Skype cannot sign in for several time
It's pretty offen when my Skype cannot login or I'm unable to make any calls or send messages. My connection is fine, Windows works pretty good. Is ther any way to understand wha't going on?
I want boost speed to startup when win 10 starts
I cannot get this boost speed 11 version to create a staru up buttom to check or uncheck. So, currently I must start my pc. Then start boost spped 11 and diminish to the lower tray daily. I would like to set it to Start each time my pc is turned on automatically.
I do get a failur when I try to set this auto run featur from the settings within boost speed 11. I seaprch online and cannot find an answer.
Installation of Logitech Options hang indefinitely
I just bought MX ANYWHERE 2S mouse. Logitech web page insists I must have the LOGITECH OPTIONS executable to parameter the mouse. So I tried to install, but the installation does not complete.
That's it for now.
i got few problems with nmy network can u help please
how are you
i need help please
i have like a lot of issues with my network ( dns - dhcp - ,,,,, etc ) a lot of them
thanks ^^
Foreign language for BootSpeed 11
Is there a french translation for BootSpeed 11 ?
If no, do you plan to translate it next?
With thanks for your answer.
Patrice Vivin
error 400
Rob Green
While running the BoostSpeed full system scan, it was taking forever, (around 50 minutes to get to 25% of scanning files). I checked the details and found that it was working its way through the default_error_stack files (several hundred thousand of them) in the windows\system32 folder. because of this I stopped the scan and now need to know how to get rid of these files or get BoostSped to bypass them
Need license key
I upgraded from Boostspeed 10 Pro (license key: G2AEG-XXXXX-3WNYY-XXXXX-G79JL) to Boostspeed 11 Pro. However, I did not reveive a license key for version 11. I have attached a copy of the transaction. Can you help me with this? Thanks.
Any help?
Not loading
Dashboard, one click scanner, clean up, etc.etc.etc not loading.
What needs to be done to do so?
logiciel trop lent et pas trés maniable
Re bonjour Auslogics Team,
Ne me trouvez pas trop insistant mais j'essaie par tous les moyens d'utiliser votre nouvelle version ABSP 11.
Il est trop lent,il bloque ma machine en permanence alors qu'avec le 10.24 et avant cà fonctionnait super.
Faites quelque chose dans cette direction.J'ai essaié de rajouter un ficher langue LNG français mais cà ne marche pas
avec votre nouvelle version.Pensez qu'il n'y a pas que seulement l'anglais dans le monde [L'australie est une ancienne
colonie anglaise] mais tout de même.
pc unplugged ac adapter pc shuts down with battery charged at high percentage
windows product
windows product ID for win 10 Pro is erroneous number as reported in system information
Windows Security - Account Protection
"Dynamic Lock is not working because Bluetooth is off."
I do not know what device to try to turn on to Bluetooth.
Thanks in anticipation.
Mike Kemp
Boostspeed 11?? version 10 exists already
My version of 10 expires in December 2019. Do I have take out new contract and forget about balance on version 100>>
Otherwise I have to keep version 10 until december and then switch???
Auslogics BoostSpeed 10
XXXXX-25AX7-GEWGG-9J4AA-XXXXX - expires december 2019
Paid for Pro version via paypal yesterday but no activation code sent
Hello, I paid for your pro version via paypal yesterday but have not receivedan activation code. I could possibly have given a wrong e-mail address.
Name is David Jamieson and e-mail should be *********** although I sometimes use ************
Can you please check what is wrong? I will have to contact paypal to stop payment if I don't get a quick answer. Thanks in advance, David JAMIESON
BoostSpeed PRO not activating
I purchased BoostSpeed PRO on 5 Jul (ord#
No sound after connectin phone with bluetooth
BootSpeed 12 installation software
I just bought an additional laptop can I use my paid subscription and install it in my computer
Проблеммы при использовании виндовс 10
У меня появилось несколько проблем после установки Auslogics BootSpeed, до этого таких проблем никогда небыло.
Перестал обновляться виндовс 10 через центр обновления виндовс, туда захожу, и постоянно только ожидание и ничего не происходит, скрин прикреплю.
Использовал помощник по обновлению виндовс 10 и тоже ошибка и ничего не обновилось, скрин прикреплю.
Еще такой проблемный важный момент.
Мне необходимо активировать оффис от майкрософт, в форму по активации пытаюсь ввести емаил и пароль, и ничего не выходит, ни email, ни пароль, абсолютно никакие буквы и символлы не вводятся с клавиатуры.
Еще есть проблемные моменты следующие.
Раскладка клавиатуры - не всегда срабатывает при нажатии shift+alt приходится делать нажимая мышкой.
Когда хочу посмотреть сети wi-fi которые доступны, (чтобы выбрать свою и ввести логин и пароль), нажимаю на значек сетей, а список сетей не показываются, это происходит не только с открыванием просмотра сетей. Скрин №3. Пустое вылазит и быстро сворачивается.
Еще будьте добры, подскажите как максимально эффективно настроить и использовать Auslogics BootSpeed, или ничего делать не требуется, ПО само качественно обслуживает ПК? на данный момент улучшения не особо видны, а проблемы появились.
Помогите грамотно все настроить, чтобы ПК работал быстро, качественно и без проблем.
Windows 10 Update Error Code 0x80070bc9
Do you have a tool to address this and repair Windows Update software or whatever is wrong?
I signed up and paid my money, got my License Key. Downloaded version 10 and now it acts like I can't use it for SSD's and wants me to buy the "exact same thing again". WTH is going on???
Order #
Unwanted sound
Something happen to this device after i ran internet optimization
I have a 1Gbps connection and before I used to get between 700Mbps to 800Mbps down and 250Mbps up. My last test at was 87.6 Mbps down and and 62.7 Mbps. (Cannot even hit a 100Mbps.) I have the latest drivers and unistalled the device and reinstalled it. Did not run internet optimization after the reinstall and ther results are the same. Auslogics Boostspeed 12 changed something somewhere and I cannot figure out where. I have spent a few days trying to resolve this problem. I really do not want to go back and spend a a couple days reformatting and reinstalling eveything again.
Also just to note at the bottom of the screen where it shows CPU % HDD % Ram % the NET % shows 0 when it used to work before. Even the networking in Taskmanger shows 0% usage even though I have a slow connectionn there is no usage showing.
PC Specs: Attached
Device Manager: Attached
Please Help. I am beyond frustrated at this poing.
I thought about purchasing a new Network Adapter however I am a retired FF/Medic and live on a tight budget and cannot really afford it and then to discover that did not fix the issue either.
werid big files on my D drive
see file.
Idk what is it?
Should I deleat it or keep it?
registry cleaner
tried to use it but received message it has to be reinstalled. I need instuctions how to install.
problem after running resolve all issues early this morning
Want the operating system files checked and to be fully operational.
Check to see that all critical and necessary files are completely intact and functional like SFC /Scannow, and any other method you know of, so that when I go to re-install Windows 10 it will go smoothly and without a hitch! An example is that I can no longer use the pin I assigned to windows it just stopped working one day. And I've always had problems with the startup files from all versions of windows. Like my 1st install of windows 10 went bad because of the User.dat files getting corrupted, I couldn't repair windows, and I doubt that I could run restore and it would work. And I don't want to install windows 10 until I know it's going to run correctly.
I do nothing to corrupt files but they always seem to get screwed up by the operating system.
Thanks, L8R
WiFi keeps disconnecting
Up to date Windows 10, Firefox & Norton 360. Was doing the same thing when I used AVAST.
Microsoft Teredo Tunneling adapter not working
BoostSpeed wird permanent von Avira gelöscht
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
mein Antivirusprogramm "Avira Antivirus Pro" stuft BoostSpeed permanent als Bedrohung ein und löscht es.
Gestern wurde BoostSpeed 3x gelöscht!
Hierfür hätte ich gerne eine Lösung von Ihnen erfahren.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Microsoft Storeが 無くなってしまいました。
BoostSpeed11を インストール後 設定 操作してみた所 Storが グレー表示になり アクセス出来なくなりました。
レスキュ-から 回復を試みましたが 復旧出来ない状態です。