1826 questions

disk has errors message

after using auslogics it says disk has errors . CAN THIS BE FIXED WITH AUSLOGICS
Mar 22, 2022 at 01:21 AM

Bluetooth devices can't connect

After running a scan and following several actions/suggestions, my bluetooth audio devices cannot connect to my bluetooth. I'm unsure what to do. I've tried removing the devices, and reconnecting them, but there's still a disconnect. My PC is able to discover the device, but it fails to connect. I've tried this with multiple devices. My bluetooth mouse still connects, but no audio bluetooth connection will work. I even tried to uninstall one device from my device manager, and of course now I can't even find it at all. Thanks for the help!
Mar 21, 2022 at 04:25 PM

Auslogics BoostSpeed 13

When (date) should we expect BoostSpeed to become available?
Mar 20, 2022 at 04:54 PM

optimize put topaz studio into reccle bin

recycle bin is getting ful ans auslogics wants to empty it. How to I get topas=z back
Mar 19, 2022 at 05:32 PM

Browsers run slooooow with WIN 11

Ever since I installed WIN11 the broswers (I've tried both Edge and Chrome) run at glacial speed, taking a second or two to respond to a mouse click. Sometimes a scan with Boost Speed seems to fix the problem sometimes now. Sometimes it disappears after a period of time, only to reappear after the computer has been asleep. I've tried all the fixes I've found online (remove extensions, etc.) and like the Boost Speed scan, the fix is only temporary if it works at all. Any advice?
Mar 18, 2022 at 05:56 PM

Missing files, Cannot restart

Restart hangs, so window will not update
Mar 17, 2022 at 06:25 PM

Question to Boost Speed

What is the difference between "Shredder" and "Delete"?
Mar 17, 2022 at 10:53 AM

BNP detected fatal error

I am having blue screen issues. BNP detected fatal error occurs every time I restart but not on shutdown.
The problem started after I installed MS flight simulator
I have:
~Checked the HD for errors
~Uninstalled Flight simulator
~Updated Windows to latest version
~updated Graphics Card to latest version
~run sfc/scannow

Mar 15, 2022 at 05:14 PM

WinSxS Folder

On my Win10 desktop - running Build 19044.1618 - the WinSxS folder has grown to 12 GB. Windows Slimmer as well as dism.exe Cleanup show 6 GB thereof as obsolete. However, neither Windows Slimmer nor dism.exe do a cleanup. Any idea how to get rid of those obsolete 6 GB?
Best regards/HMeihoefer
Mar 15, 2022 at 03:30 PM

Disk Defrag

è possibile utilizzare Disk Defrag in modo tale che i file di una cartella specifica siano spostati all'inizio del disco? Si tratta di un disco di soli dati VIDEO, senza APP o Sistema operativo.
Vorrei che i nuovi Video scritti fossero sempre copiati nella parte finale del disco mano a mano che questo viene riempito.
Spero di essere stato chiaro e vi ringrazio per la cortesia
Cordiali saluti
Renato Cesaroni
Mar 15, 2022 at 02:02 PM

Quick Links in Word and Excel

How do I shut off the "feature" that wipes out all my quick links in Word, Excel, Etc. If I can't disable that POS feature I will remove your software and never consider upgrading.
Mar 12, 2022 at 06:45 PM


現在 貴社のBoostSpees12Proを使用していますが、このソフトでPC(Windows11Pro)の立ち上がり時間を表示させる設定が有りましたら ご指導の程お願い致します。当方PCは素人に成ります。 ご面倒をおかけしますが宜しくお願い致します。
Mar 12, 2022 at 12:16 PM

python .dll error

i am encounteredwith the attached python.dll error, kindly let me know the solution.
i am using windows 7 , 64 bit.
Mar 12, 2022 at 06:47 AM

SurfShark VPN problem with DNS wire???? with BS and Surfshark .3.0

Hi,let say I like your software very much. Please show me how to end error message form BS "interupted DNS" from Surfshark
Mar 11, 2022 at 08:36 AM


какую сборку виндовс лучше поставить для частного лица?
Mar 09, 2022 at 05:58 PM


貴社のBoostSpeed12Proを使用していますが、pc電源ONからwindowsソフトが立ち上がる迄の時間表示の設定手順を        教えて下さい  ・・・宜しくお願い致します。。。
Mar 09, 2022 at 12:54 PM

Notification for "Safe to Reove"

safe to remove notification does not come on screen when usb devices are removed?
Mar 06, 2022 at 11:07 AM

laptop acer aspire 5735Z

after I ran bootspeed and tutorals 1-4 my laptop will not shutdown it starts to close then boots to sign in page only way i can shut down is to remove battery it han never done this before now hope you can help me with this problem
thx Sean
Mar 05, 2022 at 03:23 AM


what is the difference between Auslogics Disk Defrag Ultimate AND Auslogics Disk Defrag Pro???”

Jan 13, 2020 at 10:40 PM

Auslogics Pop ups

Why have you introduced pop ups that just send me round in circles?
Been using Auslogics suite of progs for 15+? years, really don't need it. SO ANNOYING

Feb 28, 2020 at 10:14 PM

keyboard mis function

since updates to win 10 my laptop no longer has functioning shift keys. i have checked sticky keys etc are all off. i have deleted driver for keyboard, restarted laptop to reinstall driver. i have been to laptop compies website and can find no driver updates for my model. acer 771555z.
any solutions.

Oct 02, 2020 at 01:17 PM

Do I need to defrag/optimize SSD

I have installed a new 1 TB SSD on my laptop. Your program initially set up to optimize and defrag it. I researched online, and no one recommends doing this as it will dimish the life of the SSD. Questions:

1. Do I need to enable this option?
2. Will using this program to clean up the registry do any damage or shorten life of the SSD?
3. I found online that it is not recommended to shred files on an SSD. If I have sensitve files that I deleted, on a SSD, is it permanently removed/unrecoverable by deletion or I should still use your shred operation?

In all of the above, I just want to make sure your program doesn't damage the life of the SSD. I also want to know if your features affect the SSD negatively or if it is needed at all. What is the positive impact of it on my SSD and operation?

Aug 09, 2020 at 10:51 PM

Перестал работать микрофон после использования программы

Здравствуйте, после использования программы перестал рабоать микрофон, приложения его не видят. В настройках микрофона он включен, но когда нажимаю прослушать с утройства, там тишина. браузер тоже его не видит, дискорд предлагает поменять устройтво, но толку от этого тоже нет. Драйвера уже удалял и ставил заново, проблемы не решило

Mar 27, 2020 at 09:03 AM

ATOK ジャストシステム契約管理エージェント「管理のサービス」が停止になってしまう

Jul 20, 2020 at 03:51 AM

driver updater

when i run driver updater i lose keyboard capability on my ms surface.
I had to undo the updates to regain use of my keyboard.

Feb 14, 2020 at 06:09 PM

Auslogics windows slimmer pro v.3


I am a bit interested in above mentioned softwares compact feature. When running it it says that it can compress W10 with 1.9gb, windows inbuilt feature says only 0.5gb when running it. So how can your program compress so much more, 1.4gb more, that is a lot. Very!

I hope i will get a really detailed, extensive answer to my question, now when i have taken the trouble to download and install "Boostspeed" to get an answer.

So, how can your software compress so much more then Windows inbuilt feature? Why the difference? What does it really do?

May 14, 2021 at 01:48 PM

copy and paste

Generally, copy and paste do not work with mouse druppin a meny. Now, I have to use tne keyboar,Control "c" to copy and control.'V' to paste. this has slowed my ompute use condiderably.
somtimes I can see a quick flas of the menu, but it disppears befoe any action can take place.
Any help to correct this would be appreciate. Thank You

Feb 28, 2020 at 05:26 PM

After uninstalling webroot, their core service is stuck in my pc, and I can't remove it

Hi, this is my last qustion, and the most importent one. I just installed webroot, but I found a better one, and their core service is stuck in my pc. I tried everything( safe mode, antivirus remove tool....) all didn't work. So please help!
May 10, 2021 at 11:57 PM

File transfer software

I thought you guys offered a file-transfer system a while ago. Or am I mistaken?
I want to send a 300 MB video to a colleague, but could not find any reference in the main menu to do so.

Dec 10, 2019 at 12:05 AM

Function Keys

how can I change my function key default action
Mar 23, 2024 at 02:31 PM

my internal speakers are not working anymore

Hi, After purchasing and downloading auslogics boostspeed, driver update, defragmenter and anti-malware, my windows 10 laptops interal speakers are no longer working or even being detected by my computer. I have no idea how to fix this to get them re-enabled. Please help!!

Feb 03, 2020 at 04:25 PM

Computer Freeze on Restart and Shutdown


Everytime I sleep my computer instead of shutting it down and then go back on later to use it and then shut it down it freezes while loading the shutdown. Same thing when I go to restart it. When I don't sleep it before shutting it down it shut's down/restarts without any issues.

Sometimes it says, "Windows has ran into an error, please wait while we send the error report :)". And at the bottom of this page it says please tell your computer expert (something like that) the following: Memory_Management Error 004. After the this page reaches 100% (for sending error report) it just freezes.

The only way I can shut down my computer when all of the above happens is holding the power button down.


Mar 29, 2021 at 02:21 AM

Bluetooth not working

Bluetooth isi not working. Please suggest remedial measures to resolve the issue.

Dec 14, 2019 at 03:30 AM

keyboard is working intermittently

I did some tweaks using Aulogics BoostSpeed 11. My keyboard is now working intermittently, but I'm not sure what tweak may have caused that. I will be typing and it will just stop recording my keystrokes for a few seconds, so I have to wait for a few seconds until the keyboard starts responding again. I have a new HP Envy laptop. Any suggestions? Thanks a lot.

p.s.: on the dropdown above for device, it gave me four options. I just selected what I think is the right one

Jun 06, 2020 at 05:19 PM

Microsoft Store の各ソフト 文字化け と Microsoft Store の各ソフト 起動出来ない

Windows10 のMicrosoft store では、文字化けが多いのため、ソフト起動出来ない。 

例、ペイント3D、フィートバック、ニュース、天気、マネー 他。


Apr 14, 2020 at 03:15 AM

Не работает микрофон

Добрый день.
После очистки и оптимизации компьютера с помощью Auslogics BoostSpeed перестал работать микрофон - и встроенный, и в любых наушниках. Система его видит, во всех настройках разрешено его использование, но на звук никак не реагирует.
На всякий случай прикладываю скрин менеджера программы - в заблокированных файлах есть куча файлов, связанных с драйвером звуковой карты Conexant, после исключения их из списка блокировки все равно не работает. Все это время звук в наушниках и без них есть.

Jan 28, 2020 at 06:29 AM


How can I minimize the picking up of malware by using your toolkit?

Apr 25, 2020 at 10:50 PM

Auslogics Blocked by User Account Control


Please can I ask for your help as I cannot access my Auslogiccs BoostSpeed 12 on my computer? I get a flagged message that User Control Account has blocked access.

Can I take this opportunity to wish you and your colleauges and families a great New Year.

Kind regards
Jan 21, 2022 at 03:50 PM