943 questions

Task Manager

Hi. I keep getting a report from Auslogics that a "High System Resources aare deteded". Clicking to see more takes me to the tak manager - but I have nno idea which of the dozens of running programss aare essential/nexcessary/vital and which are causing the problem. Can youo give me some guidance?
Nov 23, 2021 at 10:18 AM

No photo thumbnails

All my picture files used to disply thumbnails, now just icons.
How do I restore?
Nov 22, 2021 at 08:40 PM

Display issues

I had some security issues and a professional took control of my computer to fix the issues. Now all of my normal icons are much smaller than before. I can change the sixe of text in Word and Firefox, but I don't know how to change the other icon and display sizes.
Nov 22, 2021 at 06:08 PM

Auslogics Bootspeed

Privacy tool taking very long to resolve issues?
Nov 21, 2021 at 07:49 PM

Очистка диска

Как и что лучше всего почистить системный диск. Уже занято более 100ГБ. Все документы/временные файлы/загрузки уже перенесены с диска.
Nov 20, 2021 at 02:05 PM


Появляется окно с текстом:выявлено высокое потребление ресурсов, может привести к замедлению работы компьютера. Что делать?
Nov 17, 2021 at 08:54 PM

загрузка игр и приложений

Перестали загружаться приложения и игры из магазина.

Nov 17, 2021 at 02:41 PM

can't activate the virtualisation

i have a problem that my laptop have a legacy mode bios and i can't activate the virtualisation and i need it to run and android emulator for some programs that don't work for me because i have 32bit systeme .
thank you
Nov 13, 2021 at 05:31 PM

slow ram

I have tried several times to speed up my computer, but to no avail... I am not very technical, so that doesnt help... the main problem is there are apps that make the screen just stop, and lag for a while... please help
Nov 12, 2021 at 03:52 PM

Windows 11

I have just purchased a new Windows 11 laptop. Can I run Boost Speed etc on this and how can I transfer the licences?
Thank You
Nov 11, 2021 at 11:39 AM

Проблема с командой "Спящий режим"

Вместо команды "Спящий режим" выполняется "Перезагрузка".
Nov 07, 2021 at 11:44 AM

сообщение от Auslogics

Появляется табличка "Обнаружено высокое потребление ресурсов". Что делать?
Nov 07, 2021 at 11:34 AM

загрузка Windows

Очень медленная загрузка Винды
Nov 07, 2021 at 11:29 AM

Roaming Folder

I have 70 GB of data on my c:/user/AppData/Roaming folder. I have a space issue because my Win11 OS is insalled on a M.2 SSD drive with 120GB. I've moved the My Documents folders to a standard 2TB drive and told windows to install all apps on the large drive. I would like to keep the OS boot disk limited to windows only and make my boot quick!

Any tools in Auslogic that would address cleaning up my /appdata/Roaming data?

Thanks for your help.
Nov 07, 2021 at 09:44 AM

Activate My Windows for Free

How do I activate my Windows for free or update it?
Nov 06, 2021 at 01:17 PM

Startup issues

Sometimes I need to restart my pc several times to cause Windows to fully load. Sometimes it accepts me as the user but then shortly the screen goes blan. The hard drive indicates actions are happening but after 15 minutes screen is still blank. Then the next restart it may fully load Windows. Is there a way for me to find the cause of the issue?
Thanks, Michael.
Nov 04, 2021 at 02:38 PM

Suggestion / Idea

Hello Auslogics

This is not a question for you, merely an idea for additional software functionality. I think it could be a great feature.

I sometimes look at Event Logs for my Windows 10 PC, usually filtering out 'Information' type logs.

There are often events there that are errors. Sometimes these errors are happening thousands of times a day, but they happen silently and do not appear to impact my day to day work. But they must be hurting performance.

But if there was an 'Analyse Event Log Results' feature in BoostSpeed, which provided helpful feedback to users about those errors and suggested ways of resolving them, I would definitely use it.

I bet it would not be easy though!

Best regards
Nov 04, 2021 at 08:38 AM

Whatsaap bussines desktop solamente en esta pc.

Buenas Noches.
Si es posible solicito consejo para saber porque whatsaap bussines desktop se cierra al llamar desde esta pc.
En otras pc no ocurre lo mismo.
Tods mis programas son legales.
Saluda atentamente.
Orlando Barrionuevo

Oct 31, 2021 at 11:26 PM


почему, после того, как ваша программа предлагает мне отчистить корзину, после сканирования и предложения исправить ошибки, корзина остается не очищенной? у меня возникает подозрение, что фактически ваша программа только создает видимость работы, а на самом деле ничего не делает!
Oct 31, 2021 at 04:03 PM

Recuperación de la RAM

Tengo Un HP Elitedesk con 16 GB RAM, disco NVMe de 512 GB, Procesador I7 Octava Gen (Modelo Elitedesk 800 G4), con Windows 10 Pro actualizado todo a la ultima version. Este equipo trabaja muy bien y rapido...pero al utilizarlo con varias aplicaciones que tengo que abrir simultaneamente (TradingView Desktop, Binance Desktop, Metatrader 5 y Brave Browser), el equipo trabaja perfectamente, pero al pasar unas horas y yo cerrar algunas pestañas en las apps, y abrir otras, e incluso reduciendo su numero, la RAM no es recuperada y me quedo sin memoria. Hay alguna manera de automatizar la recuperacion de la RAM asi esto no me suceda mas? Tengo la Virtual Memory de Windows en cero, ya que tengo un disco duro de estado solido y no quiero que sea usado para swap para prologar su vida util.
Oct 29, 2021 at 09:21 PM

WordPad problem

Have tried (for years) to learn WORDPAD to start-up in landscape and not portrait. That goes for saving 'in Landscape' and seeing it change to Portrait when opening the member. (HRMPF)

Think, it's the only problem I have with my PC and now ALL problems in the future are taken good care of with your comprehensive
system, thank you.

Henning Reckey
Jul 02, 2020 at 03:06 PM

Old Windows Versions

When I do a Scan and Resolve, the scan always turns up the Windows "Tweak" of removing "Old Windows Versions." However, this appears to never get done, becaause I get the same option every time I run a Scan.

Why isn't it removing "Old Windows Versions?"
Jan 13, 2022 at 12:04 AM

viewing bottom of page.

Start buttons etc., at bottom of page are often off the page.
taskbar is at top of screen
reducing page size ratio is no help
Please help.

Feb 11, 2020 at 12:54 PM

Problèmes registre

Bonjour, il y a peu j'ai installé un nouveau registre qui m'a enlevé toutes les applications microsoft il se trouve que je les ai a nouveau besoin mais j'ai perdu mon ancien registre. Il y a une possibilité pour récupérer les applications natives de microsoft ? Merci
May 14, 2021 at 03:44 PM

Проблема с драйвером

Что такое Lenovo UEFI System Firmware 9YCN39WW?
Как исправить ошибку драйвера?
Jun 07, 2021 at 06:49 AM

Turn indexing back on

Hello! Bootspeed disabled indexing. How do I enable it back?
Oct 26, 2020 at 03:26 PM


Auslogics BoostSpeed11でwindowsのたちあがりのスピードアップができるというのでやったのですが、その後、タスクバーのタスクビューをクリックしたところ、表示画面に「PCをもっと使用すると、ここにアクティビティが表示されます」と表示されるようになってしまいました。、以前には数日間のタスクが表示されていました。
Aug 13, 2020 at 02:35 AM

windows run slow

hi , my windows be slowly than when i buy it and i don t know what should i do for it , i think its for that my computer ruuning some applications atumotacely and i should close them in the task bar , what shoud i do?
Sep 12, 2019 at 01:23 PM

Why auslogics boostspeed can't solve this ?

Hello. I'm a regular gamer, but when I play a game, no matter which one, my computer always crashes. Everyday, for months. I have used boostspeed 11 many times to fix this, but despite what Auslogics promised, my computer is no more stable than before. Nothing has changed. So I’m wondering what it pays to pay for software that promises to take care of our computer’s system, if it’s just basic operations that don’t solve anything. If nothing changes, I will not renew my subscription. If you need information about my hardware, don't hesitate to ask me. Thank you. Sincerely, Arnaud

Apr 27, 2020 at 08:32 AM

Errore generico su account hotmail.com

Ho un account hotmail su cui accedo senza nessun problema. Alcune app ed alcuni programmi mi danno errore generico sull'account e quando provo a correggerlo mi si apre il correttore di windows 10 che rimane fermo senza riuscire a corregere niente. Allego alcune slide esplicative
Dec 13, 2020 at 06:17 PM

How To

How do I sync Microsoft Edge and BoostSpeed?

Sep 26, 2020 at 10:31 PM

bost speed

ярлык на раб столе стал белый иеще проблема вы видите

Jul 05, 2020 at 06:11 PM

Bad performance Windows 10

Hi Auslogics,

Is there anything i can do for make my pc much responsive and no slowdown? for free

everytime i open anything that using high resources (Google Chrome, firefox, editing app, another apps)
its fine, nothing slow with the google chrome and the apps
but when i closing the Apps that already took up my PC resources 70%,
the CPU and RAM usage back normal

and the windows is very very slow
like the Start Menu is Delay , File explorer slow launch (launch when 5-6 seconds)

anything i can do?
Sep 09, 2020 at 12:35 PM


come faccio a dare il consenso di pulizia e aggiornamento del mio computer per velocizzarlo un giorno specifico della settimana, grazie
Jan 13, 2021 at 05:47 PM


Guten Tag,

ich will die Synchroniation wieder einschalten. Den Tweak wieder Rückgängig machen.
Jan 24, 2021 at 01:00 PM

ключ продукта

ключ продукта ошибка 0x8007000D

Apr 04, 2020 at 09:23 AM


If I have to restart, it takes 20 minutes or more to load completely. I have basically nothing in startup and can't figure out what is making this take so long. It's the same whether a restart or new start. The hard drive is only a little over half full with lots of pictures. Logically it has to be in either ASUS or windows (10). It's very frustrating and because it takes so long to load, I leave it running. For quite a few years I paid for a service that cleaned the system once a month and helped with any problem. I am no longer using it as it was expensive and even though I stressed the startup time issue, they never improved it.

You can see a lot about the machine, but it doesn't say it's an ASUS 15" laptop, purchased in September of 2014, model R510LAVS51 with core i5
I didn't know if you needed this, but I'd rather give you unnecessary information than have you come back to me.

thanks so much
debbie engleson

Jul 08, 2020 at 12:42 AM

блютуз гарнитура

не могу подключить блютуз гарнитуру, система ее видит но не подключает

Nov 08, 2020 at 03:29 AM


Нужно помощь для того чтоюы включить тередо не могу играть онлайн в игры из microsoft store

Apr 06, 2020 at 04:35 PM

Запрет на програмную смену фокуса

Добрый день. Вопрос один, может подскажите, как то можно без сторонего софта(в реестре может), ограничить право программам переключать фокус между окнами? Т.е. например какая-то программа в фоне запускает новое окно, и оно открывается по верх текущего(активного).
Ну грубо говоря программа обновлялась апдейтером, и по завершению обновления запустилась, таким образом переключив фокус на себя

Jan 10, 2020 at 12:10 PM