390 questions
boostspeed tray icon
What is the little red dot that appears on your tray icon? When it appears, what does it mean? How do you get rid of the red dot?
Also, my subscription is expiring sson. I will renew if you can give me a discount/promo code. Thank you in advance. Scott
Also, my subscription is expiring sson. I will renew if you can give me a discount/promo code. Thank you in advance. Scott
DSN resolution failing
I have an older PC and thus tought it would be good to get Auslogics Bootspeed 13
I did a scan and followed the recomendations
however I now regularily get the issue that the internet connection to my DNS server is gone
he tells me that the addr. cannot be resolved (see also screen shot in doc)
it seems to go away after a while, without me taking action? - but when it happens it hinders a lot.
could you please tell me that this can ideed be due to cleaning caches, optimizing settings though Bootspeed?
where to fix/repair?
not sure it is the Auslogic cleaning - but it started at the same time
I am using Proximus as provider in Belgium and have the Norton 360 suite installed
running windows 10 (PC seems a bit old to run W11, but it did the trick quite well - till recently :-( )
issue happens on WIFI and Cabled connection
I did a scan and followed the recomendations
however I now regularily get the issue that the internet connection to my DNS server is gone
he tells me that the addr. cannot be resolved (see also screen shot in doc)
it seems to go away after a while, without me taking action? - but when it happens it hinders a lot.
could you please tell me that this can ideed be due to cleaning caches, optimizing settings though Bootspeed?
where to fix/repair?
not sure it is the Auslogic cleaning - but it started at the same time
I am using Proximus as provider in Belgium and have the Norton 360 suite installed
running windows 10 (PC seems a bit old to run W11, but it did the trick quite well - till recently :-( )
issue happens on WIFI and Cabled connection
Не работает веб-камера
После последней настройки, с помощью вашей программы у меня перестала работать веб-камера и микрофон в программе Zoom. Микрофон удалось включить путем рекомендации от Zoom разрешения доступа приложениям к микрофону. Но решения с включением веб-камеры нету. Как решить проблему?
installation logiciel
Bonjour, je n'arrive pas à installer un Logiciel , j'ai une erreur 1720 de windows installer
Saved on PC Email
A long time ago I had AOL (not Gold) & I couldn't transfer the Saved on PC mail to Gold. My Question is: Can your File Recovery Software recover that mail from my hard drive?
I am using an SSD and read that you should not defrag them.
Is it ok to use your program to do this, is says 9.9 % fragmented?
Is it ok to use your program to do this, is says 9.9 % fragmented?
How to avoid file delete problems in Lightroom Classic
Lightroom creates catalog images and movg es file around as you manage the catalog and/or import files from various devices or drives. How can I avoid LR catalog issues when using Aslogics software?
Fading icon
Hello and thank you for your hardwork
when I open Microsoft store and the apps i download from it, they open and work fine but their icon in taskbar is fading away.
I repair and reset the Microsoft store but it didnt work.
when I open Microsoft store and the apps i download from it, they open and work fine but their icon in taskbar is fading away.
I repair and reset the Microsoft store but it didnt work.
stringa di ricerca
Buongiorno, ho eseguito una ricerca per stirnga e non ho ottenuto risultati, ho eseguito la stessa ricerca con regedit e sono uscite diverse voci di registro, come mai?
Cosa devo fare per ottenere questi risultati con la vostra app e per cancellarli senza cercarli e selezionarli uno ad uno con regedit?
Cosa devo fare per ottenere questi risultati con la vostra app e per cancellarli senza cercarli e selezionarli uno ad uno con regedit?
Driver Updater on Win 11 platform
My laptop uses Win11 OS. I get notices that several drivers need update. I start Driver Updater. Shortly later I am notified Driver Updater cannot connect to sever. This only happens on Win 11,
James Denneny
James Denneny
Delete/clean norton
Why won't Auslogics BoostSpeed clean norton during a scan. We really like your product but don't want lingering files from Norton when it's not being used.
John Smith
John Smith
¿Siempre es mejor actualizar todo el software (windows, sistema operativo, apps, drivers, etc.) a la versión más reciente que se vaya publicando? o cuando todo está funcionando en forma correcta ¿es mejor detener las actualizaciones para dejar todo como está y que se mantenga todo funcionando en forma adecuada?
Any idea as to why this is happening? I have registered the program in the WIN firewall, but no success. All other Auslogics software is working without a hitch.
Thanks for your help!
Thanks for your help!
heute kein Zugang zum Abruf der Treiber-Daten
Gibt es ein technisches Problem beim Zugang zum Datenserver?
Bonjour !!
J'ai installé CCLEANER mais crains qu'il détruise des fichiers considérés comme étant des virus mais qui n'en sont pas comme par exemple "setup.exe". Windows Defender a complètement détruits des fichiers qui n'étaient en aucun cas des virus. Je n'ai pas réussi à les récupérer.
Dois-je craindre la même chose avec CCLEANER ?
Je vous remercie d'avance pour la réponse que vous voudrez bien me donner ...
J'ai installé CCLEANER mais crains qu'il détruise des fichiers considérés comme étant des virus mais qui n'en sont pas comme par exemple "setup.exe". Windows Defender a complètement détruits des fichiers qui n'étaient en aucun cas des virus. Je n'ai pas réussi à les récupérer.
Dois-je craindre la même chose avec CCLEANER ?
Je vous remercie d'avance pour la réponse que vous voudrez bien me donner ...
Hey huge fan and long time user of the free edition and was wondering can i get a week trial please as im thinking of buying ? My PC is still running crappy
Thanks in Advance
Thanks in Advance
Leider kann ich keine Software mit dem Programm mehr aktuallisieren es kommt immer dieselbe Fehlermeldung:
failed download failure
was verhindert die Aktuallisierung bei dem Programm.
Als Virus Programm nutze ich Kaspersky
Als Betriebssystem nutze ich Windows 10 Pro
mfg Klaus Schwabe
Leider kann ich keine Software mit dem Programm mehr aktuallisieren es kommt immer dieselbe Fehlermeldung:
failed download failure
was verhindert die Aktuallisierung bei dem Programm.
Als Virus Programm nutze ich Kaspersky
Als Betriebssystem nutze ich Windows 10 Pro
mfg Klaus Schwabe
SurfShark VPN problem with DNS wire???? with BS and Surfshark .3.0
Hi,let say I like your software very much. Please show me how to end error message form BS "interupted DNS" from Surfshark
Auslogics BoostSpeed software itself
I have BoostSpeed perform Dashboard, Disk Defrag, Protect. Internet Optimizer and other checks by schedule. All is good.
However, directory "c:\ProgramData\Auslogics\BoostSpeed\12.x\Reports" becomes cluttered with .html, .xml and other reports produced by these various check tools.
How can I set BoostSpeed to automatically clean up after itself by deleting ancient reports over some arbitrary age? There's about a Gig of files in this directory on this machine and some 3Gb on another.
However, directory "c:\ProgramData\Auslogics\BoostSpeed\12.x\Reports" becomes cluttered with .html, .xml and other reports produced by these various check tools.
How can I set BoostSpeed to automatically clean up after itself by deleting ancient reports over some arbitrary age? There's about a Gig of files in this directory on this machine and some 3Gb on another.
Auslogics Boostspeed 12 problem
When I try to use the Boostspeed 12 "Maintain" tab and do a SCAN, I get a message popping up stating that it is "checking fragmentation on my F: Drive.
It should be checking fragmentation on my C: Drive. I do not want it to do anything with my F: Drive.
How do I get the SCAN to switch drives?
It should be checking fragmentation on my C: Drive. I do not want it to do anything with my F: Drive.
How do I get the SCAN to switch drives?
Location is turned off and GREYED OUT.
Everytime I install BoostSpeed 12, in Windows the Location services on Windows 11/10 are greyed out automatically in the Operating System due to the presence of this third-party software. Due to this glitch, I am not able to toggle the Location services on and off and also cannot change any settings related to it. I have tried every hack and registry fix that Microsoft tells me to do and still nothing...location is GREYED OUT
Auslogics Boostspeed 12
My computer is a 64 bit machine which can run 32 bit programs. My computer is running Boostspeed 12 using 32 bit versions of all its programs instead of the 64 bit version. Is this the reason why my computer is taking over an hour to startup in the morning with the disk using 93% to the usual 100% all the time? Or, is the problem due to too much disk thrashing since it appears that all the startup programs start up immediately instead of being staggered per the scheduler? This problem started when I had to uninstall Boostspeed 12 and reinstall it per the Auslogics support person.
ошибка какая-то
Переодически выдает ошибку, я так понимаю это связанно с каким-то файлом отвечающим за обновление Майкрософт Офиса. Появляется не так, чтобы часто. Может 1 раз при перезапуске компьютера. Как это можно было бы убрать? Переустановить офис, наверное...
Майкрософт офис
После использования Auslogics перестали открываться файлы ексель хотя вордоские файлы продолжают открываться.
Wenn ich nach einem Systemscan durch Auslogics den Button für die möglichen Reparaturen drücke, erscheint die Aufforderung, bestimmte Apps erst abschalten zu lassen. Dafür wird fünfmal msedge.exe aufgezählt. Drücke ich den Button, der diese Anwendung(en) schließen soll, folgt die Mitteilung, das sei nicht möglich, ich solle es manuell machen. Alternativ kann ich anklicken, die Sache zu ignorieren.
Frage 1: Wenn ich es ignorieren kann (und gleich fünf mal), wofür ist es wichtig?
Frage 2: Wie schaltet man msedge.exe manuell ab?
Frage 1: Wenn ich es ignorieren kann (und gleich fünf mal), wofür ist es wichtig?
Frage 2: Wie schaltet man msedge.exe manuell ab?
About Auslogics BoostSpeed 12
Auslogics BoostSpeed 12 The software is blocked by the administrator. ソフトが管理者によってブロックされています。
Please unblock ブロック解除をお願いします
Content hidden to protect privacy
window defender
my window defender Virus & threat protection is taken over by kypersky internet security. Can you get back my window defender if i buy pro.
проблема с регистрацией
Купил лицензию на ABSpeed 26-го июля 2021 года. Действительна ещё 181 день.
До недавнего времени проблем не возникало. Последние несколько дней слетает активация, каждый раз при открытии программы предлагает активировать ПРО версию, после ввода ключа выскакивает окно, говорящее, что программа активировани, версия ПРО, но в самой программе никаких изменений нет, кнопка "Активировать ПРО" не исчезает, и в "помощи" ропять то же самое. Что делать, как решить проблему?
До недавнего времени проблем не возникало. Последние несколько дней слетает активация, каждый раз при открытии программы предлагает активировать ПРО версию, после ввода ключа выскакивает окно, говорящее, что программа активировани, версия ПРО, но в самой программе никаких изменений нет, кнопка "Активировать ПРО" не исчезает, и в "помощи" ропять то же самое. Что делать, как решить проблему?
question about WIN10 servises
how can I stop the unnecessary servises in windows10? without harming to my divice or OS.
Pro version ?
Noticed my Boostspeed progaram has the activate pro version on the bottom of the screen when i have already registered it.
Plus the last time i used driver updater it updated my pc then restarted it and it would not boot up no matter what i tried, I then had to reinstall windows with a backup. not used driver updater since.
Thank You.
Plus the last time i used driver updater it updated my pc then restarted it and it would not boot up no matter what i tried, I then had to reinstall windows with a backup. not used driver updater since.
Thank You.
Could not activated my license
I have bought the pro license at July 2021 and used this software until mid of january. Suddenly the software ask me again for license code, and after I input my code, the software still on free version mode and not changed to PRO version. Please assist me regarding this problem
Activate Pro Version
Pro Version cannot be activate on Windows 11 insider preview Build 22543.rs_prerelease.220122-2315.