Profile photo for dlack15
Asked Feb 12, 2025 at 01:47 PM

Slower Internet Speeds

Hello, I have verizon gigabit internet. Since February I built a pc and was enjoying 700 mbps speeds using ethernet connection to my Nighthawk XR500. For the last couple months, I have been experience under 50 mbps speed and cannot figure out why. I have tried updating drivers and software and firmware but nothing has worked. I purchased boostspeed and optimized but has not worked. Any help would be appreciated. I get speeds of around 500 to 600 on my phone.
1 answer
Profile photo for Vera Smith
Added an answer Dec 24, 2020 at 03:58 PM

Dear dlack15,

Thank you for posting your question on our forum.

Please take a look at the articles below where we’ve collected all useful tips on how to resolve your issue:



If you have any other questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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