task manager
To TRIM or to Defrag? Or Both!!??
Simon F
отказ работы мыши и клавиатуры при установке системы
Computer won't charge?
Disk Partitioning Error
Defrag or No?
Cool software and company. Thanks for your time.
Someone mentioned I should use this, but also said, in accordance with info online, that "defragging" an onboard SSD will cause issues. I'm directly confused by this and would appreciate some guidance on what is correct here.
Thanks again.
C922 Pro stream webcam
Any idea ??
Audio artifact
Periodic loss of sound for 1 second in the processor power supply mode "balanced," "high performance." In the "energy saving" mode, this is not! Is it possible to solve this problem? The drivers are fresh, so is Windows.
Respect, Yuri.
Постоянная загруженность диска на 100%
Добрый день!
Диск постоянно работает на 100% в диспетчере задач, что замедляет работу системы
В чем может быть проблема?
Перестали работать порты
Трещит в простое
HDD WD Purple 6 TB, во время работы видет себя тихо, даже если на него что-то скидываю или с него воспроивожу (ну или вообще, хоть что-то делается на компе, абсолютно все что угодно = треска нет)
Если комп стоит несколько минут без дела, то HDD начинает трещать
Стоит мне хотя бы мышку сдвинуть, треск исчезает
Как это устронить?
eliminazione di windows obsolete
Software Problems with Printer
Hi! Everytime that I run Auslogics, that scans my computer for errors, cleans websites, etc.), my printer stops connecting properly with my computer. It appears that it affects the drivers. I have to clean out the printer, reinstall, etc., that takes a great deal of time. Your program speeds up my computer, which is great. But this repeated problem with my printer is a serious issue. Is there anything that I can do to stop this problem. You might need more information to solve the issue. I am happy to provide it.
eliminazione di windows obsolete
playing videos
The error message says:
(Playback ID: vnJN0H3RgwlSS4V0)
Good Day
Hard disk spindown
How do you enable hard disk spindown after it has been turned off using the maintain tool? I've searched but cannot find the option. Thank you.
Caps lock key not working or lighting up aslo volume keys are a bit touch and go as to if they going to work.
Проблемы со звуком
Звук в Windows 10 хрипит и заикается как исправить все стандартные средства не помогают
PC Won't start up
computer very slow
It has Windows 10 HOME, 1995Mhz CPU, 4GB RAM, 700GB HDD.
I have installed the Auslogics programs and used the scans a few times.
WHat is the most effective thing Ican do to speed up this computer ?
( not including replacing it! )
System Information Report
ID: 05
Name: Reallocated sector count
Value: 134
Worst: 134
Threshold: 140
Raw Data: 522
Status: Prefail
What does this mean and how do I fix it?
I cannot hear anything on videos etc
There must be something I am missing...please help.