que software utilizar para convertir word a Pdf y viceversa
como se abren archivos word de una carpeta sin que se conviertan a Pdf y viceversa
Can't scan disk space
svchost (3804, R, 98) SRUJet: An attempt to create the file "C: \ WINDOWS \ system32 \ SRU \ SRUtmp.log" failed with the following system error: 5 (0x00000005): "Access is denied.". File creation will fail with error -1032 (0xfffffbf8).
Eliminar una partición creada por Windows
Cuando adquirí la laptop traía el Windows 7, ahora tiene el Windows 10.
Todo el disco duro lo uso para instalar software, no hay archivos de ningún tipo almacenados excepto los del sistema y de las aplicaciones que tengo instaladas.
Todos los datos de otro tipo (básicamente imagenes),los manejo a través de discos duros externos.
Deseo eliminar la partición (G) con el fin de abrir más espacio en el disco duro de la laptop, ¿Es posible?
Right Click Menu
windows photo viewer suddenly missing
Suddenly this possibility disappeared, I think due to an automatic update of my system by Microsoft. With the option "open with", I
only get PAINT and 3D PAINT, but I'm not intersted in those programs.
I can find the folder Windows Photo Viewer in my Program Files, but this folder has two subfolders (one Eng and one NL) and both are empty. I don't understand why, because I didn't was deleting them.
I heard it is possible to restore the old PhotoViewer in Win 10 , by inserting a register- script.
Can you help me to find that script ?
Thanks on beforehand.
Jacques Valembois
Graphics Card
Windows freezes frequently
I cannot seem to resolve the freezing problem. sometimes it freezes after a very short time after start-up and occassionally it works for quite sometime before it freezes again.
Do you have any suggestios what I can do to stop this or how I can find what may be causing this.
I am not a technical person so any answer have to be spoon-fed.
Host Services for Windows Processes
Malware install failure error
see attached. This happens every time. Chrome, Brave will not allow. Edge gives error.
Диск содержит ошибки
reparer windows 10
mot de passe bios perdu
j'ai un pc hp compaq 6730s sous N°=CNU9020NKN
mon mot de passe par defaut (e9lo1719s9) n'a pas d'effet
j'ai change la pile bios rien
j'ai utilise hiren's bootcd rien
Aider mois s.v.p et merci d'avance................
How do I stop starting up when I start the computer
When I start up my computer, PCTuneUp starts up. How do I prevent this from happening.
Problema con Auslogics Driver Updater
Buenos dias, tengo un problema con la aplicacion Auslogics Driver Update, ya solicite anteriormente me solucionen este problema, inclusive me solicitaron que reinstale el aplicativo, pero no se soluiciona este proble, por favor tengo que actualizar algunos drivers, pero se queda la PC congelada cuando va hacr la actualizacion de dichos driver, para constancia les envio fotos del problema.
once power button pressed to start up...
Any help gratefully received
Thank you
Windows 10 CD Drive not working but showing as "working properly"
System interupts
Any suggestions?
Eliminate Popups
Auslogics BoostSpeed extrem langsam
Das läuft anfangs noch ganz gut bis es zu den Browserspuren kommt.
Dann werden die etwa 300000 gefundenen Spuren im Sekundentakt heruntergezählt. Nach mehreren Stunden Laufzeit wird das zunehmend langsamer.
Ich muss dann abbrechen sonst wird das nie fertig.
Mache ich da etwas falsch oder ist das ein Software Problem?
Dieter Krause
Intel (R) management
Updater 2 saved PST files to my documents folder
Premesso che il software AUSLOGICS è straordinario e da solo è sufficiente per la gestione di un normale PCDESK (nel mio caso un ottimo ASUS + WINDOWS 10 PRO 64 BIT + GOOGLE CHROME), incontro un problema quando intendo eliminare on line decine e decine di file audio che corrispondono ad altrettanti file di brani musicali (circa 10.000!!!) scaricati e archiviati sul portale on line MEDIA CENTER del software multimediale JRIVER (USA).
Questo maledetto software, in abbonamento annuale, con gli anni è diventato sempre più cervellotico e difficile da utilizzare, avendo un sacco di funzioni e di opzioni.
L'unico aspetto che non è stato curato dai programmatori è appunto la cancellazione dei file duplicati 1 volta o +volte. Per assurdo JRiver permette questa eleminazione SOLO PROCEDENDO CON UN BRANO MUSICALE PER VOLTA!!!!
Purtroppo, anche il programma di ricerca dei file audio duplicati del Vostro software AUSLOGICS, fornisce il risultato di pochi file individuati, mentre io sono sicuro che ne esistono centinaia da eliminare.
Il sito web in oggetto è il seguente: https://jriver.com/download.html e l'ultima versione è la 33.
Ringrazio in anticipo per l'attenzione e mi auguro che possiate aiutarmi con la procedura corretta.
Giancarlo Perani - Bergamo - Italia
Хочу вручную найти файлы этого приложения
К примеру - хочу удалить полностью из системы Windows10 программу skype или cortana и как мне это сделать?Даже если я удалю стандартными методами системы все равно останутся следы,я бы хотел вручную найти все файлы относящиеся к этим программам удалить их,а потом еще и в реестре почистить записи,так чтобы уже с концами наверняка,чтобы они не висели в системе и не жрали ресурсы и не замедляли систему!
Mapa de desfragmentação
Windows Update
ASUS N73SV init W7 updated W10 NoVirus NoBug Regularly optimized
Depuis plusieurs mois, toutes les mises à jour du type "Mise à jour de fonctionnalitré vers Windows 10 - 22H2" se terminent avec un code erreur 0x8007001f. Cela se reproduit tous les jours maintenant.
Mes tentatives de correction du problème n'ont pas abouti. Merci de m'aider.
Je ne suis pas un expert Microsoft.
You are my only first hand help
Friendly yours
Jean Farny
new windows download
Auslogics BoostSpeed pop up window
BY the way, the Subcategory of Tips, or anything else has no relevance to the question, but had to select somwthing to submit the question.
thank you
Исправление неполадки
WindowsUpdate Not working due to corrupted files & MSOffice 10 Prof does not install
problemi della barra degli strumenti
la barra degli strumenti ha i segurnti malfunzionamenti
Non è possibile digitare nel campo CERCA
Cliccando sull' icona WIFI e su quello altoparlante non compaioni i relativi menu a tendina
Non è attiva neanche l' icona Notifiche
Come posso rimediare ?