Software Problems with Printer
Hi! Everytime that I run Auslogics, that scans my computer for errors, cleans websites, etc.), my printer stops connecting properly with my computer. It appears that it affects the drivers. I have to clean out the printer, reinstall, etc., that takes a great deal of time. Your program speeds up my computer, which is great. But this repeated problem with my printer is a serious issue. Is there anything that I can do to stop this problem. You might need more information to solve the issue. I am happy to provide it.
Is there some way to uninstall or disable some Windows "Features?"
Near the right end of the task bar at the bottom of my screen, Windows has an irritating "feature" that displays weather information and frequently presents a pop-up with news items and similar information. Id there some way to eliminate or uninstall this "feature?"
This app won't run on your pc
Thank you,
David Jenkins
je n'arrive pas à formater
Bonjour, je n'arrive pas à formater, j'avais windows 8.1 pro cela marcher très bien ,j'ai été visité par des hakers. pertubation de mon ordinateur ,j'ai restalllé le logiciel 8.1 pro ,il m' installé version entreprise evaluation! j' ai acheté windows 10 famille ce ne marche pas. j'ai téléchargé le logiciel formatage de bas niveau cela ne marche pas . je suis embété pouvez vous le faire à ma place pour je puisse tous réintaller, merci d'avance de votre compréhention ,en attente de votre réponse M AUBOURG Didier (FRANCE)
Right click loads too long on files and apps
And I have tried every possible method and still can’t solve it.
Греется жесткий диск
boot speed
I had purchased your software to solve issues like slow booting , taking more time in opening software etc
Till today after running all programs from your software , I find no improvement in boot speed etc.
Please let know how to solve the problems
t k venkatesh
Your Defrag program
Can you explain this? I downloaded the "free" defrag version last Saturday. It worked perfectly. On Sunday, I dod my usual maintenance, which includes defragmentation and back-up. Again, it worked perfectly. Today, when I was working I got a message indicating that a "defragment" was urgently needed. So I did yet another defragmentation. Then, for some reason which
I cannot explain, I downloaded the "pro" version of your product. Once it was completed, I did yet another defragmentation. To my surprise, there were files that required yet another defragmentation. My question is, why? Should I really trust that your software is actually doin what it is supposed to?
Auslogics BoostSpeed 12 после проверки сисстемы блокирует и выпиливает AdGuard из сисстемы
죄송합니다. 하드웨어 질문 가능할까여?
램 점유율이 너무 높아서 질문 드립니다.
사진에 나온거 해봐야 인터넷 창 3개에 녹스 블루스택 1개씩 만 켜져 있는데
16기가 램이 저렇게 사용량이 나오는데 맞나요?
커밋됨 캐시됨이 높아서 이게 맞나 싶기도 합니다
해결법이나 이유를 알 수 있을까요?
블루스택 튕김현상
제가 블루스택으로 마블 퓨쳐파이트 라는 게임을 하고 있습니다.
하지만 자동사냥을 돌리면 중간에 딱 멈추고 화면을 클릭하면 바로 튕기고 게임이 꺼집니다.
해결 방법이 있나요?
잠깐 찾아보기엔 렉 유발 되는거처럼 성능을 좀 요구하는 게임이 그럴 수 있다고 하는 거 같긴합니다.
Driver update potential issue
Driver Update Stuck
BoostSpeed Pro Version
Hello Sir,
My question is whether the software Auslogics Registry Cleaner 9 is not already included in the software BoostSpeed in its Pro Version. I will have to purchase and register both softwares? The BoostSpeed Pro Version will not be enough to bring my PC the best performance?
Windows 10 CD Drive not working but showing as "working properly"
System interupts
Any suggestions?
Premesso che il software AUSLOGICS è straordinario e da solo è sufficiente per la gestione di un normale PCDESK (nel mio caso un ottimo ASUS + WINDOWS 10 PRO 64 BIT + GOOGLE CHROME), incontro un problema quando intendo eliminare on line decine e decine di file audio che corrispondono ad altrettanti file di brani musicali (circa 10.000!!!) scaricati e archiviati sul portale on line MEDIA CENTER del software multimediale JRIVER (USA).
Questo maledetto software, in abbonamento annuale, con gli anni è diventato sempre più cervellotico e difficile da utilizzare, avendo un sacco di funzioni e di opzioni.
L'unico aspetto che non è stato curato dai programmatori è appunto la cancellazione dei file duplicati 1 volta o +volte. Per assurdo JRiver permette questa eleminazione SOLO PROCEDENDO CON UN BRANO MUSICALE PER VOLTA!!!!
Purtroppo, anche il programma di ricerca dei file audio duplicati del Vostro software AUSLOGICS, fornisce il risultato di pochi file individuati, mentre io sono sicuro che ne esistono centinaia da eliminare.
Il sito web in oggetto è il seguente: e l'ultima versione è la 33.
Ringrazio in anticipo per l'attenzione e mi auguro che possiate aiutarmi con la procedura corretta.
Giancarlo Perani - Bergamo - Italia
Eliminate Popups
Auslogics BoostSpeed extrem langsam
Das läuft anfangs noch ganz gut bis es zu den Browserspuren kommt.
Dann werden die etwa 300000 gefundenen Spuren im Sekundentakt heruntergezählt. Nach mehreren Stunden Laufzeit wird das zunehmend langsamer.
Ich muss dann abbrechen sonst wird das nie fertig.
Mache ich da etwas falsch oder ist das ein Software Problem?
Dieter Krause
Intel (R) management
Updater 2 saved PST files to my documents folder
Хочу вручную найти файлы этого приложения
К примеру - хочу удалить полностью из системы Windows10 программу skype или cortana и как мне это сделать?Даже если я удалю стандартными методами системы все равно останутся следы,я бы хотел вручную найти все файлы относящиеся к этим программам удалить их,а потом еще и в реестре почистить записи,так чтобы уже с концами наверняка,чтобы они не висели в системе и не жрали ресурсы и не замедляли систему!
Windows Update
ASUS N73SV init W7 updated W10 NoVirus NoBug Regularly optimized
Depuis plusieurs mois, toutes les mises à jour du type "Mise à jour de fonctionnalitré vers Windows 10 - 22H2" se terminent avec un code erreur 0x8007001f. Cela se reproduit tous les jours maintenant.
Mes tentatives de correction du problème n'ont pas abouti. Merci de m'aider.
Je ne suis pas un expert Microsoft.
You are my only first hand help
Friendly yours
Jean Farny
Mapa de desfragmentação
new windows download
Auslogics BoostSpeed pop up window
BY the way, the Subcategory of Tips, or anything else has no relevance to the question, but had to select somwthing to submit the question.
thank you
Исправление неполадки
WindowsUpdate Not working due to corrupted files & MSOffice 10 Prof does not install
problemi della barra degli strumenti
la barra degli strumenti ha i segurnti malfunzionamenti
Non è possibile digitare nel campo CERCA
Cliccando sull' icona WIFI e su quello altoparlante non compaioni i relativi menu a tendina
Non è attiva neanche l' icona Notifiche
Come posso rimediare ?