choise
Windows Security Center
Pourquoi chaque fois que j'ouvre edge le language est le thai au lieu du francais. pourtant mes options de language pour edge sont le francais. ?
Integrator.exe failures
тормозит оченьсильно
how to delete advertisement
So many advertisement appear when I access the web site. I cannot concentrate on reading because of this. I appreciate if you tell me how to solve this problem.
Thank you.
I have windows installed on my SSD and HDD so how do I transfer data from one installation to the other without cloning
So I got and installation of windows on my SSD and HDD, but now I want to shift my files from HDD to SSD installation and then delete windows from HDD, but I don't want to clone(unless it doesn't clone windows installation and other files that I already installed on the SSD) my current installation(HDD) as it was pirated while the other one is legal, and by data I mean everything from text files to programs I installed, so I just want the user data and programs I installed to be shifted to my SSD without deleting windows from SSD and cloning the HDD one. Pls Help as quickly as possible,
Процесс System грузит процессор.
Я не могу прочитать ответ. Браузер меня туда не пускает. Смотрите скриншот
2. Загрузка Windows 10 на SSD увеличилась после активации программы до 3.5 - 4 минут. До этого была около 1 минуты. Разобраться в этом просто нет времени. Прошу помощи!. По внешнему виду процесс загрузки заполнился какими-то загрузками или закачками. На экране отображаетмя значек какой-то дополнительной закачки. На черном экране вращается белый круг и это долго.
Bluetooth sound
My airpods have sound on my phone, however it does not on my recently bought laptop, the laptop is relatively new, from this year, 2021. ( HP ENVY x360 15-ed1250nd - 2-in-1 Laptop - 15.6 Inch ) link: https://www.bol.com/nl/p/hp-envy-x360-15-ed1250nd-2-in-1-laptop-15-6-inch/9300000016569206/?Referrer=ADVNLGOO002021-G-113260400617-S-1073395452187-9300000016569206&gclid=CjwKCAjwqvyFBhB7EiwAER786fS7dpKIseiChs-oaUUNjwv4nVDV44PuNyouNTdn7ZBDePH-zAaTFRoCDbgQAvD_BwE , this link is in dutch though since I am dutch.
But back to the question, I have two options, Airpods handsfree AG audio, and airpods stereo.
the "airpods handsfree ag audio" one works, though it has really really poor quality,
on my phone it works perfectly with perfect quality, but if I put my laptop on airpods stereo, they just don't work, no sound, nothing
I clicked on many links trying to fix this problem, but with no success, I don't know what I should do, do you guys know how to fix this?
(ps my phone is a huawei p20 lite and I have airpods 2)