Outlook not closing correctly
Brand new machine hi end
When I close Outlook it does close OK
But when I reopen in morning I always get message it did not close correctly "Something stopped it form closing" Do I want to restore to previuos". I click yes and it opens
Any ideas. It was reinstalled
Unable to access start menu
I can access the internet but not the start menu.
Control-alt-delete takes me to a blank screen plus the battery will not charge.
How do I regain control of Windows?
new computer
High CPU Usage
Please suggest for any further option which can help out.
私の使用している機種は、デル製 Insupiron 5490 AIO、デバイス名 DELL2021、プロセッサ Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-10210U CPU @ 1.60GHz 2.11 GHz、実装RAM:8GB、Windous 10 Homeの21H です。
ライセンスコードは購入しています、コードを入力すると、畝に " GING ”のHPに入ります、なにかインプットが入りますか?
Auslogics BootSpeed 12 でアイコンからソフトに入ろうとすれうと、” このアプリは保護のためブロックされました ”と表示され入れません。
Bootspeed 13
kind regards chris moore
They are very annoying and they cover up my scan results after defrag is completed.
Note: I have also turned off all tray notifications in General Settings and I am still getting these pop ups. Please fix.
Thank you
System Service Exception
What failed: Dot 4 sys
any idea were can I find them
Local disk (c)>users>cocon>Pictures (folders are empty)
Disk Drill 4.1.551.0
Me estoy iniciando con su BOOSTSPEED y me parecen excelentes todas las soluciones que ofrece.
Gracias anticipadas y un saludo.
Carlos Martinez
Activate Pro Version
Thank you for any help
Майкрософт офис
Also, when do you plan to have the problem with Boost Speed Pro resolved what it asks me if I want to activate the Pro version when I already have it?
Also, your subcategory required field above is not appropriate.
Won't allow install
I hated too waste a question, I'm running version
When i try to update to newer version the screen blinks off and then back on.
I have tried the two arrows lower rignt corner only blinks and returns to same window i'm on.
When i go too tools and use the update button i geet the same result, flash on screen and back to same screen.
How to fix (delete) dead shortcuts?
After fixing of whole system {using default settings) I still see dead links to apps or files which have been moved or deleted while ago.
Ho to fix/delete dead shortcuts/links?
BoostSpeed 12 clobbers Voice Recognition.
I run the rescue undo, and it still does not allow voice recgnition to run. I have to reinstall windows to get it to work. I have excluded Microsofts Speech folder from appdata and protected several keys in the registry to try to prevent this. Nothing I do seems to resolve the situation.
Please help.
Thank you
Auslogics registry cleaner
Can certain categories be excluded when using registry cleaner?
REASON: after using registry cleaner I get an error message when I open MSMoney. I can correct this using Money setup, but registry cleaner does something to reverse my setup correction.
System: Windows 7 Home Premium
empty folder cleaner
Hi. When i go into empty folder cleaner it will find; i.e *582 empty folders, i press delete, and when its finished it says 520 empty folders found and deleted 258 of them. They go to the recycle bin, which i then empty, but when i do a re-search for empty folders they are all back again. It never actually clears the whole amounts found. *These are the actual readings of my last scan, but the numbers are very close to what they are with every scan. Can you help please? Clive
Система пишет , что принтер не подключен
Regular luz de la pantalla
Quiero saber porque con windows 10 no puedo regular la intensidad de luz de la pantalla. Quiero aumentar o disminuir su intensidad de brillo y no puedo.
administrator blocked auslogics
Kind Regards,
Michael Figueroa
PC Crashing/Freezing
In recent weeks, I have been experiencing intermittent crashing/freezing of my PC. This sometimes happens 1/3 times a day or I can go a few days without it occurring at all. It is not, actually, a BSOD - just a "straightforward' freeze or crash.
When accessing the Windows Event Log, the common denominator would appear to be identifed as follows:
Unable to open the Server service performance object. The first four bytes (DWORD) of the Data section contains the status code.
I would consider myself reasonably computer savvy, describing myself as a software 'Geek', in addition to having set-up remote computing facilities. However, this is difficult to readily identify and despite, browsing the Internet extensively, I find I cannot resolve or prevent this from crash from occurring.
The only 'fix' I have reviewed is accessing 'Windows Services' that requires the 'Server to be restarted' but as this is already running (having reset itself?) I cannot, actually, do anything:
Any advice, recommendations or support you an afford me would be very much appreciated.
I am grateful for your attention, time, effort and anticipated co-operation in assisting me to resolve this perplexing and frustrating issue.
Kind regards to you and your colleagues at Auslogics
Ian Willsher
Cannot get my computer to read SD cards
I've used your device driver updater and still cannot get my computer to recognize an SD disk.
I just upgraded from 10 home to 10 pro
p.s I added one screenshot i had of one of the many problems im encountering.
disk defrag integrated into boostspeed 11.5
I have both the boostspeed 11.5 and the defrag ultimate
It seems like the integrated defrag in boostspeed 11.5 is the old version not the new ultimate
What would be the advantage of getting the ultimate version if it is not integrated - what does the integrated version NOT do that the ultimate version does?
старая программа на дисе (с) 64 битная называется 7 максисальная
как я могу убрать лишние файлы и програмы остатки 64 битной системы,очистить диск (с)
selezione cartelle
Salve, vorrei sapere se nella versione registrata si ha la possibilità di selezionare le cartelle riguardo alla ricerca di duplicati o altro ?
cosa che invece non mi è stata possibile nella versione di prova del vostro "AUSLOGIC BOOTSSOEEDE11-
UTILIZZO windows 7
Grazie Massimo
Ноутбук не включается без подключения к сети переменного тока и выключается при её отключении
Ноутбук не включается без подключения к сети переменного тока и выключается при её отключении.
Обновил всевозможные драйвера, обновил биос(правда теперь появилась надпись при запуске "Checking media...").
Проверил состояние батареи через консоль(часть отчета прикрепил файлом) и там осташееся емкость 12 октября остановилось на одном значении, т.е. батарея не заряжается и не разряжается.
Что делать в данной ситуации, чтобы ноутбуком вновь можно было пользоваться автономно?
not fixed
Disable Edge Swipe in Win10 B2004 update
Thx much for your help on prior question!
Please tell me how to permanently, (as in no 'edge swipe restart' on system restart), disable Edge Swipe.
F&*!#ing MSFT does it again; Win10 uppdate 2004 kills cortana local/system search ability, which disappears even finding any settings re Edge Swipe.
Please tell me how to kill kill kill kill forever Win10 Edge Swipe.
Thx very much, Folks!
Scotty :-)
Не работает Скайп и Outlook после установки новой версии
Если раньше после установки новой версии переставал работать скайп, то сейчас и Outlook перестал работать....
Скайп не делает звонки
А Outlook не грузится вообще....
А вроде бы раньше неплохая программа была....