1858 questions


Oct 06, 2021 at 11:33 PM

Display problem with Outlook and Excel

Any suggestions on how to resolve this display problem?

Outlook & Excel screen displays are half missing. Happened about a week ago after installing Auslogics programs. ( could just be a coincidence ) .
Other Microsoft 365 programs and everything else displays correctly .
WINDOWS 10 & 365 have been reinstalled a few times but the problem persists.
WINDOWS repair facilities have been tried without success.
Microsoft Support unable to resolve it.

Oct 06, 2021 at 08:43 AM

Richiesta di pulizia del browser web

quando per "risolvere tutti gli elementi" la schermata mi chiede di chiudere tutte le applicazioni aperte, mi elenca n. 5 msedege.exe che non riesco a chiudere né manualmente né col pulsante "chiudi tutto". Utilizzando "Ignora", mi rimangono 214 tracce nel browser web ed il semaforo mi rimane rdi colore rosso.
Cosa posso fare?
Ringrazio anticipatamente per il disturbo.

Oct 05, 2021 at 06:47 PM

Bad block on SSD

For one month, impossible make à backup with Acronis. A bad block is the cause of that misfunction. I use CHKDSK with no stable résult. What can i do ?
Oct 05, 2021 at 01:26 PM

empty folder cleaner

Hi. When i go into empty folder cleaner it will find; i.e *582 empty folders, i press delete, and when its finished it says 520 empty folders found and deleted 258 of them. They go to the recycle bin, which i then empty, but when i do a re-search for empty folders they are all back again. It never actually clears the whole amounts found. *These are the actual readings of my last scan, but the numbers are very close to what they are with every scan. Can you help please? Clive

Oct 05, 2021 at 12:00 PM

WDF_Violation every time I shut down W10-pro

every time I shut down W10-pro, the system after ~7 seconds I click on the shutdown button and W10 starts the procedure it shows the blue screen with WDF_Violation error message. I have updated all the drivers, but the issue remains.
I have this problem since a certain W10 update (in fact when I reverted that update the problem desappeared).
Thanks a million, in advance for your reply!
Oct 02, 2021 at 03:16 PM


Dear Support, I have Auslogics Boostspeed 12 on my machine. There was a flash on the screen of a recommended update.
So my question is there was nothing in that flash update telling me if its a to pay for update or for free. This need to be shown in my book. Do you see where I am coming from with this? It shows what the big fixes are with the new update but yet nothing about if you hit the link if there is a small payment involved. This needs to be incorporated as part of any firmware update in my book. Regards Paul

Oct 01, 2021 at 02:23 AM

recovery of duplicate files accidentaly removed

I have removed duplicate files using the software, unfortunately i lost many RAW files of the photographs instead of JPEG versions of the RAW files, I wish to recover my raw files which was deleted first from the hard drive into the recycle bin and removed from there, the RAW files are Nikon NEF files. I am enclsong the JPEG of the RAW file which was deleted, many other RAW files were also lost accidentally ,
Sep 26, 2021 at 05:35 PM

удаление профиля печати принтера HP


программа - отличная, спасибо.

Единственное, что хотел отметить - после сканирования уничтожаются настроенные профили печати на принтере НР (или последние использованные параметры). Перед печатью пять их делать приходится

С уважением
Sep 20, 2021 at 11:05 AM

Faster opening

I would like to know how to make google chrome open faster?
Sep 18, 2021 at 08:17 PM

Quanti pc

Buongiorno, un saluto cordiale, ho comperato due versioni pro , la domanda e: a quanti pc posso mettere la licenza adquistata?
Sep 15, 2021 at 05:40 AM

Indexing keep turning off

I noticed that my Auslogics BoostSpeed 11 keeps turning of my windows search indexing. How can i prevent that from happening.
Sep 14, 2021 at 08:44 AM

popup reminders

Everytime I turn on my computer I get three popups that want me to update three Auslogics programs. How can I stop these popups? I will renew each program as I have the monetary resources.
Sep 13, 2021 at 12:15 AM

my computer does not connect to my bluetooth headphone

whenever i try to connect my blutooth over ear headphones with my windows it doesn't get connected and it's very difficult for me to use as i have to attend frequent meetings and lectures and moreover with my smartphone its very difficult as i have to zoom minute details in order to see, therefore i need a quick solution for this problem as fast as it could be.
Sep 09, 2021 at 09:19 AM


Sep 08, 2021 at 03:18 PM


is there an update to my didk defrag 10?

Aug 31, 2021 at 01:33 AM

Автозагрузка Auslogics File Recovery

Здравствуйте, у меня вопрос по программе "Auslogics File Recovery". Она постоянно загружается при запуске Windows 7 Pro. (в трее). Хотя я и убирал запуск этой программы из автозагрузки, всеми способами. Помогите пожалуйста решить вопрос с отключением автозапуска "Auslogics File Recovery".

Aug 30, 2021 at 12:34 AM


I'm using your standard Auslogics Disk Defran 10, and can never get the level of defrag to less that 13% on my Win 7 disk. No other defrag programs have been able to do any better, the inherent Win defrag running for hours with no improvement.
Any idea how I can resolve this?

Aug 29, 2021 at 12:31 AM


System Informationツールで、問題のあるデバイスとして表示される問題の解決方法は、
System BootDpeed 12の機能にありますか?

Start Up

AOL Software Problem:
I have AOL Desktop Gold & it worked good for a few years, then when I signed in, the orange ball appeared, and after that, nothing; AOL trtied to fix it, via reinstall but couldn't. Any suggestions?

I have aused Hewlette Packard Desktop PC, was Windows XP Now Windows 7. Petium 4 processor, 2GB Memory
Aug 27, 2021 at 04:56 PM

Не работает Скайп и Outlook после установки новой версии

Если раньше после установки новой версии переставал работать скайп, то сейчас и Outlook перестал работать....
Скайп не делает звонки
А Outlook не грузится вообще....
А вроде бы раньше неплохая программа была....

Jan 05, 2020 at 01:38 PM

Csnnot access new PC from other PCs on LAN

I have a private home LAN with three Windows 10 PCs that are sharing files & folders among themselves with no problem - I just click their PC name under Network in File Explorer. Problem is, I just set up a new Win 10 PC but when I click on that new PC's name under Network in File Explorer on any of the existing three PCs I get an error msg saying I don't have permission to access the new PC.

I made the new PC discoverable and not pwd-protected, just like the other three. I set up the Documents folder in the new PC to be shared by Everyone with Full permissions. All four PCs are running Win 10 (ver. 2004). All are wired Ethernet desktop PCs except one existing PC is a Wi-Fi laptop.

This situation is weird because everything works fine when I go to the Search box (next to the Start icon) on any of the other PCs and type \\NewPC\Users\UName\Documents\. The same good result occurs when I set up a shortcut targeting \\NewPC\Users\UName\Documents\.

There is no hardware/connectivity problem because the new PC is seen by all the others and I can access the shared Documents folder\files in either of the two ways just described above.

Am I missing a setting, or something else? Thanks for any help.
Dec 08, 2020 at 01:58 AM

Проблема со спящим режимом

Здравствуйте! Исчез совсем из настроек системы спящий режим, после работы программы, помогите исправить, заранее спасибо за безпокойство...

Jan 30, 2020 at 03:31 PM

Edge Chromium

I have the new Microsoft Edge Chromium browser. Boostspeed does not recognize this browser. It will only clean Internet Explorer and the original Microsoft Edge browser. Is there an update coming with Boostspeed that will include this new browser? If so, when?

May 17, 2020 at 02:42 PM

battery not charging

my battery is not charging. i lost the invoice from the assus dealer in goa, india namely INTECH COMPUTERS, Porvorim, Goa. He is not giving the duplicate. checked online and saw that the warranty of this laptom expires on May 27, 2020, whereas I bought this laptop in April 2020. I smell something fishing with this dealer. took it to service centre, they say that warranty expired as above, and if at all they can help they want the invoice.

Nov 12, 2020 at 12:01 PM

Issues Microsoft Flight Simulator (FS2020)

Hi, I have been a customer of yours for a long time. I am satisfied with the software but now I need to ask a question or rather a report.
I have the license for 3 PCs, and on one PC I have the new MSFS FS2020 simulator. Thanks to the backup I restored the files. The problem is that after deep cleaning privacy, traces in applications, empty folders, registry files, Windows system files could no longer start the game. I thought to warn you and I hope that the problem is solved. Thanks and sorry. My configuration: CPU i7-8700.... Windows 10 PRO.... RAM 48 Gb.... HardDisk M2 NVME samsung 1Tb.... GPU RTX 2060.
Oct 01, 2020 at 12:43 PM

Медленно загружается

Медленно загружается, особенно Google. Что делать? Версия Windows 7 Home.
Nov 10, 2019 at 07:11 PM

Не получается запустить.

Доброй ночи.
Полную проверку системы и во время проверки я кое-что сделал, а что не знаю.
Программа не запускается а проблема в том что служба выключена...
(не удалось запустить службу nvidia localsystem container ошибка 14109)

Dec 22, 2019 at 10:39 PM

help needed

Hi, I don't think it's about you, but if you can help me I'll be very grateful.
i have two devices
1.micro sd 16GB apacer
2.flash memory 16GB apacer
these two device now is WRITE PROTECTED and i have download every tools and tricks exist in world for flash these but no one responding.
now pls pls pls pls pls pls help me in my country there is no official represent from apacer or others pls help me tnx a lot and i very respect u and ur works and apps


Apr 16, 2020 at 08:42 AM

Wireless not working

I ran a cleanup of the system yesterday and it siad it would enter a new driver for me. I said OK and now the wireless is not working. I have reinstalled all files that I thought may contain the information to no avail. What can I do to rsolve this?

Sep 12, 2019 at 10:56 PM

Use of BoostSpeed Pro 11 on my wife's computer

8 November 2020

Dear Sir or Madam:

Good morning.

Could you please tell me if I can use my BoostSpeed Pro 11 on m wife's computer, and if so, how do I do it?

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,
Murray Christianson

Nov 08, 2020 at 02:47 PM

Your help please

I called tech support to fix the follwintg problem "rquires elevation" I am still getting the same thing on numerous sites. Is there
no one that can fix this? Tried you on line solution but it does not work as described.

Jan 03, 2020 at 04:44 AM

Demande Information


Comment faire pour Rechercher des fichiers doublons sur un Réseau NAS

Avec mes remerciements


Jacques LOGEAY

Jul 18, 2020 at 06:14 PM

Cannot install new version of Pro v11.xxx

Whenever I get the message "a new version 11.~ is available, the download completes but will not install.
Check snip pic attached.

Feb 01, 2020 at 05:27 PM

Paired but won't connect

I've tried everything to get my Sony bluetooth headphones to connect automatically, it is paired in "Devices" but when I switch the headphones on they wont connect, I have to go into Settings - Devices and physically connect by pressing the connect tab, I've tried going into "Services" then scrolling down to "Bluetooth Support Service", stopping it then restarting it, it just won't restart properly, the green "curtain" only goes about 15% accross before stopping i.e it has'nt restarted properely, any ideas!!!!
Jul 14, 2020 at 11:04 AM

Re-enable the Windows key on the keyboard

How do I Re-enable the Windows key on the keyboard. Something in Boostspeed disabled it.
Nov 14, 2022 at 05:14 PM


warum geht bei obigem Prozess ständig meine CPU derartig in die Höhe, dass oft 40-50% davon verbrucht wird.
Sobald ich mehr als zwei Aktionen durchführen will, Internet und ein normales Programm, w.z.B. BoostSpeed,
dauert es ewig bis sich was tut.
Ich habe shon etliche Dinge mit dem Boost Speed eingestellt und verbessert, aber große Änderungen hab ich
bisher nicht feststellen können.
Jun 15, 2020 at 04:17 PM

Video issues

Hi There,
I can be happily working along, and if I need to see a video file, I can... but then, sometimes it stops, and I cannot make the video work again.
I have Driver Updater, but if I reboot the computer, the video function will work again.
Sometimes, if I run a BoostSpeed scan, the video might work again. It can still stop again, but if I Boost Speed again, it may not make the video run again.
So I have to reboot again instead, which is pretty time consuming.
My initial thought is I'm missing video drivers, but i have Driver Updater.
Can you advise and help me?
Nov 03, 2020 at 06:14 AM

Windows Key

My windows key on my keyboard does not work and I have tried to run different tasks in the task manager and several other things but nothing seems to work. I saw on your website that this program can help.

Feb 22, 2020 at 04:07 AM

Windows upgrade

I am using the BoostSpeed11 product prior to an effort to upgrade from Windows 7 to Windows 10.
I have tried before using the product but get the error message 0x8007042B-0x3000D Failure to migrate data on first boot.
I have just cleaned up the zero bytes folders, traces and duplicate files.
There is some thought that antivirus should be stopped while attempting the upgrade. I am presently using Eset internet security.
When performing the migrate data upgrade are all the files carried over? How much should be backed up?
Any hints you can provide will be gold.
In the event that I finally get the upgrade done which of your products should I install, and is it OK to leave the product I have
installed while performing the upgrade?
Eset has logged the driver checker of yours as a pup.What's the go there?


Dec 19, 2019 at 08:58 AM