1859 questions

SSD optimization

I am using SSDs optimization for my SSD drive but I found out on the internet and youtube that I should not defragment my SSD, just let window trim does the work. I would like to know if Auslogic do any good for SSD and is it gonna insert extra "write" to my SSD? If it is the case I would rather use Window trim since I saw SSD optimization also do defragment task when I optimize with Auslogic Bootspeed 12
Oct 22, 2021 at 03:43 PM

problem with auslogics

It wont let me create a restore point, and the restore points I had created it has deleted.
Oct 21, 2021 at 04:46 PM

Computer won't charge?

Hello! so, i have had this computer for awhile. i got it a couple of years ago, but i stopped using it for 3 years because i thought i had completely broke it. well, i am just now starting to fix my computer and getting it back to a stable state. one of the main issues i noticed with the computer is that it will not charge. i have to keep it on the charger, or it will die instantly. it is always on 0% :(. i wasn't sure if my battery was broken, a sensory was off, something was wrong with my motherboard or my charger. can you help me identify the issue? if you need information about my computer, it is a windows 10 ASUS computer and i have had it for 4 years. thank you for your time!!
Oct 21, 2021 at 01:54 AM

Вопрос об ошибке при внезапном отключении

Доброго времени суток, уважаемые специалисты!

Спасибо за возможность задать Вам вопрос.

В моём ноутбуке - операционнная система WINDOWS 7; она была переустанавлена специалистом в январе этого года после профессиональной чистки системы.
Есть вопрос об ошибке, номер которой есть на скриншоте вложения, сделанном при внезапном отключении ноутбука во время обычной его работы. Такое внезапное отключение моего ноутбука случается неожиданно, всегда без всяких предварительных каких-либо признаков; при этом на экране висит текст с номером ошибки, который видно на скриншоте.

Что значат такие внезапные отключения? Как предотвратить такие отключения, что исправить в системе?

С уважением, Ана
Oct 20, 2021 at 08:44 PM

what diveces can be added to make compatable with windows 11

How bring Motherboard up to date when it is 11 years old and running windows 10 ok I don't have aTPM 2.0 conection avalable or anything else that will make it happen?

Oct 20, 2021 at 04:22 PM

Disk Partitioning Error

2 years ago, I was messing around with dual-booting and windows partitioning. So much so that an error occured. After I wasn't able to boot back into Windows 10 and deleted ALL my files, I noticed that my maximum capacity was lowered from 256gb to 237gb. It was probably from the dual-booting error. (Was trying to dual-boot an android os or a linux os or smth). I'm running out of storage because I'm too lazy to delete files and I need that 19gb. Respond ASAP, Thanks!
Oct 20, 2021 at 11:53 AM


Oct 20, 2021 at 07:08 AM

deleted activation informations of windows10 pc

I installed Auslogics bootSpeed 12 Pro, and after first scan, reboot windows 10 pc(Dell XPS 13 9505).
I was obtained next messages. Maybe other sofware's Activation informations were destroyed.

(1)‪C:\ProgramData\Stardock\Fences3\License.sig was deleted.
The first massage is that reactivate fences 3. (Activation code is neaded)

(2)In the case of Auslogics driver updater, my activation code exceeded the limited number of activation.
And the costomer service replied me by mail that they cannot refresh my activation code.

(3)Next massge window opened that I rejister again Sound Blaster of Creative Teclonogy co.

(4)From now on, what do I do to prevent missing activation informations of my Windows10 pc.

Oct 19, 2021 at 07:05 AM


Oct 18, 2021 at 08:51 PM

Windows Search Repeatedly Becoming Disabled

I am running Windows 10. The Windows Search service repeatedly becomes disabled, and I suspect that the cause is something within the Auslogics BoostSpeed 12 program. I am able to restart it by entering services in the search bar, choosing Automatic (or Manual) and then restarting the service. However, is there a toggle within your program that would previent this recurring issue?

Clifford Sweet
San Diego, California
Oct 18, 2021 at 11:04 AM

The networks are not displayed

The networks are not displayed after the last winoes 10 update 21H1
Oct 15, 2021 at 07:19 PM

системные файлы windows 10

могу ли, Я, обнаружить вашей программой приложение в системе ,или файл запускающий вредоносное приложение, изменяющий СИСТЕМНЫЕ файлы ! Или напишите как его (подлеца) обнаружить!!! Сканирование антивирусом не предлогать! У меня изначально стоял надёжный антивирус .
благодарю за ответ...
Oct 15, 2021 at 05:32 AM

О пояснениях к информации в Startup Manager

Здравствуйте! Программа Startup Manager выдала информацию, которую я Вам направляю в прилагаемом скриншоте. Вопрос по программе Orphaned SecurityHealth из раздела Реестр/запустить.
По имеющейся информации, производитель программы - неизвестен, рейтинг - неизвестен, существует - нет. Смотрел в интернете, нашел только описание о SecurityHealth, для которой все указанные выше характеристики указаны. Что это за программа у меня в операционной системе? Нужна ли она?

Oct 13, 2021 at 08:44 AM

Windows 10 Default System font changed


After running all the Auslogics BoostSpeed 12 suggestions, the default system font changed into a horrible blurry type of text. This is across the whole system, including File Explorer, Chrome, Microsoft 365 Office apps (Excel, Word, etc), basically everywhere!

I've attached a screenshot from Chrome to illustrate what the default font looks like now.

How do I restore the original default system font?

Thanks and regards

Oct 12, 2021 at 01:09 PM

Windows 10 Action Center is not working

As you see in the attached screenshot, I cannot make use of the action center. What would be the solution to this? Thank you.
Oct 11, 2021 at 07:40 AM

адаптер блютуз

Здравствуйте! У меня стоит 7 проф, подсоединил блютуз адаптер ВСМ20702. Устройства видит, но драйвера не ставятся, соотвественно не работают. Пытался обновить, результат тот же. Устройства - айфон 6с, jbl колонки и пр.
Oct 11, 2021 at 01:20 AM

Defrag or No?


Cool software and company. Thanks for your time.

Someone mentioned I should use this, but also said, in accordance with info online, that "defragging" an onboard SSD will cause issues. I'm directly confused by this and would appreciate some guidance on what is correct here.

Thanks again.
Oct 10, 2021 at 11:19 PM

Memory management

Ultimamente y con frecuencia tengo un problema con Windows 10. Aparece una pantalla azul con un problema de Windows Memory Management. El sitio de Microsoft recomienda ejecutar desde Power Shell "dism /online / cleanup-image / restorehealth". Eso ya lo he hecho varias veces, pero aún sigue apareciendo el problema. ¿Hay alguna herramienta de BootSpeed 12 que pueda resolver este problema?

Recently and very frecuent I got a problem with Windows 10. Blue screen error with mesage MEMORY MANAGEMENT issue. Then I must to turn oof the PC and reboot. Then from Power Shell, run "dism /online / cleanup-image / restorehealth". After several minutes the problem (¿?) is fixed, but after some time, this happend again and again. BootSpeed has any tool to check and fix this problem?
Oct 10, 2021 at 03:02 PM

Как обновить Windows10 на Windows11

Здравствуйте. Почему мой компьютер не подхрдит под праметры Windows11. Вроде всего хватает на компьютере.
Oct 09, 2021 at 08:36 PM

BootSpeed 12 pre-purchase question

I'm considering the purchase of BootSpeed 12 Pro, but I'd like to know if you have any usable discounts at this time.

Oct 08, 2021 at 01:47 PM

Bluetooth driver

When I bought this I ran a scan and was using my wireless mouse after the scan I was unable to use my mouse. Would this software delete my driver if so how would I get it back?
Sep 26, 2022 at 03:40 AM

Background processes

I have the idea that background processes lower the framerates of my flight simulator, leading to stutters. When I examine the resource monitor, I see that about 200 background processes are running, even when totally none program is active. I cannot image why all those processes are neccessary. All those processes have names that doesn't give my any insight in what all those processes are doing. How can I find out which processes I can stop and which are mandatory?
Nov 15, 2022 at 10:25 AM

Driver is Unavailable

My Win 10 (64bit) PC can find my Epson printer on my local network, connected by ethernet cable to my router, and installs the "necessary files". However, afterward in my settings it shows the printer with "Driver is Unavailable" and nothing will print. Both my wife's PC and all of our iPhones/iPads have no issues printing so I know it is connected properly and functional. The only device having an issue is my PC. I have removed the printer and reinstalled it multiple times with the same result. I have also downloaded and installed the newest drivers available from Epson for this printer but somehow my computer does not seem to be able to find or recognize them. A support request has been sent to Epson but so far any suggestions from their automated response system have not be successful.
Sep 16, 2023 at 12:58 PM

Errors 0x80070091 and 0x8007016a

Can the pro version of Auslagics find and repair the cause of errors 0x80070091 and 0x8007016a?
Oct 22, 2022 at 09:18 PM

Dasboard SCAN cannot terminate CHROME.EXE

After running a SCAN, and choosing to resolve the issues that were found, BoostSpeed 13 is unable to terminate Chrome.exe.
In the list of termination failures there are several instance of Chrome.exe

Choosing IGNORE allows me to bypass the panel.

Boostspeed 13 is current with all maintenance
Feb 23, 2023 at 04:52 PM

Unable to update Windows 11 to 22H2....

My computer has stopped being able to use Windows Update to install normal updates, including Windows 11 22H2. All software and drivers are up to date. I have late generation motherboard (Asus Rampage VI Extreme), intel CPU 10980XE, and nVidia 3090. I have followed multiple scripts from the internet to clean out the software update folder. Any ideas?
Dec 25, 2022 at 08:29 PM


wifi not connect
Oct 30, 2022 at 06:24 AM

советы из Youtube не помогают

Имею постоянную проблему с обновлением Windows 11. Посоветуйте действенній алгоритм решения. Или лучше переустановить?
Mar 01, 2023 at 07:46 AM

bluetooth dissapeared from device manager after cleanup

I did a rigorous cleanup and driver update on a old(er) laptop, after years of limited maintenance. Using Auslogic software (driver update,bootspeed,duplicate finder) and some manual cleaning/updating, Something went wrong, not sure exactly where. Now I can not use/connect bluetooth devices anymore. I tried to solve it by doing some reasearch on the internet but can not find the solution. Otherwise the Laptop is working fine and is a lot faster.
Enclosed you will find some information of the laptop and screenshots of what I think is relevant information.
I also noticed that Bluetooth is not longer available at the 'action center' and 'device manager'. The latter one still shows some bluetooth devices but is hidden and do not seem to be the relevant items.
In 'Settings> bluetooth and other devices', the previously connected bluetooth devices are still there but it clearly states that bluetooth is turned off.
Could you please advise me on how to solve this.

Enclosed a couple of prinscreens of the systems and the above mentioned screens.
FYI I am an experienced user, however certanly not a Windows specialist.

Kind regards.

Perry Parengkuan
Nov 14, 2023 at 08:58 AM

wifi conection

What window is useful for all?
Sep 27, 2022 at 02:42 PM

Richiesta di pulizia del browser web

quando per "risolvere tutti gli elementi" la schermata mi chiede di chiudere tutte le applicazioni aperte, mi elenca n. 5 msedege.exe che non riesco a chiudere né manualmente né col pulsante "chiudi tutto". Utilizzando "Ignora", mi rimangono 214 tracce nel browser web ed il semaforo mi rimane rdi colore rosso.
Cosa posso fare?
Ringrazio anticipatamente per il disturbo.

Oct 05, 2021 at 06:47 PM

Auslogic 13 update problem

Trying to update the new version from to - updater stating that Auslogic 13 is running and it will shut down program and proceed with update - this goes on and doesn't work
Nov 29, 2022 at 10:53 PM

cooler temperature

were I can manage coolers in my comp? and were I can see the collers speed
Oct 30, 2021 at 08:25 PM


bonjour je aimerais automatic maintenance fasse registry cleaner
Dec 15, 2022 at 08:15 PM


Wie lösche ich fehlerhafte Updates, Bsp. KB5022730
Mar 22, 2023 at 04:44 PM


When I see the mesage in my laptop: " You can upgrade" to Visit our web page.
I go to this web and I download the file that you have there.
I install this file, but I can't have the new version.
Could you guys help me?

Dec 11, 2022 at 04:04 PM

slow ram

I have tried several times to speed up my computer, but to no avail... I am not very technical, so that doesnt help... the main problem is there are apps that make the screen just stop, and lag for a while... please help
Nov 12, 2021 at 03:52 PM

Сброс программ

При запуске игры, ноутбук начинает перезагружаться.
Sep 26, 2022 at 03:11 PM

Long Boot time and black screen while booting

I have a ACER Nitro 5 laptop (windows 10 home original), mainly for entry level gaming. I am using laptop/desktop from last 12 years and I have moderate knoweldge on S/w issues, how to keep the laptop fast (by defragmenting, registry cleaning etc.). Recently I am facing Boot issues thats getting frustrating. Initially it started with long booting time, it was taking 7-10 minutes to reach to user account (Pin), and during that time the CPU and GPU fan speed was getting super fast (like during heavy usage).
Now from last couple of days, once I switch the laptop on, no display is coming, its just a black screen. However, CPU light was on, Key-board backlit was on and fan was rotating, but no display. If I wait the also nothing happening. Every time I need to force shut down it (by long pressing) and then if I restart again, its getting started properly.

Not sure what's the issue. I have checked prgrams that starts while booting, no issue there. No external device was attaching with my laptop while booting. stopped windown fast boot service also. But no progress.

Please suggest. can it be my HDD (1 TB I have) getting damaged? suggest if any other reason might be there.
Nov 23, 2021 at 12:32 PM

ignoring cache and thumbnails

Hi guys,

I want BS 12 to ignore clearing/deleting image thumbnails and chrome cahe.

How do I do that?

Please let me know


Dec 23, 2021 at 10:57 AM