
it's not any app selected in subcategory, it's this app.

I got a chance to spin this wheel that said i would get a certain percentage off and it landed on the 100%, so i'm wondering if that means if i get it for free. And if it does mean i get it for free, i didn't recieve anything.
Feb 25, 2023 at 07:32 PM

icon in system tray

auslogics tray icon has an x through it. why?
Oct 17, 2022 at 05:02 AM


I am 76 and live in a nursing home in NY. I have a Dell Inspiron 5570. I have my own room and use Windows 10. A predatory fire wall was installed by someone not me a few months ago. I hate it and want it unistalled. It question links I try to open in my email.
I use wi fi provided by the nursing home. I have Searched the internet and it say to uninstall it thru the programs file. It's not there.
There is a more omplicated way but I am not that literate to use it. It was likely installed by the nursing home to prevent employees from watching porn on company equiptment. But residents have their own line and work is seperate.
Oct 01, 2022 at 06:44 PM


it is not possible to activate this application with this key

Content hidden to protect privacy

Jan 23, 2022 at 07:49 PM
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