1814 questions

Cant Access app

I can access everything on my computer except for a application and winrar after updating my windows.

It shows Windos cannot access the specified device, path or file. You may not have the appropiate permissiong to access the item. I reformated my pc and its the same.

Jun 15, 2020 at 10:42 PM

I can no longer get Windows Updates

My desktop PC can no longer receive Windows 10 updates.

Below is the error message that has come up over and over again, for the past 2 months:

2020-06 Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Version 1909 for x64-based Systems (KB4560960)
Status: Download error - 0x800700c1

Currently, I have Windows 10 Home (64-bit) v. 1909, build. 18363.720.

I also have another computer (a laptop) with Windows 10 Home (64-bit) and all the Windows 10 updates have worked fine, including the latest "May v.2004" update.

Can you help me with my desktop computer? I'd like to be able to continue installing new Windows updates on it.

Thank you.

Myron Achtman (Canada)

Jun 15, 2020 at 07:06 PM

Cat protection turns on every time i boot my Intel I7 Win 10 Machine

cat protetion goes on everytime I turn off my Intel I7 win 10 machine

I am locked out every time I boot, I reset it off see that it is saved but next time I log on its on again

Jun 15, 2020 at 04:28 PM


warum geht bei obigem Prozess ständig meine CPU derartig in die Höhe, dass oft 40-50% davon verbrucht wird.
Sobald ich mehr als zwei Aktionen durchführen will, Internet und ein normales Programm, w.z.B. BoostSpeed,
dauert es ewig bis sich was tut.
Ich habe shon etliche Dinge mit dem Boost Speed eingestellt und verbessert, aber große Änderungen hab ich
bisher nicht feststellen können.
Jun 15, 2020 at 04:17 PM

проблемы с Auslogics BootSpeed 11

Уважаемые господа!
Я получил извещение об доступном обновлении программы. Япопытался кликнуть обновление, но ссылка не кликается.... эта же проблема с отчетами, когда я пытаюсь кликнуть подробный отчет, он не кликается.
Что мне предпринять для устранения этой ошибки?

Jun 15, 2020 at 04:08 PM

обновление windows10

сколько трафика примерно нужно потратить для обновления windows 10 версия 1909 до версии 2004 в гигабайтах

Jun 15, 2020 at 05:11 AM

wont install new drivers

cant install nvidia gforce and driver booster wont update my drivers ie: game drivers for windows

Jun 14, 2020 at 05:08 PM

Eliminate Devices to be scanned by the software.

When I do a maitenance scan I keep having to have problems with my Camera and microphone issues.
I have to avoid doing this be cause it creates problems and have to reinsatll my device.
I think others could have the same problem, it could be best, to have your software avoid touching devices alltogether.

Jun 12, 2020 at 02:27 PM

Windows Settings

I can't access my Windows Settings. When I try to access it the page shows and then goes away. Can your software fix this issue?

Jun 10, 2020 at 05:18 AM

Dashboard popup


I have asked this question before and the help I got didn't help one bit.

The Dashboard keeps popping up at the most inconveniant times to the point of be annoying.
When the Dashboard pops up everything stops until I acknowledge it or close it.
It always pops up while I'm gaming, while working with photos, reading my e-mail, and even while I'm working with my annimation programs and interfears with anything else to the point I'm beginning to think you created a virus program.
This has got to stop.
The other previous versions never did this and Im not the only one having the same problem.
I have several friends and family members I talked into buying this program who are having the same problem with theirs also.
Thats Seven (7) people besides me who are about to ask for refunds if we can't stop the Dashboard popups.
I have tried everything I could find from unchecking notices to automatic maintinance and the popups still continue.
Even the suggestions you gave me didn't help stop the pops.

Our 60 days is coming up on the 17th of this month for asking for our refunds.
Help us or refund us.

Thanks again, I think,
Stephen M.

Jun 08, 2020 at 08:17 PM

Security Center in Vista

I am having issues with the nonfunctioning security center in Windows Vista 32 bit / desktop I KNOW , I am unsupported !!! Maybe you can help ?

Jun 06, 2020 at 09:43 PM

keyboard is working intermittently

I did some tweaks using Aulogics BoostSpeed 11. My keyboard is now working intermittently, but I'm not sure what tweak may have caused that. I will be typing and it will just stop recording my keystrokes for a few seconds, so I have to wait for a few seconds until the keyboard starts responding again. I have a new HP Envy laptop. Any suggestions? Thanks a lot.

p.s.: on the dropdown above for device, it gave me four options. I just selected what I think is the right one

Jun 06, 2020 at 05:19 PM

windows 7

I can't install windows 7 SP1

Jun 06, 2020 at 08:38 AM

Computer randomly shuts off / freezes

My computer does this thing where it either randomly turns off completely or my entire computer screen freezes, requiring a full restart. Not really to sure what to do in this situation, and it has gotten to the point where it happens almost every 3 minutes.

Jun 06, 2020 at 01:26 AM

Deep disk cleaner

Un message m'indique que Deep Disk Cleaner ne peut pas étre lancé lors du démarrage de Boostspeed. Comment puis je le réinstaller ?
Merci de votre réponse.



Jun 05, 2020 at 04:53 PM

Language Hangul cannot be written

Language Hangul cannot be written

Jun 05, 2020 at 10:35 AM

64 bit operation

when will there be a 64 bit program? 32bit on new faster machines is slow

Jun 03, 2020 at 11:19 AM

sound buged

buged dont fix
Jun 02, 2020 at 01:41 PM

Perfomance for...

How can I optimize Windows for GTA V for maximum performance?

May 27, 2020 at 04:35 PM

Update windows

I can't update windows on my windows vista machine. Every answer will be estimated.Thank you!
May 26, 2020 at 06:24 PM

Whatsaap bussines desktop solamente en esta pc.

Buenas Noches.
Si es posible solicito consejo para saber porque whatsaap bussines desktop se cierra al llamar desde esta pc.
En otras pc no ocurre lo mismo.
Tods mis programas son legales.
Saluda atentamente.
Orlando Barrionuevo

Oct 31, 2021 at 11:26 PM

Application will not recognize Pro version

Hi there,

I have an active license key and discovered today that the app reverted to the free version. I put in my license key and it notes activation to be successful, however still runs as the free version.

To note: I have been unable to access the app itself without having to go into the administrator Windows account, which is a new finding since today as well. Not sure if that's related.

Any help would be great. Thanks.
Jan 23, 2022 at 05:18 PM

Греется жесткий диск

Последнее время стал сильно греться жесткий диск хотя запустил комьютер 20-30 минут назад, а уже хоть руки грей
May 27, 2021 at 10:08 PM

driver power state failure


Мой ноутбук иногда являет синий экран с сообщением driver power state failure. Ноутбук Hewlett Packard, ОС Виндовс 10.

Антивирус Касперский, ещё стоит Auslogics BoostSpeed 12.

Ноутбук куплен прошлой весной.

Скажите, пожалуйста, существуют ли способы решения этой проблемы?

С уважением, Иван.
Jan 12, 2022 at 05:41 PM

Процесс System грузит процессор.

Добрый день, хотел бы задать такой вопрос, процесс System очень сильно грузит процессор призапуске определённого приложения, загрузка порядка 33%-35%. Но если это приложение отключено и запущены какие то други программы, то всё в порядке, System процессор не загружает, подскажите можно ли это как то решить?
Feb 26, 2022 at 11:54 AM

SSD optimization for a whole day

I am using SSD optimization with Auslogic Bootspeed 12 to optimize my C drive (114 GB free 54 gb) it took a whole day to finish. Is it normal for a ssd optimization running? (while it only took 5 mins to optimize my D drive 98GB free 54GB). How frequently should I run SSD optimization
Oct 22, 2021 at 03:46 PM

Slow Word response

I am having problems with Windows Word and Excvel !
I keep getting a message ' not responding' - when loading both Word and Excel - then after about 30 seconds it loads ?!
I have tried all sorts of published ways to correct this problem.
Is their a simple way to stop this annoying problem.
Thank you in advance
Chris Morley
Nov 29, 2021 at 08:58 AM


May 28, 2022 at 03:33 PM


Jan 16, 2022 at 04:19 AM


現在 貴社のBoostSpees12Proを使用していますが、このソフトでPC(Windows11Pro)の立ち上がり時間を表示させる設定が有りましたら ご指導の程お願い致します。当方PCは素人に成ります。 ご面倒をおかけしますが宜しくお願い致します。
Mar 12, 2022 at 12:16 PM

Disk help

I downloaded a disk accidently from a ad do you know what this means because now whenever I turn my pc on it says checking for disks for something

I just put download because I cant make question without
Jul 11, 2022 at 02:42 PM

System Protection Blocking the BootSpeed.

Windows 10 is blocking BootSpeed when I want to open aplikation. (runs in background). This is famous request of asking a administratotor. It strated few days ago. I tryed opening as adminstartor and switched off Defender. I am rauning bootspeed 12. It is the same on 2 komputers different brand.
Jan 22, 2022 at 09:48 AM

определение местоположения

Здравствуйте! После обновления виндоус 10 система безопасности блокирует место положения компьютера.Я даже немогу включить -определять моё местоположение.

Apr 09, 2021 at 04:28 PM

Green Buttons asking to activate pro version

I have the Pro Version. When I click on Help/About the window confirms that. Why to I have a green button on every screen asking me to activate the Pro Version. I even hit the button and it confirms I have the Pro and the green buttons persist. Help.
Feb 01, 2022 at 12:42 AM

battery is not displayed in pannel

Dear sir,
I have hp15s laptop. the battery iof the laptop is not visible. and whenever i remove the charging cable the laptop turns off automaticaly. how can i check if my battery is realy worn out or there is some issue with the connector
Mar 04, 2022 at 04:21 AM

После обновления сетевого драйвера пропадает сетевое подключение

Добрый день. Программа рекомендует обновить сетевой драйвер, но, если я выполняю обновление, то у меня пропадает сетевое подключение. Что посоветутете делать в этой и подобных ситуациях? Речь идет про INTEL 82579V Gigabit и INTEL 82574L Gigabit
Jan 31, 2022 at 09:33 AM

connesione internet

percke qando scanziono con autologics la connesione wifi non si connette
Dec 11, 2021 at 07:00 PM

Cannot open Auslogics 12 on my other laptop

Hi, this may have come through twice, sorry if it has, but I have 3 laptops which I pay to use your excellent software. My other laptop, a Lenovo T520 is showing an error message from MS ...the adminsitrator has blocked me from running the auslogics app. It then says contact the adminsitrator...I am the adminsitrator ..the only user of that machine. Does MS have a problem with Auslogics? Can you help me sort this problem out and enable me to open your software as and wehen I need to...weekly? VMT Chris
Jan 24, 2022 at 05:56 PM


it is not possible to activate this application with this key

Content hidden to protect privacy

Jan 23, 2022 at 07:49 PM

Scanning shows hard drive disc error

Can BoostSpeed 12 perform disc repair? If so, how?
Dec 04, 2021 at 08:19 PM