1810 questions

Why auslogics boostspeed can't solve this ?

Hello. I'm a regular gamer, but when I play a game, no matter which one, my computer always crashes. Everyday, for months. I have used boostspeed 11 many times to fix this, but despite what Auslogics promised, my computer is no more stable than before. Nothing has changed. So I’m wondering what it pays to pay for software that promises to take care of our computer’s system, if it’s just basic operations that don’t solve anything. If nothing changes, I will not renew my subscription. If you need information about my hardware, don't hesitate to ask me. Thank you. Sincerely, Arnaud

Apr 27, 2020 at 08:32 AM


How can I minimize the picking up of malware by using your toolkit?

Apr 25, 2020 at 10:50 PM


I am using Windows 8.1. Is there a provision in BoostSpeed 11, for setting the Disk/Processor Temperature at which the PC will switch off?

Apr 22, 2020 at 04:00 PM

ms-resource: ProductName を取り除きたい

Windows10 バージョン 2004 (OSビルド 19041.207)

"ms-resource: ProductName"  を取り除きたい


Apr 22, 2020 at 01:56 PM

sudden shutdown

why is my pc suddenly shuts down without warning every 10 to 20 minutes

Apr 20, 2020 at 08:19 AM


Пожалуйста посоветуйте файл OpenAL32.dll. последствия

Apr 19, 2020 at 06:26 AM

Windows 10 logon password via Auslogics

I am not new to Aulogics - great product! However, I am a new Aulogics 11 user. In Aulogics, in trying to bypass Windows 10 Logon on my Lenovo, I believe the password that was pre-autofilled may have been incorrect? I chose by-pass Windows logon, however when my laptop restarts the first User screen tells me my Password is incorrect. How do I fix this in Aulogics? Any help would be appreciated! ~Catherine Trager

Content hidden to protect privacy

Apr 18, 2020 at 05:41 PM

Повышенное потребление ресурсов

Периодически всплывает уведомление о повышенном потреблении ресурсов. По клику открывается Task Manager, из информации в котором я понимаю только, что процессор загружен на 100%, оперативная память тоже. Я и сам замечаю, что компьютер часто тормозит и процессор нагревается до 50 градусов.
Компьютер новый (моноблок Lenovo, W10), программ в автозагрузке не более десяти. Прежний моноблок, которому более пяти лет с W 8.1, на котором установлено гораздо больше программ, ведёт себя гораздо резвее.
И что со всем этим делать? В Task Manager не вижу каких-либо инструментов. Уж не сама ли ваша программа Auslogics Boost Speed 11 тормозит систему?

Apr 18, 2020 at 05:17 PM

Кэш второго уровня

Здравствуйте, в прошлых версиях была возможность через Tweak Manager включить исплользование кэша втрого уровня. В 11 версии неполучается найти данную функцию. Подскажите как это сделать.

Apr 18, 2020 at 10:31 AM

System Restore

Desktop just started on off when sitting in sleep mode, A tried to update Microsoft Windows 10, took update, Still on off multi. times daily B, tried System restore tells me could not preform System Restore Still on ,off mode , C What setting in resuce center would fix this System Restore problem.s all from same date around System 3 or 4 from same date close to restore point date. Is Boostspeed 11 causing this problem

Apr 16, 2020 at 06:59 PM

help needed

Hi, I don't think it's about you, but if you can help me I'll be very grateful.
i have two devices
1.micro sd 16GB apacer
2.flash memory 16GB apacer
these two device now is WRITE PROTECTED and i have download every tools and tricks exist in world for flash these but no one responding.
now pls pls pls pls pls pls help me in my country there is no official represent from apacer or others pls help me tnx a lot and i very respect u and ur works and apps


Apr 16, 2020 at 08:42 AM

My wireless driver is not working

This is the second time this has happened and it has something to do with this softwarre Auslogics 11 after a deep scan took place. But now I cant restore the driver because it seems to be blocked,
The diagnostic's say "Windows can not bind the IP protocol stack to the network."
This is with my wireless adapter and not with my LAN, But I need my wireless adapter asap. Yes I have tried reinstalling the driver and it says the same thing,

Apr 15, 2020 at 03:02 PM


why hdd is slow

Apr 15, 2020 at 11:43 AM



Apr 15, 2020 at 10:44 AM

ноутбук Dell перестал распознавать оригинальное зарядное устройство Dell и АКБ не заряжается как раньше.


Ноутбук Dell перестал распознавать оригинальное зарядное устройство Dell и АКБ не заряжается так как раньше.
Ноутбук был приобретен новым и я единственный владец. Раньше всё было в порядке. Установка вашего ПО и запуск всех инструментов пока ничего не дал. Я не могу понять в чём причина?
Ваш софт и фирменный софт Dell сообщает что АКБ находится в отличном состоянии. Сама Windows 7 pro показывает что АКБ подключена к З/У, но сообщает что АКБ не заряжается. АКБ не заряжается даже при полном выключении или перезагрузке ноутбука.
Как решение я вижу возможность также перепрошить BIOS. Пожалуйста, помогите решить вопрос.

С уважением,
Apr 15, 2020 at 07:08 AM

Microsoft Store の各ソフト 文字化け と Microsoft Store の各ソフト 起動出来ない

Windows10 のMicrosoft store では、文字化けが多いのため、ソフト起動出来ない。 

例、ペイント3D、フィートバック、ニュース、天気、マネー 他。


Apr 14, 2020 at 03:15 AM

bluetooth is not working

hi my bluetooth is not working.i cant see the device on my laptop

Apr 13, 2020 at 07:21 PM

Ne liste pas les points d'accès !


Sûrement dû a une optimisation, je ne vois plus la liste des réseau WiFi !

Quel service et comment le redémarrer et le laisser actif, le remettre par défaut svp ?

Apr 13, 2020 at 05:42 PM

programs as a threat

Dear Sir / Madam, I bought the programs Defrag, Register Cleaner and Bootspeed from Auslogics. With license. I am satisfied with the programs but Malwarebytes sees these programs as a threat. See picture. How can this and how can I solve this.

Apr 13, 2020 at 07:07 AM

PC Randomly Resarts

My PC keeps restarting radomly. Some days its fine normaly while gaming. I went online and saw that your website said it could fix it. After following the steps i still have the issue.

Please can you help

Apr 12, 2020 at 01:07 PM

Disk Partitioning Error

2 years ago, I was messing around with dual-booting and windows partitioning. So much so that an error occured. After I wasn't able to boot back into Windows 10 and deleted ALL my files, I noticed that my maximum capacity was lowered from 256gb to 237gb. It was probably from the dual-booting error. (Was trying to dual-boot an android os or a linux os or smth). I'm running out of storage because I'm too lazy to delete files and I need that 19gb. Respond ASAP, Thanks!
Oct 20, 2021 at 11:53 AM

Boost Speed 12

Hi Guys

Ive entered my Lisence code but my BoostSpeed 12 is still asking me to Activate Pro Version. i.e the green button "Activate Pro Version" is still there at the bottom right of the window..

Jan 22, 2022 at 04:52 PM

My Documents folder

Can I move the "My Documents" Folder to another location/drive?

May 21, 2021 at 12:10 AM

Does this leave adult website traces

So these "rammerhead" links like rammer.rude.li ive been using for accessing anything that is adult and is purported to have privacy becuase its a browser inside your browser that has a different IP to prevent ISP from seeing your activity but it is deteced in adult website traces in privacy of auslogics? is this not really private and is just a false sense of security like incognito?
Feb 11, 2024 at 03:12 AM

problems with google and passwords

since I'm install Aulogics and run the program it keeps deleting my programs password and when I try to oprn (IN GOOGLE) facebook I'm getting unresponsive pages....but if I open facebook with EDGE I have no problems.....can you help?
allen iglicki
Mar 23, 2022 at 02:11 PM

Windows 10 not shutting down, keeps restarting

When I shut down (even Shift + shutdown or hibernate) the computer (i5-4460 with 16 GB Ram, ASUS H97m PLUS) the PC instantly reboots. Have to do hard shutdown with power button.
I have tried a few "fixes", e.g.
In Startup and recovery, used "Restart" for clean start,
Start in "Safe Mode",
Untick "Automatic restart",
Removed or substituted all devices, hard drives plus mouse and keyboard, even monitor and RAM, except Graphics card - no fix. Defragged and scanned hard drives for errors.
Pressed power button with power disconnected.
Re-installed Windows and updated.
All fans and heatsinks not clogged with dust.
Edited Registry = "No Auto Reboot With Logged On User"!

I have recent system images saved but none before the problem started!

Any suggestions? Thank you, David
Apr 07, 2022 at 07:31 AM

optimize put topaz studio into reccle bin

recycle bin is getting ful ans auslogics wants to empty it. How to I get topas=z back
Mar 19, 2022 at 05:32 PM

Fn клавиша на ноутбуке

Здравствуйте! Перестала работать клавиша FN + F1, F2 ... и т.д. Не могу в играх убавить звук, яркость. Полагаю перестал работать драйвер отвечающий за эту функцию. Пожалуйста, помогите советом как устранить данную проблему. С уважением, Станислав Викторович.
Mar 26, 2022 at 02:35 AM


How do I dasable the advertising popups in Boost Speed 12? I already own some of your products and don't want to be bothered with the advertising.

Also, when do you plan to have the problem with Boost Speed Pro resolved what it asks me if I want to activate the Pro version when I already have it?

Also, your subcategory required field above is not appropriate.
Feb 06, 2022 at 03:37 PM

windows search

I have given automatic duties to boostspeed and it keeps deactivate or destroy my window search which i need. Jow can i stop this?
Jan 04, 2022 at 09:49 AM

Product will not activate

I've entered the product key now 3 times. each time it is accepted. when I go to run the 1st scan I see on the bottem right corner of the screen that boostspeed stills needs to be registered and then I reseive unexpected error. I just updated to 12 for my client - Produce key -

Content hidden to protect privacy

Jan 20, 2022 at 10:39 PM

Auslogics BoostSpeed

Game Mode...como ativar?
May 17, 2022 at 05:50 PM

Вопрос об ошибке при внезапном отключении

Доброго времени суток, уважаемые специалисты!

Спасибо за возможность задать Вам вопрос.

В моём ноутбуке - операционнная система WINDOWS 7; она была переустанавлена специалистом в январе этого года после профессиональной чистки системы.
Есть вопрос об ошибке, номер которой есть на скриншоте вложения, сделанном при внезапном отключении ноутбука во время обычной его работы. Такое внезапное отключение моего ноутбука случается неожиданно, всегда без всяких предварительных каких-либо признаков; при этом на экране висит текст с номером ошибки, который видно на скриншоте.

Что значат такие внезапные отключения? Как предотвратить такие отключения, что исправить в системе?

С уважением, Ана
Oct 20, 2021 at 08:44 PM

не могу обновить ауслогик

почему не могу обновить программу ауслогик ?
Feb 03, 2022 at 09:10 AM

Using the registry

Can I use the registry to change a single program not to show the "DO YOU WANT THIS PROGRAM TO CHANGE YOUR" ETC.
Oct 23, 2021 at 03:06 PM


Seit einiger Zeit wird mein Drahtlosnetzwerk nicht mehr in der Liste der verfügbaren Netzwerke angezeigt, ohne dass ich irgendwelche Änderungen vorgenommen hätte. Wie bekomme ich mein Netzuwerk wieder in die Anzeige?
Apr 29, 2022 at 12:53 PM

Auslogic Defrag Issue

Defrag hung up on file C:\$Extend\$UsnJml:$J

Went from 3.8% to 13.30% completed and took over 22 hours as you can see in the screenshot attachment.
How can I get defrag around this issue so it can complete the optimization?

Thank you
Dennis Miller

Content hidden to protect privacy

P.S. Why isn't Auslogics a subcategory option?

Dec 28, 2021 at 03:30 PM

Quick Links in Word and Excel

How do I shut off the "feature" that wipes out all my quick links in Word, Excel, Etc. If I can't disable that POS feature I will remove your software and never consider upgrading.
Mar 12, 2022 at 06:45 PM


Появляется окно с текстом:выявлено высокое потребление ресурсов, может привести к замедлению работы компьютера. Что делать?
Nov 17, 2021 at 08:54 PM

Delete wrong user

After boot. Windows ask for user. To choise of two with same name en than pin code.
Want to delete wrong choise
Jan 26, 2022 at 04:58 PM