251 questions


I signed up and paid my money, got my License Key. Downloaded version 10 and now it acts like I can't use it for SSD's and wants me to buy the "exact same thing again". WTH is going on???

Order #

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May 06, 2021 at 04:39 PM

Bit Replica

Found area to at least attach info from last two sent to Tech Support.
Screenshot is only partial list of ewrrors. I like BS 11-12, but this product should go in the trash.
What the hell is the subcategory for when you cant put anything in related to the BitEReplica software issue.
You should hire someone that understands people, not zeros and ones.

May 05, 2021 at 04:59 AM

Disk Defrag

Why does Auslogics Boostspeed 12 recommend doing an SSD defrag when all the experts say that an SSD drive should not be optimized because it decreases it's life span?

Apr 23, 2021 at 12:39 PM

Браузер Opera

После сканирования удаляет все пароли как отключить

Apr 19, 2021 at 05:41 AM

Оптимизация и дефрагментация

В чем коротко отличие оптимизации от дефрагментации HDD ?

Apr 17, 2021 at 05:57 PM

Compare configuration changes in boostspeed

I have your software in three computers as the license allows, but I can't find how to compare configuration between them, specially in the custom scan and clean for boostspeed. For example in one computer my login screen still shows the photo microsoft chooses, but on the other it doesn't. Maybe you have that in a config or xml file. It may be good to be able to compare.


Apr 16, 2021 at 07:48 PM

Running a scan

When I run a scan to clear disk space it always gets stuck at the same point for 30 - 45 minutes.

Unused application files

C\windows\software distribution\datastore\logs\edbtmp.log

Could you help me resolve pleaase.

Apr 14, 2021 at 08:05 AM

Installing Auslogics boost speed

Can Auslogics BoostSteed be installed on a second computer?

Apr 08, 2021 at 01:17 AM

activacion Pro

Por favor quiero actualizar mi version a Pro

Apr 03, 2021 at 10:27 AM

If the internet is cut off around the world

how offline activation future / BOOSTSPEED 12 PRO / key /

Content hidden to protect privacy
/ If the internet is cut off around the world

Mar 27, 2021 at 09:53 PM

Глубокая очистка файлов

Здравствуйте! После выполнения глубокой очистки файлов перестало работать стандартное приложение Windows "Кино и ТВ". Исчез exe-файл - 0 байт. Прошу учесть при подготовке обновления BoostSpeed 12, а также подсказать - как востановить приложение "Кино и ТВ"?
С уважением,
Виктор Оплеснин

Mar 23, 2021 at 07:21 AM

Must re-enter product code in Fences after weekly scheduled maintenance


Boostspeed runs every Sunday morning as part of scheduled maintenance I set-up. After it runs, I am prompted to re-enter my product key for Fences. I do this and Fences works fine. This is a nuicance though as I should not need to do this - the Fences registration is valid. Given the timing is consistent, I am assuming Boostpeed is causing this issue.

Several weeks ago, I did exempt my Anti-Virus software from scanning the Fences folder which contains the registration certificate. However, the prompts continue.

If Boostspeed is indeed causing this issue, is there a way to have it avoid removing/maninpulating the registration of this software so I don't have to re-enter the product code weekly?

Attached is the dialogue box that appears requesting to re-enter the product key.

Rich Sullivan

Mar 22, 2021 at 08:41 PM



Lorsque j'effectues une défragmentation de mon ssd avec l'option pour sdd, ils reste des carrées en rouge.
J'ai sélectionné dans les options 'tous les fichiers'.

Egalement l'indicateur ne se met pas a 0%

Denis Schmitt

Mar 21, 2021 at 05:42 PM


Привет! У меня вопрос по программе Ausjogics BoostSpeed. Дело в том, что при каждом новом запуске загружается рекламное окно с предложением дополнить вашими прграммными продуктами мою систему. Это окно сжирает много ресурсов системы, что приводит к зависанию и потере времени, значительной потере. Как можно отключить данное окно? Ведь то , что меня интересовало, я уже приобрёл. Не хотелось бы получать разочарование от вашей продукции.
С уважением, Алексей.

Mar 21, 2021 at 11:50 AM


Boostspeed 12 startet immer wenn Windows 7 geöffnet wird.
Wie kann man das verhindern?

Mar 20, 2021 at 05:43 PM

Defragmenter related question

There was no option for auslogics defragment so i chose a wrong category.My question is about defragment.Does defragmenting the hard disk HDD daily damage the hard disk or corrupt it ?

Mar 20, 2021 at 05:50 AM

Ошибка при рагистрации

По чему произошла ошибка при регистрации

Mar 14, 2021 at 10:18 AM

Remote Desktop Service

Where can I disable inside BoostSpeed 12 to not disable the Remote Desktop Service? Each time I reboot my PC I loose the ability to remote to my PC at the office because the service is disabled.

Mar 09, 2021 at 07:04 PM

BootSpeed 12 installation software

I just bought an additional laptop can I use my paid subscription and install it in my computer

Mar 02, 2021 at 09:47 AM

Where is my software

I have used your software for years now.
I purchased new copies of Boostpeed and DriverUpdater
I don't have driverupdater on my computer just the web version
The webversion caused my windows not to reboot
I've had to re install everything
I would like to run driver updater but do not trust it without some sort of supervision
Can't go through this again
Registering all my purchases over again
Some still aren't working
Thank you
Thomas Horricks

Feb 28, 2021 at 11:16 PM

Compare configuration changes in boostspeed

I have your software in three computers as the license allows, but I can't find how to compare configuration between them, specially in the custom scan and clean for boostspeed. For example in one computer my login screen still shows the photo microsoft chooses, but on the other it doesn't. Maybe you have that in a config or xml file. It may be good to be able to compare.


Apr 16, 2021 at 07:48 PM

Disk Defrag


what are the differences between Disk Defrag Pro and Disk Defrag Ultimate ?

If I installed Disk Defrag Ultimate, can I uninstall Disk Defrag


Dec 12, 2020 at 09:44 AM


How to do offline defrag of system files

Dec 12, 2019 at 06:23 AM


While running the BoostSpeed full system scan, it was taking forever, (around 50 minutes to get to 25% of scanning files). I checked the details and found that it was working its way through the default_error_stack files (several hundred thousand of them) in the windows\system32 folder. because of this I stopped the scan and now need to know how to get rid of these files or get BoostSped to bypass them

Jul 24, 2019 at 07:34 AM

Richiesta di un consiglio

desideravo un Vs. consiglio:
sono già in possesso di Auslogics Disk Defrag 9.

Per migliorare in generale le prestazioni del mio computer sono indeciso se acquistare:
A) Driver Updater
B) BoostSpeed 11

domanda: BoostSpeed 11 include già anche Driver Updater ?

... non vorrei acquistare programmi uguali ...

Cosa mi consigliate di acquistare? Driver Updater oppure BoostSpeed 11 ?

Grazie e un cordiale saluto.

Feb 11, 2020 at 10:46 AM

Auslogics Configuration of Windows old version

I remember that I had an option in previous versions that allowed me to change things in Windows like Legal Rights, or Comments page before login to Windows or right after it.
However, I cant find what is that option in the current version. Could you please help me out?
I prepare storyboards for training and I would like to have a page with some personal information.
Thanks in advance.

Fernando Salmeron

Feb 11, 2020 at 05:48 PM

О пояснениях к информации в Startup Manager

Здравствуйте! Программа Startup Manager выдала информацию, которую я Вам направляю в прилагаемом скриншоте. Вопрос по программе Orphaned SecurityHealth из раздела Реестр/запустить.
По имеющейся информации, производитель программы - неизвестен, рейтинг - неизвестен, существует - нет. Смотрел в интернете, нашел только описание о SecurityHealth, для которой все указанные выше характеристики указаны. Что это за программа у меня в операционной системе? Нужна ли она?

Oct 13, 2021 at 08:44 AM

Error in install new version

Error in install new version

Feb 10, 2020 at 04:55 AM

Зависание прогаммы

Почему Auslogics BoostSpeed 11- 32 бита, когда будет для 64 битных windows 10?
Постоянно при запуске зависает намертво.

Jul 17, 2020 at 05:56 PM

Remote Desktop Service is disable by some process

My IT department believes some way the Auslogics BoostSpeed 11 software is disableing the Remote Desktop Service. I work from home offten and I need to connect to this PC to develop and technical support of our users. How can I find if your application is changing the service to disabled?

Nov 01, 2019 at 05:02 PM

Regarding RAM Optimization

Hi, This's Mainak. Today I Activated Your License. Can You Help Me Out How To Enable "RAM Optimization".

Would Like To Have Reply On This.


Aug 19, 2021 at 05:33 PM

Здравствуйте, программа Auslogics не запускается вместе с включением компьютера, как исправить?

Здравствуйте, программа Auslogics не запускается вместе с включением компьютера, как исправить?

Apr 29, 2020 at 01:50 AM

Registry Cleaner ==> Auslogic versus CCleaner

Hello from Italy,
before I founf Auslogic I used Ccleaner a lot to keep my PC in shape. Right now I still observe a diffrence between Ccleaner and Auslogic Registry Cleaner when it come to the type and number of issues the two programs do find in the Windows Registry.

Did you ever check this out and do you understand the reason why this is the case. To a lay person the Registry can or be wrong or right configured ... or is this the part where programming has it's gray zone ?

Cheers, Michael

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Nov 07, 2019 at 04:06 AM

Problema con Auslogics Driver Updater

Buenos dias, tengo un problema con la aplicacion Auslogics Driver Update, ya solicite anteriormente me solucionen este problema, inclusive me solicitaron que reinstale el aplicativo, pero no se soluiciona este proble, por favor tengo que actualizar algunos drivers, pero se queda la PC congelada cuando va hacr la actualizacion de dichos driver, para constancia les envio fotos del problema.

Feb 16, 2021 at 03:07 PM

Auslogics Disk Defrag & Optimize

I purchased Disk Defrag, and later purchased Boostspeed. Under Boostspeed Disk Defrag I have always been able to Defrag & Optimize. I always run Defrag first (after disk cleanup), then I run Defrag & Optimize. I run these every Monday morning. I use about 19% of my 1T hard disk space. The only other programs are the automatically scheduled startup programs with staggered start delays up to 2 hours, so they should not significantly affect Defrag & Optimize.

Until 2 months ago, the longest Defrag & Optimze ran in 45 minutes or less. The maximum optimized files was about 45,000. When the Microsoft Windows update for June was implemented, the Defrag & Optimize ran over 3 hours. 2 days ago Defrag & Optimize ran for 5 hours 26 minutes with about 64,000 files optimized. The previous Defrag & Optimize was 6 days earlier.

I am a retired college educated computer professional (with all titles from programmer through analyst and manager) with over 40 years of experience. I have defragged computers for well over 25 years.

My question is "why is the Defrag & Optimize running so long and what can I do to speed it up?".


Jul 21, 2021 at 07:07 PM

Driver update


Subcategory is not correct (cannot select something else), please ignore.

I get a message from the driver updater that a driver is not up to date.
It is about PnP-Monitor Lock
It says:
Outdated driver of 21/01/2019 Remote Utilities LLC
New driver 1.0 15/06/2015 BenQ Inc.

How is it that a newer driver is outdated?
Should I install the older driver?

Aug 04, 2021 at 02:06 PM

Disk Defrag

Why does Auslogics Boostspeed 12 recommend doing an SSD defrag when all the experts say that an SSD drive should not be optimized because it decreases it's life span?

Apr 23, 2021 at 12:39 PM

MSCONFIG settings

I am curious , do you have settings needed for faster start ups of the msconfig settings ? For it will make start ups even faster in windows 10 or more than likly even in windows 7 & 8 as well.

Mar 10, 2020 at 05:02 PM

Сброс настроек входа в систему Windows

Добрый день!
Каждый раз при использовании сканирования системы утилититой, после перезагрузки сбрасываются пароли для входа в Windows. Настройки сканирования ни к чему не приводят. Спасибо.

Aug 09, 2021 at 03:41 PM

cleaning done or not done?

Each time when I do a manual clean of: one click scanner, reg cleaner, duplicate file finder, deep disk cleaner, the page displays the following message.
This has not been cleaned since (date), Also, immediately after the internet optimiser has been run and optimised and rebooted it requires another scan to optimise straight after the reboot.
I looks as if the program does all the tasks required but does not record it as being done.
Your comments appreciated

Sep 06, 2020 at 05:37 AM