1859 questions

Windows 7 64 Максимальная

Как полностью обезопасить свой пк и сделать его чище на программном уровне?

Nov 24, 2019 at 02:44 PM


How to update Auslogics BoostSpeed 11 ? in

Content hidden to protect privacy

Nov 23, 2019 at 10:34 PM

Microsoft store

Since getting your software i have been running into a some problems with the Microsoft store. I keep on getting errors when trying to dowload items. is there a solution for this?

Nov 23, 2019 at 02:17 PM

Japanese IME Not Working After Using Auslogics Boost Speed

As it says on the title - after using Auslogics Boost Speed to clean up my computer, my Japanese IME stopped working. The options to input using the various keyboards disappeared and reinstalling the language did nothing. Restarted my computer, tried fiddling around and it won't come back. I've attached a picture of how it should look normally and how it looks now. Any help with getting it back would be appreciated.

Nov 22, 2019 at 09:20 PM

Cpu Usage

Something is not working correctly. There is a high cpu usage and I am unable to figure out why. There seems to be an invisible ammount of cpu I cannot see? There is only 1 user on the machine and the cpu usage is more than the users cpu usage how does that make sense and how can I fix and optimize the cpu usage?
Nov 21, 2019 at 08:36 AM

file backup

posso cambiare la posizione del salvataggio dei backup generati da software?

Nov 21, 2019 at 06:37 AM

Error message

I have tried several times to update Windows 10 Home but continue to receive error message Ox80073712 .Can you help?

Nov 19, 2019 at 01:58 PM

Android operation

Do you have this app for Galaxy s8?

Nov 18, 2019 at 10:54 PM

Display of Registry Cleaner

I have installed BoostSpeed on my desktop where it works fine and also installed on my HP Mini Laptop where the display resolution is limited to a maximum of 1024/800. When I want to run the Registry Cleaner the "Scan" button is out of range on the screen and therefore I cannot execute the Cleaner. I have tried everything I know to alter the size of the program display but cannot.
Is there any way to execute the Cleaner since I cannot have access to the scan button? This message was prepared from my desktop so any information sent to you is not from the Mini. I will resend from the Mini if you require.

Nov 18, 2019 at 05:24 PM

I could not update the Drvers

I have problems on Diver Updater: I could not update my old drivers with the update drivers from you, When I do the mouse pad is not working any more. I have to restore the system. I need your help to update the Drivers.

Nov 17, 2019 at 09:10 AM

Stop code issues

Dear Sir or Madame,

My unit keeps crashing and indicating stop code: IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL. I have tried every thing I know with no success.

Please help.

Thanking you in advance,

Coach Rod
Nov 16, 2019 at 07:27 PM

Отображение web страниц

При открытии web старниц в Хроме и Яндекс браузере часто страница сразу переходит в ее нижнюю часть. (Для перехода на верх страницы надо нажать кнопку Home на клавиатуре. )

Подозреваю, что это связано с дополнением, показывающим боковые вертикальные вкладки vtabs

Можно ли исправить это неудобство?
Удалять дополнение не хочется - оно удобное.

Nov 16, 2019 at 05:07 PM

Screens Blacks Out (Stops Displaying on Minor Electricity Surges from Fridge-Freezer)

Screens Blacks Out (Stops Displaying on Minor Electricity Surges from Fridge-Freezer), but only when using HDMI connection. Happens approx. every 30 mins or so, sometimes every 15 minutes.
Nov 16, 2019 at 08:19 AM

Fed Up with Spotify Slowness and Bloatware

Can everyone please strongly encourage Spotify to stop making their software slow and/or highly memory-intensive?

Failing that, I suggested many years ago that they should Release a Spotify Compact or Spotify Basic software option and that option is already on their Forum for voting on
Nov 16, 2019 at 08:16 AM

Software and websites adding start-up items

Basically, I do not need ANY more start-up items added, yet certain software, apps and websites seem to find a way to put themselves in my Start Up Menu / Services without my express permission. How do I fully stop new items being added, please?
Nov 16, 2019 at 08:13 AM

I cannot get Windows 10 November Update


Microsoft told that the update 1909 is already ready to install but I can't see it in my Windows Update panel. Should I do anything before?

Nov 14, 2019 at 10:29 AM

Некорректная работа со сторонним ПО

Пользуюсь Auslogics BoostSpeed недавно. Еще не во всем разобрался.
Столкнулся с проблемой что каждый раз после сканирования компьютера и последующей очисткой вашей программой, у меня перестает работать Google Drive File Stream. Уже в исключения вносил папки Google Drive в ProgrammFiles и в папке кэша. Все равно перестает работать.
Подскажите как быть или в чем проблемма.
Windows 10-Home 64-bit, v.1809, сборка 17763.737.
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8265U CPU@1.6-1.8 GHz; RAM - 8 Gb.

Nov 13, 2019 at 09:57 AM

DVD-writer does not write music on CDs

My DVD-writer does not write audio files on CD when I try to create nusic CDs. The reverse is possible and it also plays dvds.
Nov 13, 2019 at 01:42 AM

Computer randomly turns off but i can turn it back on

While i am playing games my computer seems to suddenly turn off i can turn it back on with no problem but it randomly happens every 2 hours ish.

Nov 12, 2019 at 02:06 AM

Медленно загружается

Медленно загружается, особенно Google. Что делать? Версия Windows 7 Home.
Nov 10, 2019 at 07:11 PM

corrupt window 10

can you fix it - micosoft support cant, need to instal new version., windows softare install fails rest option fails
Mar 04, 2023 at 10:52 AM

Speakers pair but are then 'not discoverable'

Hi folks

Had been hoping your driver updater would resolve this problem - multiple bluetooth speakers/headphones (and possibly other devices) that had prevoiusly been used with this PC, and that can still be paired and unpaired to this PC, are now 'not discoverable' and thus cannot be used to play/record sound.

I've seen this mentioned in a couple of forums but for different devices. Mine include logitech x50 and jbl450bt

Thanks for any help
May 24, 2022 at 12:24 AM

Not running Properly

This app is not running propery and giving a very low fps.
Jul 16, 2023 at 08:12 PM


The lap top I use is fairly new, but is running windoews 10 pro, Microsoft constantly urge me to load certain up dates and when I try the message is cannot comply you need to purchase windows 365 for instance, but I have a perfectly good windows office already loaded can I stop the 365 nonsense or must i spend and buy 365.
Dec 09, 2022 at 08:41 AM

Microsoft Works 9.0

I'm running Windows 10 on my Lenovo Thinkpad pc. For several months, Microsoft Works 9.0 Word Document takes about 55 seconds to initally open the first file. After that, it opens files in less than 5 seconds. I've done Repair and reloaded the software several times with no impovement. Microsoft Word works fine, opening files in less than 5 seconds. Any thoughts?

Sep 24, 2022 at 08:24 PM

interceptação da snmptrap.exe

Ontem ao entrar não lembro bem, se foi no gerenciamento do dispositivo ou outro, daí vi essas palavras que eu antes
nunca havia visto. Lembrei logo de espionagem. Daí fui pesquisar e li que pode ser perigoso esse app. e ao mesmo tempo
que tbm pode ser útil. O que eu faço? deleto ou deixo no otebook??? Agradeço
Jan 22, 2023 at 06:14 AM

RAM is getting full most of the time


I have an 8GB RAM and getting full most of the time.

Is there a way or app that can auto optimize my RAM?

Looking forward to your reply.

Many thanks!


Feb 02, 2023 at 12:54 AM


почему не работает
Mar 28, 2023 at 04:48 PM

Windows Explorer Is SLOW To Search For Folders

Windows Explorer Is SLOW To Search For Folders when I try to SAVE any type of file. The Scroll Bar at left side keeps jumping up & down, then the cursor begins to spin & spin as if in a freeze mode. Finally, all of these ODD Actions STOP & CALM DOWN. Then it
FINALLY allows me to click & select the Folder I need to get into. This is STRANGE. Can you explain WHY this is happening ?? YES
-- I do use AUGLOGICS Boost Speed 13 (UPDATED) to do Maintenance & CleanUp on my Laptop (Windows 7), but still this problem does NOT want to go away. YES -- I did INDEXING Function several times on my Laptop, but still no improvement. Do You Have ANY
Suggestions for me ?? Other than to do a Complete Factory RESET of My Laptop ??
Nov 18, 2022 at 09:37 AM


Jun 14, 2023 at 06:00 PM

despues de suspender, arranca con TEMP

Puse mi desktop en modo SUSPENDER. y ahora arranca con un perfil TEM, como soluciono??
Feb 19, 2023 at 07:14 PM

folder traces

what are folder traces
Jul 14, 2023 at 11:00 PM

Licence Auslogics

Bonjour, je suis client chez vous depuis plusieurs années, si je prends la licence pro, aurais je la totalité de votre logiciel avec bien sur la défraguementation des disque SSD? ... Merci pour votre réponse.
Salutations cordiales.
Apr 14, 2023 at 09:49 AM

BoostSpeed reading errors

On the bottom strip of the main display on BoostSpeed there are alternating displays of some statistics for CPU HDD NET and RAM. All of these consistently show 0%. Why are they not reading?
Also I frequently get a pop-up suggeting I clear my browser cache because it contains anywhere from 23 to 46 TERABYTES of data. This is odd because I have only 3 TB of available storage on this machine.
Apr 05, 2023 at 12:18 PM

Boost Speed doesn't recognize SSD

Hey guys,

Boost Speed doesn't recognize SSD and claims that it is HDD. Yes, I am sure it is SSD, all other software recognizes it as SSD (programs like Speccy, etc.).

How can this be fixed?


Jan 18, 2023 at 10:55 AM

File Explorer

How to activate the Mark-coloum?
Mar 17, 2023 at 04:12 PM

Зависание системы

Здравствуйте! После того, как установил файл подкачки на свой SSD диск(400, 2048) стала очень плохо работатать система и всё начало лагать. "Системные прерывания" ни с того, ни с сего стали нагружать систему, как и Antimalware Service Exucutable(до этого системные прерывания не вылезали в диспетчере задач, или по крайней мере я это не замечал. А о ASE я знаю) Было подозрения на майнер, так как процессор стал грузиться на 100%(даже сейчас он скачет с 90% до 40%), но когда я проверил всё через Dr. Web и ваше приложение это ничего не показало. Turbo Boost отключён .Помогите пожалуйста!
Apr 16, 2023 at 05:31 AM

El teclado de mi laptop no funciona

Tengo una laptop Lenovo T470 y un teclado externo Microsoft Ergonomic keyboard 4000
Compre la lic de BOOTSPEED y tambien la licencia de DRIVER UPDATER
Cuando actualizo los drivers ya no funciona ningun teclado
Esto ya me sucedio dos veces y esta es la tercera ocasion
Necesito me ayuden a resolverlo
Para redactar este correo estoy utilizando el teclado en pantalla
Oct 03, 2023 at 06:10 PM

error en el dispositivo usb

es posible con los programas que he adquirido xcon ustedes, poder recuperar mi dispositivo USB (memorias USB) que al colocarla en mi computador, me aparece que no la reconoce, dice que en mi dispositivo hay un error de comunicacion ( error 43) al parecer y no he podido usar mi memoria USB y alli tengo todos mis archivos.

si no es posible, me recomiendan alguna aplicacion para poder recuperar mi memoria USB?
Nov 13, 2023 at 02:14 AM

Unstable screen images

My screen images can shake slightly and a purple haze appears on and off. Sometimes computer won't restart. Please advise.
Mar 10, 2023 at 01:41 PM