1826 questions

firwall para router ou windows

hello, i have a vpn express vpn they give a router with firewall but for mine dig coins is not the best for the mineralisator


the best firewall fisic for routher or windows in the markett that serve the trade and mining, plus no one came in like a proxy

mather a proxy do the job with software and all plus ip user and door?

peter M

note:if does say free if better the twoo mutch better,
Jan 15, 2023 at 08:44 AM


Vorrei eliminare i collgamenti dal menù start di applicazioni disinstallate in precedenza.
Come posso fare
Jan 14, 2023 at 05:47 PM

registrat i

my computer is registered with Microsoft in my late wife's name and i dont know her password. how can i overcome this problem witout lpsing every thing?
Jan 14, 2023 at 12:08 AM

boost speed 13

When I do a scan, it comes back and tells me xxxx amount of junk to be cleaned and fragmented. When I click recolvder all, 90% of the junk is removed. I cleaned junk files and it said xxxx amount of files and it cleaned all but 91 mg. I therefore have to clean 2 or 3 times to remove all. WHY? I have paid for this version and it is not updated. Please advise.

Jan 13, 2023 at 11:06 PM


Ou puis je trouver mon compte
Merci d'avance
Hendrik Zutterman
Jan 13, 2023 at 10:31 AM

My PC crawls after i installed


I have using AusLogic Bootspeed for over 6 mths (was on v 12.1.2 and now downlaoded v13
ever since i stalled and used your software My PC runs very very slow. In fact i think your software has drastically
affected my pc. what can be done to make it super fast like it was before installing
Jan 12, 2023 at 12:03 AM

gpu stop desponding

Error Message: Display Driver Stopped Responding and Has Recovered for my intel hd 2500 in league of legends it freeze
Jan 11, 2023 at 10:21 AM


How to remove the error? I can't start Auslogics on Windows 10 startup.
Jan 09, 2023 at 09:23 PM

установка более поздней виндоуз

Можно ли безболезненно, т.е. сохраняя все имеющиеся файлы документов, установить вместо 7-й версии более позднюю? Если да, то какая наиболее надежная?
Jan 09, 2023 at 05:23 PM


Whenever I want to set "Start automatically at Windows logon
this error appears. I am asking for effective advice.
Well thank you

Jan 09, 2023 at 12:23 PM

Keep document lists

How can I keep my document lists?

These disappear from my Start/Documents list and the list in each program (Word, Excel).

I have searched and searched and can't find this referenced.

Thank you.

John Zwolanek
Deforest, Wisconsin, USA

Content hidden to protect privacy

Jan 08, 2023 at 08:25 PM

Это чтото не позволяет мне разделить диск

Я хотел разделить свой ссд на часть для виндоус и для игр, но я не могу потому что мне мешает только один файл. У него нет расположения и удалить я его тоже не могу
Jan 08, 2023 at 07:42 PM

laptop HP all in one

De helderheid van het scherm is niet meer regelbaar
Jan 06, 2023 at 03:22 PM

Cannot connect Wifi.无法连接无线网

Hello, I used Auslogics BoostSpeed 13 to clean up the data. After cleaning, my DELL notebook (DELL 5520) could not connect to the wireless network. I could not connect to the network by using the external network card or the external network cable. How should I solve it? Looking forward to your reply, you can also reply me at 1574426325@qq.com

您好,我用Auslogics BoostSpeed 13进行了数据清理,清理之后,我的戴尔笔记本(DELL 5520)无法连接无线网,使用外置网卡、外接网线都无法连接网络。请问应该如何解决?期待您的回复,您也可以回复我的邮箱:

Content hidden to protect privacy

Jan 05, 2023 at 08:20 AM

UNable to connect

Your fix does not help my Asus GW75.

What Graphics adapter or CPU make/model is required for Miracast to be compatible between a monitor and a Windows 10 laptop so that no cable HDMI connection is otherwise required to mirror the laptop onto the monitor. I do not want to buy a laptop only to find Miracast is not compatible. I also use a Windows to Go external SSD.
Jan 05, 2023 at 05:14 AM

Ethernet works only after deleting Network Adapter followed by Restarting PC

Everytime I start my PC Ethenet is not detected. I have to uninstal Network Adapter and Restart my PC.Then only Ethernet comes to life.
Why do I have to do these manoeuvres. I also have Auslogics Driver Updater but it's not of any help. Let me know how I can get Ethernet immediately after starting my PC.
Jan 04, 2023 at 07:23 AM


I use microsoft Edge or Crome can I delete Internet Explorer ?
Jan 02, 2023 at 02:29 PM

удаление пустых папок Lenovo

Как удалить пустые папки Lenovo.
Jan 01, 2023 at 10:42 AM

le van hoa

sao khong kich hoat kye duoc
Dec 31, 2022 at 09:21 PM

USB Dongle USE over XP to Win 7 and beyond...

Over the years many companies that produce amazing Engilneering Softwares that used USB or even parallel port security keys was done to provide security for the writer of this software agains those who would might pirate their software... I bought into this activity with many USB Dongles... Then several of these companies went out of business or where sold to larger companies... This caused a serious isues (Expensives) to the end customers like myself... To upgrade a few of them can cost several Hundred of Thousand of Dollars if these company maintained some form of these softwares... So I elected to maintained a special computer running XP (A Xeon Machine to gain higher speeds...) so I would not loose use of many of these wonderful softwares like SystemView just to name one... Or Eagleware and Spice softwares... I still have access to my OLD XP Machine...

Question: Use of older security keys on later operating systems like Window's 7 (Better because of Xp can run as a simution embedded) or Window's 10 can basically not be done because Microsoft chose to ignore these users of these security keys... So,,, is there any way to used older softwares such as the types I have suggested in such a way, that the locking security keys could still be used on later versions of Microsoft platforms using older software that used Software Keys... I use mostly USB types and jump out of the Parallel types do to that change...

Years ago I wrote to Microsoft about this action they did... But they ignore me....

Today I thought I might just ask to see if what I think is truc may have a solution I was not made aware of...


PS I like your software Auslogic BootSpeed 13... Plus a few of the others too... Great efforts in your software programming is appreciated...
Dec 31, 2022 at 12:14 AM

FIX: bdservicehost high cpu / memory usage

FIX: bdservicehost high cpu / memory usage.
I have this problem. Can you tell me a solution? https://windowsreport.com/bdservicehost-high-usage/

my hard drive is WDC W10 EZEX
Nov 16, 2021 at 08:57 PM

An error occurred while loading Library.dll

When loading Auslogics Disk Defragmenter, I get the following message box:

Auslogics Disk Defrag 9

An error occurred while loading Library.dll.

Error code: 0x0000007E
Error message: The specified module could not be found.

I've tried to uninstall the program, but get the message box:

Runtime error at (180:3568):
Exception 'EAuslogicsIntItException" at address 0049E613



Mar 03, 2020 at 03:46 AM

built in Dell Inspiron laptop Realtek microphone

My microphone has stopped working and doesn't seem recognised ny Windows 10. Zoom is displaying a picture rather than video.

May 21, 2020 at 08:41 PM

ms-resource: ProductName を取り除きたい

Windows10 バージョン 2004 (OSビルド 19041.207)

"ms-resource: ProductName"  を取り除きたい


Apr 22, 2020 at 01:56 PM

Time Lag with using both mouse and keyboard; Slow Computer

Can you tell me how to fix wireless mouse and keyboard lag? My computer is running slow and ran One Click Scanner, Updated all BIOS firmware, Windows 10 and Device Drivers, ran virus and malware applications, did a clean install of Windows 10, eliminated and reinstalled mouse and keyboard drivers, replaced monitor, graphics card and its driver, defragged drives, removed cloud-based backup storage, and removed non-essential processes and software.

At this point, I'm about ready to pull all my hair out. I can't seem to find the cause. The only finding has been:

BIOS and chipset behavior
The highest measured SM BIOS interrupt or other stall was 127 microseconds. This is considered poor behavior. Your system may have difficulty handling multimedia in real-time and may be subject to unexpected stutters and unresponsive behavior.

Sep 11, 2019 at 08:40 PM

Why I am seriously upset

Why woud you duplicate file finder delete the original video file from my computer instead of the empty file with the same name in itunes and leave me with all my videos gone and a bunch of movies I can not use or watch in itunes

That was hours of work for me and now I have nothing left and have to start all over and that was over 100 movies I downloaded
How is that a helpful program a duplicate means duplicate in every way not just in name

Jan 22, 2020 at 12:13 AM

MalwareBytes pups

How can I prevent MalwareBytes from regarding you as a pup?

Jan 14, 2020 at 01:52 AM

Bought a TP link Bleutooth usb

Dear Support,

I have bought a TP link UB400 USB and inserted it in the USB port immediatly i had connection.
Then i update the drivers for windows from your package i bought two or 3 days ago and it updated the driver to Bleusolell drivers.
fter nothing seems to work anymore on bluetooth aspects.
Also the CSR software downloaded give me u huge pain because i could almost not removed it anymore.

I need the old driver from windows apperently that is not bluesoleil as this is not responding.

The Bleutooth usnb device i can see in the list of devices but will not react.

Thank you fore th help as suh.

regards Rob.

May 12, 2020 at 07:48 PM

wondpws 10 don't boot


My windows 10 home can not boot after a registry cleanup. It was stopped at the laptop logo and not going thro. Later attenpt to boot shows bluescreen with "BAD SYSTEM CONFIG INFO".

I have tried BCD fix, but got "access denied". I tried rewrite config, but my Regback is empty with no backup reg files. Please advise how can I get the thro?

Thank you.
Jun 09, 2021 at 08:00 PM

Плохой пинг

Привет, если сможите, помогите пж. Плохой пинг во всех инет играх
Feb 04, 2021 at 06:22 PM


I can not find a way to BLOCK New Auslogics Notifications of upgrades . I have blocked Registry notifications tring to end pop ups of Auslogic Up-grades . IF you can not seem to have FREE upgrades for presently purchased Auslogics 11 , then simply place your up grades into an Auslogics 12 and STOP bugging members with you desiring money for upgrades . Your Subcategory answer question makes NO sense ! This is an Auslogics 11 Programming delima ,none of the subcategory comment shown above have nothing to do with Auslogics 11 , that I know of, as of yet.

Feb 13, 2020 at 01:03 PM


svchost (3804, R, 98) SRUJet: New log file cannot be created because the database cannot write to the log drive. The drive may be read-only, out of free disk space, misconfigured, or corrupt. Error -1032.
svchost (3804, R, 98) SRUJet: An attempt to create the file "C: \ WINDOWS \ system32 \ SRU \ SRUtmp.log" failed with the following system error: 5 (0x00000005): "Access is denied.". File creation will fail with error -1032 (0xfffffbf8).
Feb 25, 2021 at 10:36 AM

Auslogics BoostSpeed 13

When (date) should we expect BoostSpeed to become available?
Mar 20, 2022 at 04:54 PM

Driver power state failure

Driver power state failure , this is not getting ressolved even after updating all drivers of the system. Tried various methods listed on the internet, changed settings many times. Even Auslogic couldn't solve it.

Mar 01, 2020 at 06:05 PM

I cannot reinstall ScanSnap software

I have had a Fujitsu S1500 ScanSnap scanner on my computer since I got it. Something happened lately (probably a refresh of Win10) and the program, ScanSnap Manager, stopped opening automatically when I turned on the scanner (connected by USB). After trying every remedy I could think of, I uninstalled the ScanSnap software, and cleaned the registry, figuring that I would reinstall the software from the original disk.

But even though I've done everything I know how to do to wipe the computer free of any traces of the original program, as you can see from the attached screen shot, the installer is not letting me install the program as it thinks there's a version already on the computer. There's nothing in installed programs, nor the registry, related to this program. And I force uninstalled it too. At this point I'm unable to use my scanner. Help!

Note that the subcategory of this question is not "Get Help" but your UI won't let me submit a question without choosing something, and the program in question is not in the dropdown list becuase it's already been uninstalled.

Mar 08, 2020 at 08:21 PM


Chaque fois que je fais un nettoyage en profondeur, je dois réinstaller MSFS.
Comment parametrer Bootspeed 11 pour éviter cela?
Bien à vous

Nov 19, 2020 at 10:31 AM


Your driver updater for Wifi 6 AX200 from the driver updater program, cause HUGE throughput issues....
Tests went from 40mbit to 900+mbit (maxing out my connection) when connected to wifi AX.


Jan 25, 2021 at 01:57 AM

I could not update the Drvers

I have problems on Diver Updater: I could not update my old drivers with the update drivers from you, When I do the mouse pad is not working any more. I have to restore the system. I need your help to update the Drivers.

Nov 17, 2019 at 09:10 AM

Language Bar Missing

Why my language bar is missing (on taskbar) after use this application.

May 12, 2020 at 11:51 AM


Hello, I can't turn on Bluetooth, the device is visible in the device Manager, Windows 10 does not turn on

Sep 13, 2020 at 10:19 AM